Quite similar to OpenPedCan with some caveats
- Obtain files from
, with thexxx
being a release version of interest. Files to get includes:
- Create complete maf:
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/merge_pbta_file_columns.py -1 pbta-snv-consensus-mutation.maf.tsv.gz -2 pbta-snv-scavenged-hotspots.maf.tsv.gz -o pbta-snv-consensus-plus-hotspots.maf
- Create complete rsem rds:
Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/merge_rsem_rds.R --stranded pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.stranded.rds --polya pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.polya.rds
- Create complete cnv tsv:
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/merge_pbta_file_columns.py -1 consensus_seg_annotated_cn_autosomes.tsv.gz -2 consensus_seg_annotated_cn_x_and_y.tsv.gz -o consensus_seg_annotated_cn.tsv
Uses many of the same scripts as open targets
Histologies file is parsed and scplit into data_clinical_sample.txt
and data_clinical_patient.txt
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/clinical_to_datasheets.py -h
usage: clinical_to_datasheets.py [-h] [-f HEAD] [-c CLIN] [-b BLACKLIST] [-p PBTA_DS]
Script to convert clinical data to cbio clinical data sheets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f HEAD, --header-file HEAD
tsv file with input file original sample names, output sheet flag, and conversion
-c CLIN, --clinical-data CLIN
Input clinical data sheet
because every club needs a bouncer. Headered tsv file with BS ID and reason
-p PBTA_DS, --pbta-all-data-sample-sheet PBTA_DS
pbta_all sample sheet to use as sample name source
Example: python3 ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/clinical_to_datasheets.py -f ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/header_desc.tsv -c pbta-histologies.tsv -p /home/ubuntu/mount/pbta_all/processed/pbta_all/data_clinical_sample.txt -b cbio_hide_reasons_subset.tsv 2> clin2.err
cBio hide reasons table is exported from D3b warehouse
Filter out Silent, Intron, IGR, 3'UTR, 5'UTR, 3'Flank, 5'Flank, RNA and rename samples to cBio IDs
python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_filter_maf.py -h
usage: rename_filter_maf.py [-h] [-m MAPPING_FILE] [-v MAF_FILE] [-s SKIP] [-n TYPE]
Script to pre-filter entries on usually removed criteria except TERT promoter, convert BS IDs to cBio names
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
tsv file with header and bs_id, sample type, cbio ID mappings
-v MAF_FILE, --maf-file MAF_FILE
openX maf file
-s SKIP, --skip SKIP Skip typical #version header line
-n TYPE, --study TYPE
study name, like "openpbta"
Example: python3 /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_filter_maf.py -m ../bs_id_sample_map.txt -v ../pbta-snv-consensus-plus-hotspots.maf.tsv -n openpbta
Mapping file is an output from step 1
Predicted: Just plain copy number, discrete: GISTIC-style assignment
python3 ~/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/cnv_to_tables.py -h
usage: cnv_to_tables.py [-h] [-m MAPPING_FILE] [-c CNV_TBL] [-s TYPE]
Script to convert openX cnv table to cBio format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
tsv file with header and bs_id, sample type, cbio ID mappings
-c CNV_TBL, --copy-number CNV_TBL
openX tables, listed as csv since they tend to seprate autosomes, xy
-s TYPE, --study TYPE
study name, like "openpbta"
Example: python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/cnv_to_tables.py -m ../bs_id_sample_map.txt -c ../consensus_seg_annotated_cn.tsv -s openpbta
Mostly just rename samples and export as text. Also z score output
Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R --help
Loading required package: data.table
Loading required package: optparse
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: funr
Loading required package: readr
Usage: COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R [options]
openX rsem rds expression object
mapping ID file with headers: BS_ID Sample Type Cbio ID
study name, like 'openpbta'
Use C++ Method to compute zscore and write file. Usage: C++ or R
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
Example: Rscript COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/rename_export_rsem.R --rna_rds ../pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.rds --map_id ../bs_id_sample_map.txt --computeZscore C++ --type openpbta
cBio has a "new" format with a richer SV input. More data can be ported over.
For compatibility, since standard study conversion script is used, first run: python3 COLLABORATIONS/openTARGETS/reformat_cbio_sample_index.py -t ../bs_id_sample_map.txt -n openpbta > fusion_sample_table.txt
python3 scripts/convert_fusion_as_sv.py -h
usage: convert_fusion_as_sv.py [-h] [-t TABLE] [-f FUSION_RESULTS] [-o OUT_DIR] -m MODE
Convert openPBTA fusion table OR list of annofuse files to cbio format.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TABLE, --table TABLE
Table with cbio project, kf bs ids, cbio IDs, and file names
annoFuse results dir OR openX merged fusion file
-o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
Result output dir. Default is merged_fusion
-m MODE, --mode MODE describe source, openX or kfprod
Example: python3 /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/scripts/convert_fusion_as_sv.py -t fusion_sample_table.txt -f ../pbta-fusion-putative-oncogenic.tsv -m openX
This script creates meta files and case lists needed for cBio loading
python3 scripts/organize_upload_packages.py -h
usage: organize_upload_packages.py [-h] [-o OUT_DIR] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-l]
Create cases lists, meta files, and organize data for cbio upload. It is assumed you are at the dir level of all input data files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_DIR, --output_dir OUT_DIR
output directory name
json config file with meta information; see REFS/case_meta_config.json example
-l, --legacy If set, will run legacy fusion output
Example: python3 /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/scripts/organize_upload_packages.py -o processed -c /home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/COLLABORATIONS/openPBTA/openpbta_case_meta_config.json