October 17, 2018, 9am-10:30am
- Welcome
- Open First Day Follow Up a. Overview of day b. Lessons learned c. Outcomes from Unconference d. Outcomes from policy jam
- Upcoming events
- Update and discussion: Tools Working Group
- Update and discussion: Rules Working Group
- Update and discussion: People Working Group
- Roundtable
- Close/discussion forward agenda
- Ashley Casovan, TBS
- Guillaume Charest, TBS
- Melanie Robert, TBS
- Dave Buchanan, Breqwatr
- Harsh Sabikhi, Github
- Caster Parham, Github
- Richard Seguin, Redhat
- Sebastien Lemay, TBS
- Paul Jackson, TBS
- Marc Pageau, Oproma
- Will Stevens, Cloud Ops
- Robin Galipeau, Open Plus
- Gabrielle Cossette, SSC
- Mathieu Fortin, SSC
- Michael Cardy, Redhat
- The Whitepaper still needs improvement
- It is still live and open for comments, provide advice on best practices
- Policies repositories have started
- Open standards
- Best practices by ESDC
- Next steps: Rules
- Feedback from survey
- Logistics
- Volunteer based
- Date and location had mixed reviews
- Content
- The three working groups were well represented in this day
- We are in the process of putting the presentations online
- Streaming: the recordings are available online and will be a apart of the digital academy
- The unconference stream was a success
- Notes from this stream are available online
- Logistics
Feedback from the Open Source Advisory Board
- Will we have another event like this in 6-12 months?
- Instead of having another big event, having smaller and more reoccurring events across Canada that focus on specific topics
- Before doing another one, decide why we need to have one, who needs to be there and dependencies on other activities
- Open Government summit
- Hosting in May
- Melanie Robert will do a presentation at the next OSAB
- Open Source Academic papers
- Open standards but also open culture
- For the next event, have real time transcription
- Have more communication and blog posts after the event
- Do more follow-ups about the day/highlights and share links
- The tools working group can be responsible for this
- Video stream
- Cut down the 7 hour presentation to little sound bites.
- The Canadian School of Public Service will translate, transcribe and make it accessible. • Create a list of things that we need help with
- Video editing
- Open licence
- Policy: Complete list of open source projects
- Open resource exchange: Inventory on GC Open Source Projects
- GC awesome
- This will be discussed in the people working group
- We need to make stories about the work we're doing
- Open Government Summit
- There will be a presentation on this at the next OSAB
- Think about what is in it for you/how you can participate, we would like your feedback on this
- Canadian Open Data Summit
- DrupalCamp Ottawa
- Data strategy roadmap
- Approved by the clerk
- DrupalCon Seattle
- Apex Summit
- FWD50
- D9
- Purpose of this conference is to share best practices on digital work
- Present use cases
- Guillaume and others: find Greenfield opportunities/historical legacy projects/ 1 pager case study for the tools working group
- Reference architecture and solution
- Initiate small procurement process
- Follow-up with Open First Day
- Statistics Canada is re-firing up Drupal Network
- Tools working group to look at the top 5 use cases to look at GIS data
- Send action items to Stacey at [email protected]
- Circulate roadmap for this group
- Would like feedback from the board on it. I.e. is it out of scope? Are we missing something? Are the timelines realistic? Are we prioritizing correctly?
- Provide your feedback on it in 2 weeks
- At the next board meeting we would like to give an update on it
- Make sure that documentation is consistent
- Redhat: Open Decision Framework is available on Github
- There will be a presentation on it at the next OSAB
- Open Data barometer
- Canada is ranked number one with the UK
- Canadians are the 6th most popular contributors to open source projects on Github
- Ashley’s panel South by Southwest got approved
- ESDC- has a working group on Open Source with a work plan, artifacts, weekly meetings, if anyone is interested can join
- Help is needed to scale open Canada portal
- We are working on a municipal Open Resource Exchange