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File metadata and controls

151 lines (134 loc) · 7.44 KB


Quite similar to OpenPedCan with some caveats

Prep Work

  1. Obtain files from s3://d3b-openaccess-us-east-1-prd-pbta/data/release-xxx, with the xxx being a release version of interest. Files to get includes:
  1. Create complete maf: python3 COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/ -1 pbta-snv-consensus-mutation.maf.tsv.gz -2 pbta-snv-scavenged-hotspots.maf.tsv.gz -o pbta-snv-consensus-plus-hotspots.maf
  2. Create complete rsem rds: Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/merge_rsem_rds.R --stranded pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.stranded.rds --polya pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.polya.rds
  3. Create complete cnv tsv: python3 COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/ -1 consensus_seg_annotated_cn_autosomes.tsv.gz -2 consensus_seg_annotated_cn_x_and_y.tsv.gz -o consensus_seg_annotated_cn.tsv

Create study

Uses many of the same scripts as open targets

1. Create clinical data sheets

Histologies file is parsed and scplit into data_clinical_sample.txt and data_clinical_patient.txt

usage: [-h] [-f HEAD] [-c CLIN] [-b BLACKLIST] [-p PBTA_DS]

Script to convert clinical data to cbio clinical data sheets

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f HEAD, --header-file HEAD
                        tsv file with input file original sample names, output sheet flag, and conversion
  -c CLIN, --clinical-data CLIN
                        Input clinical data sheet
  -b BLACKLIST, --blacklist BLACKLIST
                        because every club needs a bouncer. Headered tsv file with BS ID and reason
  -p PBTA_DS, --pbta-all-data-sample-sheet PBTA_DS
                        pbta_all sample sheet to use as sample name source

Example: python3 ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/ -f ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/header_desc.tsv -c pbta-histologies.tsv -p /home/ubuntu/mount/pbta_all/processed/pbta_all/data_clinical_sample.txt -b cbio_hide_reasons_subset.tsv 2> clin2.err cBio hide reasons table is exported from D3b warehouse

2. Rename and filter maf file

Filter out Silent, Intron, IGR, 3'UTR, 5'UTR, 3'Flank, 5'Flank, RNA and rename samples to cBio IDs

usage: [-h] [-m MAPPING_FILE] [-v MAF_FILE] [-s SKIP] [-n TYPE]

Script to pre-filter entries on usually removed criteria except TERT promoter, convert BS IDs to cBio names

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
                        tsv file with header and bs_id, sample type, cbio ID mappings
  -v MAF_FILE, --maf-file MAF_FILE
                        openX maf file
  -s SKIP, --skip SKIP  Skip typical #version header line
  -n TYPE, --study TYPE
                        study name, like "openpbta"

Example: python3 /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -m ../bs_id_sample_map.txt -v ../pbta-snv-consensus-plus-hotspots.maf.tsv -n openpbta Mapping file is an output from step 1

Convert CNV to cBio CNV tables

Predicted: Just plain copy number, discrete: GISTIC-style assignment

python3 ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -h
usage: [-h] [-m MAPPING_FILE] [-c CNV_TBL] [-s TYPE]

Script to convert openX cnv table to cBio format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
                        tsv file with header and bs_id, sample type, cbio ID mappings
  -c CNV_TBL, --copy-number CNV_TBL
                        openX tables, listed as csv since they tend to seprate autosomes, xy
  -s TYPE, --study TYPE
                        study name, like "openpbta"

Example: python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -m ../bs_id_sample_map.txt -c ../consensus_seg_annotated_cn.tsv -s openpbta

Rename rsem

Mostly just rename samples and export as text. Also z score output

Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R --help
Loading required package: data.table
Loading required package: optparse
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: funr
Loading required package: readr
Usage: COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R [options]

                openX rsem rds expression object

                mapping ID file with headers: BS_ID    Sample Type    Cbio ID

                study name, like 'openpbta'

                Use C++ Method to compute zscore and write file. Usage: C++ or R

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

Example: Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R --rna_rds ../pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.rds --map_id ../bs_id_sample_map.txt --computeZscore C++ --type openpbta

Convert fusion as SV

cBio has a "new" format with a richer SV input. More data can be ported over. For compatibility, since standard study conversion script is used, first run: python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/ -t ../bs_id_sample_map.txt -n openpbta > fusion_sample_table.txt Then:

python3 scripts/ -h
usage: [-h] [-t TABLE] [-f FUSION_RESULTS] [-o OUT_DIR] -m MODE

Convert openPBTA fusion table OR list of annofuse files to cbio format.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TABLE, --table TABLE
                        Table with cbio project, kf bs ids, cbio IDs, and file names
  -f FUSION_RESULTS, --fusion-results FUSION_RESULTS
                        annoFuse results dir OR openX merged fusion file
  -o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
                        Result output dir. Default is merged_fusion
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  describe source, openX or kfprod

Example: python3 /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/scripts/ -t fusion_sample_table.txt -f ../pbta-fusion-putative-oncogenic.tsv -m openX

Organize and create links

This script creates meta files and case lists needed for cBio loading

python3 scripts/ -h
usage: [-h] [-o OUT_DIR] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-l]

Create cases lists, meta files, and organize data for cbio upload. It is assumed you are at the dir level of all input data files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT_DIR, --output_dir OUT_DIR
                        output directory name
                        json config file with meta information; see REFS/case_meta_config.json example
  -l, --legacy          If set, will run legacy fusion output

Example: python3 /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/scripts/ -o processed -c /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/openpbta_case_meta_config.json