These are just my working notes, included here in case they can help others.
This is on my new mac too, so includes installing software.
Watch good tut - and the rest is basically following this :
Install geth, and do “geth --testnet” and leave that running in the background for later
Come up with cool idea : “blockstore” - like “localStorage” for the blockchain !
Make repo :
Download MacDown, and Visual Studio, and do View>Extensions>”Solidity”>Install
Start experimenting with online contract writing
Install testrpc (npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc)
$ truffle init
... put in my initial code (that i’ve been working on in that “solidity real time compiler” online)
$ truffle compile
... (but first modify “2_deploy_contracts.js” to just compile my BlockStore before doing this)
$ npm install -g truffle-expect truffle-config web3
In another console : $ testrpc
... (this is a local blockchain simulator)
$ truffle migrate --reset
So . as I’ve made my initial code . in theory I can actually run the thing now, so that’s the next steps :
$ truffle console
(while testrpc is running in another console)
> BlockStore.deployed().then( function(instance) { b = instance; } )
> 'my_var', 'my first successful store' )
> 'my_var' )
NB: don’t use .call for the store, but do for the .fetch !