iReSignShell Command line support for iResign, GUI version please visit here use: $./iResignShell -h options: -h display help -i <new BundleID> new App ID -e <Entitlements.plist> Entitlements.plist -o <output file/path> ipa out folder -s <cer_name> cer name,like: iPhone Developer: xxxx -m <mobileprovision> App ID 's mobileprovision Usage examples : iResignShell [options] [-s cer_name] -m mobileprovision #print help iResignShell -h #use cername + mobileprovision, output a resigned ipa to same folder as ipa,file name as "appname-resigned.ipa" iResignShell -s "iPhone Distribution: SMARTMZ" -m My.mobileprovision My.ipa #change Bundle ID to com.mai.App, and resign iResignShell -i com.mai.App -c My_cer.p12 -p passwd -m My.mobileprovision My.ipa #-o output ipa to a folder iResignShell -s "iPhone Distribution: SMARTMZ" -m My.mobileprovision -o ~/ My.ipa