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Laravel Adminer

Laravel Adminer

Adminer database management tool for your Laravel application.

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Table of Contents


What is Adminer?

Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. For more information visit Adminer website. Adminer is available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB.

What is Laravel Adminer?

This package is a wrapper around Adminer, it makes Adminer easy to setup, configure, customize and use within your Laravel application.


  • Current Adminer version used is: 4.7.7.
  • Supports both Adminer and Adminer Editor.
  • Plugins are integrated easily.
  • Alternative designs shipped with this package.
  • Custom designs are also supported and can be added easily.
  • No VerifyCsrfToken middleware file modification is required.


Install the package via composer:

composer require moharrum/laravel-adminer

Edit config/app.php, add package service provider (ignore this step if you have package discovery enabled):

'providers' => [

Finally, publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Moharrum\LaravelAdminer\Providers\LaravelAdminerServiceProvider"

CSRF token middleware

If you encounter a TokenMismatchException when opening the page for the first time, or when taking an action after session has expired refresh the page.


  • Application name

    You may specify if you want Laravel Adminer to display application name from .env file or a custom value:

'application_defaults' => [
    'name' => [
        'use_env_default' => false,

        'custom' => 'Laravel Adminer',
  • Adminer Manager

    enabled is used to enable or disable automatic route registration, if you wish to register your routes manually, set enabled to false. Additionally, you must specify route name and path in the route section. Optionally, you may specify an alternative design in the style section.

    'manager' => [
        'enabled' => true,

        'route' => [
            'name' => 'adminer.manager.index',
            'path' => 'adminer/manager',

            'middleware' => [

        'style' => 'vendor/laravel-adminer/styles/pepa-linha/adminer.css',
  • Adminer Editor

    Adminer Editor is both easy-to-use and user-friendly database data editing tool written in PHP. It is suitable for common users, as it provides high-level data manipulation.

'editor' => [
    'enabled' => false,

    'parameters' => [
        'connection' => env('DB_CONNECTION', null),
        'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', null),
        'host' => env('DB_HOST', null),
        'port' => env('DB_PORT', null),

    'route' => [
        'name' => 'adminer.editor.index',
        'path' => 'adminer/editor',

        'middleware' => [

    'style' => 'vendor/laravel-adminer/styles/pepa-linha/adminer.css',
  • Plugins

    A list of plugins is available in the plugins section, the list is not yet complete with all Adminer plugins.

Available plugins

  • database-hide Hide some databases from the interface - just to improve design, not a security plugin.

  • designs Allow switching designs.

  • dump-alter Exports one database (e.g. development) so that it can be synced with other database (e.g. production).

  • dump-bz2 Dump to Bzip2 format.

  • dump-date Include current date and time in export filename.

  • dump-json Dump to JSON format.

  • dump-xml Dump to XML format in structure <database name=""><table name=""><column name=""> value.

  • dump-zip Dump to ZIP format.

  • edit-foreign Select foreign key in edit form.

  • edit-textarea Use <textarea> for char and varchar.

  • enum-option Use <select><option> for enum edit instead of <input type="radio">.

  • enum-types Use <select><option> for enum edit instead of regular input text on enum type in PostgreSQL.

  • foreign-system Link system tables (in mysql and information_schema databases) by foreign keys.

  • frames Allow using Adminer inside a frame (disables ClickJacking protection).

  • json-column Display JSON values as table in edit.

  • slugify Prefill field containing _slug with slugified value of a previous field (JavaScript).

  • sql-log Log all queries to SQL file.

  • struct-comments Show comments of sql structure in more places (mainly where you edit things).

  • tables-filter Filter names in tables list.

  • tinymce Edit all fields containing _html by HTML editor TinyMCE and display the HTML in select.

  • translation Translate all table and field comments, enum and set values from the translation table (automatically inserts new translations).

  • version-noverify Disable version checker.

  • wymeditor Edit all fields containing _html by HTML editor WYMeditor and display the HTML in select.

Available designs

To view all designs with screenshots click here.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.