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Juji Documentation

This is the source for Juji's documentation Web site The site is built with mkdocs using the Material theme.

We welcome pull requests for this repository. Follow instructions below.

Get the code

First fork this repository:, so you have your own at

Then checkout to your own branch.

git clone
git pull
git checkout -b <yourbranchname>

Then edit the files under docs directory.

Use the following commands to commit your changes and push to your own branch on github.

git add docs/
git commit -m "your commit message"
git push --set-upstream origin <yourbranchname>

Then go to Github to create a new pull request for, so that we can review your changes. Please summarize briefly what you have changed. After your changes are approved and merged. It will go live automatically. Thank you for your contribution!

Local setup

To build the site, make sure you have python on your system. It is safer to use the same version of python as we do. There are multiple ways to ensure this. Below we show how you can set up with pyenv or conda.


One option is to install pyenv, and install the right version of python using it. Please follow its instruction to set it up. It is important to add pyenv init to your shell. Otherwise you may not be using the right version of python.

brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.9
pyenv global 3.9

Test that you have the right version of python python --version.

Now install needed extensions:

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material==<version>

Get mkdocs-material version from theme/base.html by searching for "mkdocs-material" in the file.


Conda is another popular option for install virtual python env. Follow conda installation on mac.

conda create -n juji-doc python=3.9
conda activate juji-doc
conda install -c conda-forge mkdocs
conda install -c conda-forge mkdocs-material=<version>

Get mkdocs-material version from theme/base.html by searching for "mkdocs-material" in the file.

Assets and Links

Make sure the assets filenames and internal links use relative paths, because the site is deployed as a sub-directory of our main site.

For example, use ../img/something.png instead of /img/something.png, use ../juji-studio/design instead of /design.


After you edit the documents, you can test the site by starting a dev-server:

cd docs
mkdocs serve -a

And point browser to http://localhost:8000

The dev-server also supports auto-reloading, and will rebuild your documentation whenever anything in the configuration file, documentation directory, or theme directory changes.

Upgrade software

pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material pymdown-extensions --upgrade

We may need to reconcile our customization in theme/base.html with the installed one, e.g. at ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/material/base.html.

Also need to change the names of the following assets files in base.html to be the same as the ones in ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/material/assets/:

  • javascripts/worker/search.*.min.js
  • stylesheets/main.*.min.css
  • stylesheets/palette.*.min.css