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File metadata and controls

410 lines (339 loc) · 12.7 KB


Forms define information flows. Users can fill in forms by SMS, SIM applications, Medic Collect, or via the webapp in a browser or the Android app. Forms can be used for a vairety of purposes, including creating new patients, registering them for SMS reminders, reporting a patient visit or status.

There are two types of forms:

  • JSON forms: used for SMS interfaces such as formatted SMS, SIM applications, and Medic Collect*
  • XForms: used for forms used within the web app, whether it is accessed in browser or via the Android app.

JSON forms

Used for SMS interfaces such as formatted SMS, SIM applications, and Medic Collect. You can view the list of JSON forms and load new ones through the webapp's Configuration pages, or via the forms field of app_settings.json. Each form has fields defined in our specific JSON format, eg:

    "F": {
      "meta": {
        "code": "F",
        "icon": "risk",
        "label": {
          "en": "Danger sign flag (SMS)",
          "hi": "खतरे की सूचना (SMS)",
          "id": "Laporan tanda bahaya (SMS)"
      "fields": {
        "patient_id": {
          "labels": {
            "description": {
              "en": "Patient ID"
            "short": {
              "en": "ID"
            "tiny": {
              "en": "ID"
          "position": 0,
          "type": "string",
          "flags": {
            "input_digits_only": true
          "length": [
          "required": true
        "notes": {
          "labels": {
            "description": {
              "en": "Notes"
            "short": {
              "en": "Notes"
            "tiny": {
              "en": "N"
          "position": 1,
          "type": "string",
          "length": [
          "required": false
      "public_form": true


The XForms are used for all Actions, Tasks, and Contact Creation/Edit forms within the web app, whether it is accessed in browser or via the Android app. We generally create these in Excel using the XLSForm standard, and then convert them using the configurer tool (medic-conf). You can view the list of XForms and upload new ones through the webapp's Configuration pages as well. Each form has meta information which defines in which context the form is accessible. Using medic-config this info is in a {name}.properties.json file. XML forms with IDs starting with forms:contact: will customize the edit/create page for the given contact (person or place) type.

XML forms

*Note that although Medic Collect uses XForms in the Android app, for now it still needs a corresponding JSON form in the webapp to interpret the incoming report.

General Structure

A typical Action or Task form starts with an inputs group which contains prepopulated fields that may be needed during the completion of the form (eg patient's name, prior information), and ends with a summary group (eg group_summary, or group_review) where important information is shown to the user before they submit the form. In between these two is the form flow, usually a collection of questions grouped into pages. All data fields submitted with a form are stored, but often important information that will need to be accessed from the form is brought to the top level.

type name label ...
begin group inputs Inputs
string source Source
string source_id Source ID
end group
calculate patient_id Patient ID
calculate patient_name Patient Name
calculate edd EDD
begin group group_review Review
note r_patient_info **${patient_name}** ID: ${r_patient_id}
note r_followup Follow Up
note r_followup_note ${r_followup_instructions}
end group

Accessing data from the contact-summary

xforms have the ability to access the output of the configured contact-summary script. This means you can have different fields, state, or information based on any known information about the contact.

To configure this, add a new instance with the id "contact-summary" to your xform somewhere below your primary instance, then bind values where you need them. Note that medic-configurer automatically adds this instance to every form so you shouldn't need to do this manually. Example:

      <instance id="contact-summary"/>
      <bind calculate="instance('contact-summary')/context/age" nodeset="/visit/age" type="string"/>
    <input ref="/visit/age" />

As long as you have this new instance, you can then use XPath to access all values returned in result.context. This works without declaring in the instance which fields are needed, so it is a very flexible solution and easier to manage when building forms.

For example, a form field with instance('contact-summary')/context/lineage[2]/name as a calculation will get lineage[2].name from a contact-summary with the following code included in contact-summary.js:

context.lineage = lineage;
var result = {
  fields: fields,
  cards: cards,
  context: context
return result;

Note that you can pass a large object to the form, which can then read any value, but doing so does noticeably slow the loading of the form. Because of this it is preferable to remove from the context any fields that are not being used. It is a good idea to future proof by maintaining the same structure so that fields can be added without needing to modify existing form calculations.

Creating additional docs from an xform

In version 2.13.0 and higher, you can configure your app forms to generate additional docs upon submission. You can create one or more docs using variations on the configuration described below. One case where this can be used is to register a newborn from a delivery report, as shown below. First, here is an overview of what you can do and how the configuration should look in XML:

Extra docs

  • Extra docs can be added by defining structures in the model with the attribute db-doc="true". Note that you must have lower-case true in your XLSform, even though Excel will default to TRUE.

Example Form Model

  <root_prop_1>val A</root_prop_1>
  <other_doc db-doc="true">
    <other_prop>val B</other_prop>

Resulting docs

Report (as before):

  _id: '...',
  _rev: '...',
  type: 'report',
  _attachments: { xml: ... ],
  fields: {
    root_prop_1: 'val A',

Other doc:

  "_id": "...",
  "_rev": "...",
  "type": "whatever",
  "other_prop": "val B"

Linked docs

  • Linked docs can be referred to using the doc-ref attribute, with an xpath. This can be done at any point in the model, e.g.:

Example Form Model

  <sufferer db-doc-ref="/sickness/new">
  <new db-doc="true">
    <original_report db-doc-ref="/sickness"/>

Resulting docs


  "_id": "abc-123",
  "_rev": "...",
  "type": "report",
  "fields": {
    "sufferer": "def-456"

Other doc:

  "_id": "def-456",
  "_rev": "...",
  "type": "person",
  "name": "Gómez",
  "original_report": "abc-123"

Repeated docs

  • Can have references to other docs, including the parent
  • These currently cannot be linked from other docs, as no provision is made for indexing these docs

Example Form

  <related db-doc="true">
    <parent db-doc-ref="/thing"/>
  <related db-doc="true">
    <parent db-doc-ref="/thing"/>

Resulting docs


  "_id": "abc-123",
  "_rev": "...",
  "type": "report",
  "fields": {
    "name": "Ab"

Other docs:

  "_id": "...",
  "_rev": "...",
  "type": "relative",
  "name": "Bo",
  "parent": "abc-123",
  "_id": "...",
  "_rev": "...",
  "type": "relative",
  "name": "Ch",
  "parent": "abc-123",

Linked docs example

This example shows how you would register a single newborn from a delivery report.

First, the relevant section of the delivery report XLSForm file: Delivery report

Here is the corresponding portion of XML generated after converting the form:

  <child_repeat db-doc="true" jr:template="">
    <child_doc db-doc-ref=" /delivery/repeat/child_repeat "/>
    <created_by_doc db-doc-ref="/delivery"/>

If you've done your configuration correctly, all you should see when you click on the submitted report from the Reports tab is the child_doc field with an _id that corresponds to the linked doc. In this case, you could look for that _id on the People tab or in the DB itself to confirm that the resulting doc looks correct.

Repeated docs example

This example extends the above example to show how you would register one or multiple newborns from a delivery report. This allows you to handle multiple births.

First, the relevant section of the delivery report XLSForm file: Delivery report

Here is the corresponding portion of XML generated after converting the form:

<child_doc db-doc-ref=" /postnatal_care/child "/>
<child db-doc="true">
  <created_by_doc db-doc-ref="/postnatal_care"/>

If you've done your configuration correctly, all you should see when you click on the submitted report from the Reports tab is the child_doc field with an _id that corresponds to the first doc that was created. The other docs will have a link to the report that created them but the report will not link directly to them. Again, you could look for that _id on the People tab or in the DB itself to confirm that the resulting docs look correct.

Uploading binary attachments

Forms can include arbitrary binary data which is submitted and included in the doc as an attachment. If this is an image type it'll then be displayed inline in the report UI.

To mark an element as having binary data add an extra column in the XLSForm called instance::type and specify binary in the element's row.

Custom xpath functions


In Enketo forms you have access to an xpath function to calculate the z-score value for a patient.

Table data

First, create a doc in couchdb to store the z-score tables you want to use, for example:

  "_id": "zscore-charts",
  "charts": [
      "id": "weight-for-age",
      "data": {
        "male": [
            "key": 0,
            "points": [

This creates a weight-for-age table which shows for a male aged 0 at 2.08kg their z-score is -3. Your doc will be much larger than this. To help convert from z-score tables to this doc format use the conversation script.

Form configuration

Next you can configure the form to calculate the z-score for a patient using the data above. The z-score function takes four parameters: the name of z-score table to use, patient's sex, and the two parameters for the table lookup (eg: age and weight). For example, to calculate the z-score for a patient given their sex, age, and weight your form configuration might look like this:

<bind nodeset="/data/wfa" type="string" calculate="z-score('weight-for-age', ../my_sex, ../my_age, ../my_weight)" readonly="true()"/>

Full example form.