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223 lines (181 loc) · 8.66 KB


Minimalistic customizable slide panel (without jQuery)

Table of contents

Quick start

Several quick start options are available:

Download the latest build


Install From Bower

bower install toolslide.js --save

Install From Npm

npm install toolslide.js --save



Including files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/toolslide.css">
<script src="/path/to/toolslide.js"></script>

Required HTML structure

<div id="toolslide">
	<div class="ts-container">
        <div class="ts-nav-container">
			<div class="ts-nav-item" ts-target="first">
			<!-- Add more navigation buttons here -->
		<div class="ts-content-container">
			<div id="first" class="ts-content-item">
				<div class="example-panel">
					<span>First panel content goes here</span>
			<!-- Add more content panels here -->

toolslide.js makes use of html attributes to bind navigation elements to respective content.

Attribute Description
ts-target Specifies id of a target panel triggered with this navigation item


All you need to do is invoke toolslide on an element:

var myToolslide = toolslide(elemment, options);

You can also initialize with css selector string:

var myToolslide = toolslide("#elementId", options);


There are some example usages that you can look at to get started. They can be found in the examples folder.


toolslide.js can accept an options object to alter the way it looks and behaves. If no options object is passed default values are used. The structure of an options object is as follows:

  position: "left",
  height: "100%",
  width: "300px",
  startOpen: true,
  closeable: true,
  autoclose: false,
  autocloseDelay: 5000,
  clickOutsideToClose: true,
  minClosedSize: 0,
  toggleButton: "",
  embed: false,
  navigationItemWidth: "50px",
  navigationItemHeight: "50px",
  navigationOffsetX: "0px",
  navigationOffsetY: "0px",
  animations: {
    replace: "crossfade 0.5s ease-in-out",
    toggle: "slide 0.5s ease",
  listeners: {
    beforeOpen: function(panel) {},
    afterOpen: function(panel) {},
    berforeClose: function(panel) {},
    afterClose: function(panel) {},
    beforeToggle: function(oldContent, newContent) {}
    afterToggle: function(oldContent, newContent) {}

Here is the explanation of options object:

Option Type Description Examples
activePanel string, Element Position of the panel on the screen "#elementId"
position string Position of the panel on the screen "top", "bottom", "left", "right"
height string Panel height "200px", "20%"
width string Panel width "200px", "20%"
startOpen boolean Open panel after initialization true, false
closeable boolean Allow panel to be closed (by clicking active navigation element) true, false
autoclose boolean Allow panel to be auto closed (only when mouse cursor is outside) true, false
autocloseDelay int Auto close delay in miliseconds 5000
clickOutsideToClose boolean Allow panel to be closed when clicked outside true, false
minClosedSize int Minimum panel size when closed 0
toggleButton string Id of an element used as external toggle button ""
embed boolean Whether to embed panel within container or overlay it true, false
navigationItemWidth string, number Width of the navigation element "50px", "5%"
navigationItemHeight string, number Height of the navigation element "50px", "5%"
navigationOffsetX string, number Horizontal offset of the navigation elements container "0px", "5%"
navigationOffsetY string, number Vertical offset of the navigation elements container "0px", "5%"
animations.replace string Animation used when changing active panel "slide 1s ease", "slidefade 2s ease-in", { type: "crossfade", easing: "ease", speed: ".5s" }
animations.toggle string Animation used when panel is opened/closed "slide 0.5s ease", { type: "slide", easing: "ease", speed: "1s" }
listeners.beforeOpen function Callback fired before panel is opened function (panel) {...}
listeners.afterOpen function Callback fired after panel is opened function (panel) {...}
listeners.beforeClose function Callback fired before panel is closed function (panel) {...}
listeners.afterClose function Callback fired after panel is closed function (panel) {...}
listeners.beforeToggle function Callback fired before active content is changed function (old, new) {...}
listeners.afterToggle function Callback fired after active content is changed function (old, new) {...}


Methods are called on toolslide instances. You shoud save the instances to variable to have further access to it.

void open()

Show the slide panel.;

void close()

Hide the slide panel.


bool isOpen()

Check if panel is opened.


bool isActive(target)

Check if target content element is active. Accepts DOM element as well as just the id.


void setActiveById(elementId)

Sets element with specified id as new active item.


void setActiveByIndex(index)

Sets element at specified index as active item.



toolslide.js provides custom events for some of it's actions. Appropriate callbacks can be specified in options.

Event Description Arguments
beforeOpen Fires before panel is opened. panelElement
afterOpen Fires after panel is opened. panelElement
beforeClose Fires before panel is closed. panelElement
afterClose Fires after panel is closed. panelElement
beforeToggle Fires before active content is changed. oldContentElement, newContentElement
afterToggle Fires after active content is changed. oldContentElement, newContentElement

Copyright and license

Licensed under MIT license.

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