You can view the starter at this link:
A gatsby multilanguage template with bulma and i18n. This project is under heavy development, consider that frequent changes can break compatibility.
If you want to try it, you can run this command:
gatsby new
Then you need to run the yarn installer to install all the packages and dependencies:
yarn install
As yarn has finished to install all the packages then you can run:
gatsby develop
A simple website with multilanguage support, blogging, bulma css, i18n, netlify-cms and much more...
It support Gatsby.js v.5 !!
With this starter you can switch between different languages pages with different names for example:
This starter use these Gatsby.js Plugins:
- gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
- gatsby-plugin-i18n
- gatsby-plugin-i18n-tags
- gatsby-plugin-manifest
- gatsby-plugin-netlify
- gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms
- gatsby-plugin-offline
- gatsby-plugin-purgecss
- gatsby-plugin-react-helmet
- gatsby-plugin-remove-trailing-slashes
- gatsby-plugin-robots-txt
- gatsby-plugin-sass
- gatsby-plugin-sharp
- gatsby-plugin-sitemap
- gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files
- gatsby-remark-images
- gatsby-remark-relative-images
- gatsby-source-filesystem
- gatsby-transformer-javascript-frontmatter
- gatsby-transformer-json
- gatsby-transformer-remark
- gatsby-transformer-sharp
This project in part is based on the Netify template: gatsby-starter-netlify-cms and the gatsby-starter-contentful-i18n But a special mention i reserved to gatsby-plugin-i18n
For more information, see the wiki page