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File metadata and controls

315 lines (255 loc) · 7.58 KB

Tarantool Adapter and ORM Generator

This package provides automatic schema migration (only for appending new columns, not for changing data types). This package also can be used to generate ORM.


go install
go install

Generated ORM Example

image image

How to create a connection

import ""

func ConnectTarantool() *tarantool.Connection {
	return Tt.Connect1(`host`, `3301`, `user`, `pass`)

// then use it like this:
tt := &Tt.Adapter{Connection: ConnectTarantool(), Reconnect: ConnectTarantool}


  1. create a model/ directory inside project
  2. create a m[Domain] directory inside project, for example if the domain is authentication, you might want to create mAuth
  3. create a [domain]_tables.go something like this:
package mAuth

import ""

const (
	TableUserss Tt.TableName = `users`
	Id                       = `id`
	Email                    = `email`
	Password                 = `password`
	CreatedBy                = `createdBy`
	CreatedAt                = `createdAt`
	UpdatedBy                = `updatedBy`
	UpdatedAt                = `updatedAt`
	DeletedBy                = `deletedBy`
	DeletedAt                = `deletedAt`
	IsDeleted                = `isDeleted`
	RestoredBy               = `restoredBy`
	RestoredAt               = `restoredAt`
	PasswordSetAt            = `passwordSetAt`
	SecretCode               = `secretCode`
	SecretCodeAt             = `secretCodeAt`
	VerificationSentAt       = `verificationSentAt`
	VerifiedAt               = `verifiedAt`
	LastLoginAt              = `lastLoginAt`

const (
	TableSessions Tt.TableName = `sessions`
	SessionToken               = `sessionToken`
	UserId                     = `userId`
	ExpiredAt                  = `expiredAt`

var TarantoolTables = map[Tt.TableName]*Tt.TableProp{
	// can only adding fields on back, and must IsNullable: true
	// primary key must be first field and set to Unique: fieldName
	TableUserss: {
		Fields: []Tt.Field{
			{Id, Tt.Unsigned},
			{Email, Tt.String},
			{Password, Tt.String},
			{CreatedAt, Tt.Integer},
			{CreatedBy, Tt.Unsigned},
			{UpdatedAt, Tt.Integer},
			{UpdatedBy, Tt.Unsigned},
			{DeletedAt, Tt.Integer},
			{DeletedBy, Tt.Unsigned},
			{IsDeleted, Tt.Boolean},
			{RestoredAt, Tt.Integer},
			{RestoredBy, Tt.Unsigned},
			{PasswordSetAt, Tt.Integer},
			{SecretCode, Tt.String},
			{SecretCodeAt, Tt.Integer},
			{VerificationSentAt, Tt.Integer},
			{VerifiedAt, Tt.Integer},
			{LastLoginAt, Tt.Integer},
		AutoIncrementId: true,
		Unique2: Email,
		Indexes: []string{IsDeleted, SecretCode},
	TableSessions: {
		Fields: []Tt.Field{
			{SessionToken, Tt.String},
			{UserId, Tt.Unsigned},
			{ExpiredAt, Tt.Integer},
		Unique1: SessionToken,

func GenerateORM() {
  1. create a [domain]_generator_test.go something like this:
package mAuth

import (

//go:generate go test -run=XXX -bench=Benchmark_GenerateOrm

func Benchmark_GenerateOrm(b *testing.B) {
  1. run the test to generate new ORM, that would generate rq[Domain]/rq[Domain]__ORM.GEN.go and wc[Domain]/wc[Domain]__ORM.GEN.go file, you might want to create a helper script for that:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

cd ./model
  cat *.go | grep '//go:generate ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | bash -x > /tmp/1.log
for i in ./m*; do
  if [[ ! -d "$i" ]] ; then continue ; fi
  echo $i
  pushd .
  cd "$i"
  # generate ORM
  go test -bench=.
  for j in ./*; do 
    echo $j
    if [[ ! -d "$j" ]] ; then continue ; fi
    pushd .
    cd "$j" 
    echo `pwd` 
    cat *.go | grep '//go:generate ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | bash -x >> /tmp/1.log    
  1. in your web server engine/domain logic (one that initializes dependencies), create methods to help initialize the buffer, something like this:
type Domain struct {
	Taran     *Tt.Adapter

func NewDomain() *Domain {
	d := &Domain{
		Taran: &Tt.Adapter{conf.ConnectTarantool(), conf.ConnectTarantool},
	return d
  1. last step is just call generated method to manipulate or query, something like this:
func (d *Domain) BusinessLogic1(in *BusinessLogic1_In) (out BusinessLogic1_Out) {
	// do something else
	user := wcAuth.NewUserMutator(d.Taran)
	user.Email = in.Email
	if !user.FindById() {
		user.Id = id64.UID()
		user.CreatedAt = in.UnixNow()
		if !user.DoInsert() {
			out.SetError(500, `failed to insert user record, db down?`)
	// do other manipulation
	// use .Set* if you have to call DoUpdateBy*()
	if !user.DoUpdateById() {
		out.SetError(500, `failed to insert user record, db down?`)

// or if you only need to read
func (d *Domain) mustLogin(token string, userAgent string, out *ResponseCommon) *conf.Session {
	sess := &conf.Session{}
	if token == `` {
		out.SetError(400, `missing session token`)
		return nil
	if !sess.Decrypt(token, userAgent) {
		out.SetError(400, `invalid session token`) // if got this, possibly wrong userAgent-sessionToken pair
		return nil
	if sess.ExpiredAt <= fastime.UnixNow() {
		out.SetError(400, `token expired`)
		return nil

	session := rqAuth.NewSessions(d.Taran)
	session.SessionToken = token
	if !session.FindBySessionToken() {
		out.SetError(400, `session missing from database, wrong env?`)
		return nil
	if session.ExpiredAt <= fastime.UnixNow() {
		out.SetError(403, `session expired or logged out`)
		return nil
	return sess
  1. If you need to create an extension method for the ORM, just add a new file on rq[Domain]/anything.go, with a new struct method from generated ORM, something like this:
package rqAuth

import (

func (s *Users) FindOffsetLimit(offset, limit uint32) (res []*Users) {
	query := `
SELECT ` + s.SqlSelectAllFields() + `
FROM ` + s.SqlTableName() + `
ORDER BY ` + s.SqlId() + `
LIMIT ` + X.ToS(limit) + `
OFFSET ` + X.ToS(offset) // note: for string, use S.Z or S.XSS to prevent SQL injection
	if conf.DEBUG_MODE {
	s.Adapter.QuerySql(query, func(row []any) {
		obj := &Users{}
		res = append(res, obj)

func (s *Users) CheckPassword(currentPassword string) bool {
	hash := []byte(s.Password)
	pass := []byte(currentPassword)
	err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hash, pass)

	return !L.IsError(err, `bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword`)

// call before outputting to client
func (s *Users) CensorFields() {
	s.Password = ``
	s.SecretCode = ``

or in wc[Domain]/anything.go if you need to manipulate things

func (p *UsersMutator) SetEncryptPassword(password string) bool {
	pass, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), 0)
	return !L.IsError(err, `bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword`)
  1. to initialize automatic migration, just create model/run_migration.go
func RunMigration() {
	L.Print(`run migration..`)
	tt := &Tt.Adapter{Connection: ConnectTarantool(), Reconnect: ConnectTarantool}
	// add other tarantool tables to be migrated here

then call it on main

func main() {