Image Equations determine how the image will look like before any filter was applied.
The default image equation I0
references the pixels from the first image. More images can be referenced with I1
, I2
and so on. Images can be combined with following operators: * + - / ^
. Numerical constants and some predefined constants can be used as well. The image color of each pixel is evaluated as follows:
color.rgb = ("RGB_Equation").rgb;
color.a = ("A_Equation").a;
RGB: 0.5 * I0 + I1
results in color[uv].rgb = 0.5 * I0[uv].rgb + I1[uv].rgb
with uv
being the texture coordinates.
Most of the HLSL functions may be used as well:
- abs(value)
- acos(value)
- all(value)
- any(value)
- asin(value)
- atan(value)
- atan2(value1, value2)
- ceil(value)
- clamp(value, min, max)
- cos(value)
- countbits(value) - count bits of the integer representation: countbits(int(value))
- cross(value1, value2)*
- distance(value1, value2)*
- dot(value1, value2)*
- exp(value)
- exp2(value)
- floor(value)
- fmod(value1, value2)
- frac(value)
- length(value)*
- lerp(value1, value2, factor)
- log(value)
- log10(value)
- log2(value)
- max(value1, value2)
- min(value1, value2)
- normalize(value)*
- pow(value1, value2)
- radians(value)
- sign(value)
- sin(value)
- sqrt(value)
- step(value1, value2)
- tan(value)
- trunc(value)
Additionaly you can use:
- red(v), r(v), x(v) - returns v.rrrr
- green(v), g(v), y(v) - returns v.gggg
- blue(v), b(v), z(v) - returns v.bbbb
- alpha(v), a(v), w(v) - returns v.aaaa
- rgb(v1,v2,v3) - returns float4(v1.r, v2.r, v3.r, 1)
- toSrgb(v)* - converts linear to srgb
- fromSrgb(v)* - converts srgb to linear
- srgbAsUnorm(v)* - reinterprets srgb data as unorm
- srgbAsSnorm(v)* - reinterprets srgb data as snorm
- equal(v1, v2) - v1 == v2 ? 1 : 0
- smaller(v1, v2) - v1 < v2 ? 1 : 0
- smallereq(v1, v2) - v1 <= v2 ? 1 : 0
- bigger(v1, v2) - v1 > v2 ? 1 : 0
- biggereq(v1, v2) - v1 >= v2 ? 1 : 0
- pos()* - returns floating point texel position in (0,1)^3
- ipos()* - returns integer texel position
- cpos()* - return pos() * 2.0 - 1.0
- size()* - returns texture dimensions
- layer() - returns current texture layer
Functions marked with * will only use the rgb components for computation and ignore alpha.
rgb(green(I0), 0, 1)
- Red = green channel from I0
- Green = 0 for all pixels
- Blue = 1 for all pixels
The alpha channel has its own equation and is locked to the alpha channel of the first used image by default. A custom equation can be used by clicking the chains to unlock the alpha equation.
- RGB: 0.5
- A: red(I1)
evaluates to:
color.rgb = 0.5;
color.a = I1.r; // == float4(I1.r, I1.r, I1.r, I1.r).a
The following (case insensitive) constants can be used:
Identifier | Result |
pi | 3.14159274 |
e | 2.71828175 |
infinity/inf | infinity |
float_max/fmax | 3.40282347E+38 |
nan | NaN |
log(value), log10(value), log2(value)
Value | Result |
<0 | NaN |
0 | -infinity |
>0 | log*(value) |
Value | Result |
{0, 0, 0, a} | {NaN, NaN, NaN, a} |
else | {normalize({r, g, b})), a} |
pow(X, Y) special cases:
X | Y | Result |
<0 | even | pow(-X, Y) |
<0 | odd | -pow(-X, Y) |
<0 | other | NaN |
=0 | <0 | infinity |
=0 | =0 | NaN |
=0 | >0 | 0 |
>0 | <0 | 1/pow(X,-Y) |
>0 | =0 | 1 |
>0 | >0 | pow(X,Y) |
Value | Result |
<0 | NaN |
>=0 | sqrt(value) |