- Fix hatchling packaging issue with building wheels. @ericof
- Upgrade to VLT 6a19. @sneridagh #84
No significant changes.
No significant changes.
- Update to use latest VLT 6a18. @sneridagh #82
- Allow entries on the repository changelog @ericof
- Fix backend service name reference on the frontend service. @ericof
- GHA: Update changelog workflow. @ericof
- Use beispile image, by default, for docker-compose.yml. @ericof
- Upgrade to split customization behavior in several ones, and renamed them to use
. @sneridagh #77
- Use released version of
. @sneridagh #77 - Remove local development of the customization behaviors after transfer them to
. @sneridagh #77
- Add script to dump constraints from pyproject.toml to a constraints.txt file during Docker image build @ericof
- Fix ruff configuration for isort @ericof
- On GitHub, add a workflow to check a PR has changelog entries @ericof
- Upgrade plone.distribution to version 3.1.1 @ericof
- Upgrade plone.restapi to version 9.13.0 @ericof
- Update to use Volto 18.10.1 and adjustments for new VLT package layout. @sneridagh #77
- Move to a released version of
. @sneridagh #77 - On GitHub, add a workflow to check a PR has changelog entries @ericof
- Use plone.exportimport 1.1.0 @ericof
- Add a target $(VENV_FOLDER) to the backend Makefile as an alias to install. @ericof
No significant changes.
- Adds preview_image_link behavior to Link, Event, News Item, Image, File, Person content types @sneridagh
- Upgrade to plone.autoinclude 2.0.0 [@ericof]
- Refactor backend installation [@ericof] #69
- Update @plone/volto to version 18.9.2 @sneridagh
- Update volto-banner-block to latest, add dependencies. @sneridagh
No significant changes.
- Upgrade Plone to version 6.1.0 [@ericof] #64
- Upgrade Volto to version 18.8.2 [@ericof] #65
- Install corepack on the frontend image to avoid requiring internet connection during startup [@ericof] #62
No significant changes.
- Fix Docker image generation [@ericof]
- Allow use of environment variables for create-site script [@ericof] #55
- Generate Docker images on tag creation [@ericof] #51
- Fixes a warning in the Acceptance tests docker image creation [@ericof]
- Improve GHA to generate the backend Docker image [@ericof]
- Release ghcr.io/kitconcept/kitconcept-intranet-backend image with tags [@ericof]
- Release ghcr.io/kitconcept/kitconcept-intranet-frontend image with tags [@ericof]
- Initial version of kitconcept.intranet [@tisto] #1
- Make public workflow the default workflow for new Intranets [@ericof] #2
- Provide two options of workflow: One for public intranets, the other one for intranets that require authentication [@ericof] #48
- Fix dos_protection error [@reebalazs] #9
- Initial version of kitconcept.intranet [@tisto] #1