- [DONE] installing and deploying hubot
- [DONE] deploying hubot on heroku
- [DONE] deploying hubot on linux/osx
- [DONE] hubot adapters
- [DONE] configuring hubot adapters on heroku
- [DONE] configuring hubot adapters on linux/osx
- [DONE] introduction to hubot scripts
- [DONE] what are hubot scripts
- [DONE] how are hubot scripts loaded
- [DONE] picking hubot scripts
- [DONE] updating hubot scripts
- [TODO] writing your first hubot script
- [TODO] hello world
- [TODO] making http requests in hubot
- [TODO] using the brain
- [TODO] using the http listener
- [TODO] hello world
- [TODO] handling incoming requests
- [TODO] sending messages to a specific room
- [TODO] contributing your scripts
- [TODO] signing up to github
- [TODO] forking the project on github
- [TODO] adding your script to the project
- [TODO] sending a pull request for your script
- [TODO] real world hubot
- [TODO] company a
- [TODO] company b
- [TODO] company c
- [TODO] ...
- [TODO] hubot internals
- [TODO] ...
- [TODO] ...
- [TODO] ...