- 2.6.1
- Prepare for next dev cycle
- 2.6.0
- Change of logging api to slf4j as logging facade in version 1.7.x
- The encode methods now accept a List<> of MultimediaObject's, which are the concatenated
- Implemented set thread cound for encoding / decoding stages (Max number of cores/cpus to use)
- URL's as source are now treated as "multiple time readables" per default, can be overriden in the MultimediaObject
- Progress listener now works for URL's too, unless the "multiple time readables" flag is set to true
- 2.5.1
- Renamed native folder where the executables are to nativebin too, to prevent Java 9+ problems
- Allow to create a MultimediaObject with an URL instead of a file as conversion source
- Enhanced logging when ffmpeg executable could not be found in resources
- Make getFFMPEGExecutablePath() public to see what executable is beeing used
- Use alternative way to locate executables in jar file for Java 9+
- 2.5.0
- Renamed build artifacts with native in the name to nativebin to avoid module conflicts in Java 9+ You will have to change your build dependencies if you did selectively include platforms
- 2.4.7
- Upgraded maven build infrastructure
- Upgraded windows and osx binaries to 4.1.3 from https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
- Upgraded linux binaries to 4.1.3 from https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
- 2.4.6
- Corrected win32 executable name, thanks to WavyPeng
- The bitrate was returned in kBps instead of Bps
- The channel detection did only work for mono+stereo, but not for quad (It does still not work for others)
- Added javadoc about volume and quality values
- 2.4.5
- Added video and audio quality flags for conversion (see VideoAttributes.quality and AudioAttributes.quality)
- Changed aac de/encoder from libvo_aacenc to default aac settings from ffmpeg
- Upgraded windows and osx binaries to 4.1 from https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
- Upgraded linux binaries to 4.1 from https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
- 2.4.4
- More informative error message when not finding ffmpeg executable
- Added option to copy over meta data if possible (setMapMetaData(true) in EncodingAttributes)
- Better handling of process exit code
- 2.4.3
- Upgraded windows and osx binaries to 4.0.2 from https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
- Upgraded linux binaries to 4.0.2 from https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
- Made output handling more robust,
- we now only throw an encoder exception when encoder exit code is not 0
- Unknown conversion lines can betrieved via encoder.getUnhandledMessages()
- Added abortEncoding method to be able to stop the running encoder
- 2.4.2
- Enhanced output parsing when using copy operator for streams
- Refactoring of outpout analyzer in own class for simpler unit tests
- 2.4.1
- Allow conversion of "corrupt" input files, as generated by some softwares
- 2.4.0
- Renaming packages to ws.schild.jave for publishing in maven central
- First version released via maven central
Jave is based on the jave version from Carlo Pelliccia
The original project page with source code can be found here: