Hi there 👋, I'm Kashaf Naz
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ML/Bioinformatics
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Science
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Data Science ML
- 💬 Ask me about Learning and Development
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: ka-sha-af
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a learner
🌐 Web | 📅 Data Science | 👩🔬 BioInformatics | 🥰 Designing | 🏫 certified |
😎 Html | 🍻 Numpy | 🧬 Blast | 🖌 Adobe Illustrator | Data Camp |
😋 CSS | 📊 Plotly | 🧬 BioPython | 📽 CapCut | |
😉 JS | 📉 Sklearn | 🧬 BioConda | 🎨 Canva | |
👍 PHP | 📈 Seaborn | 🧬 Mega | Visualization | |
🙌 Bootstrap | 🛠 Machine Learning | 🧬 Pymol | ❗ | |
💥 WordPress | 💻 Python | 🧬 BIO | ❗ | |
✌ SEO | 🔠 Pandas | 🧬 BIO | ❗ | |
📝Blog Writing | � SQL | 🧬 BIO | 🖌 |