GIF Validator is a utility tool that checks your favorite gifs on Discord and identifies any that are no longer available. This ensures your gif collection remains up-to-date and clean from broken links.
This script is provided as-is and might stop working at any moment. (by for example Discord updating their structure) Please use it at your own risk.
To launch the script you will need:
To install Gif Validator, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the cloned directory.
- Run
npm install
to install all the necessary dependencies.
To start using Gif Validator:
- Ensure you have set up your Discord API token in the configuration file.
- Run
npm start
to execute the script.
The script will validate your gifs and remove any that are no longer available leaving you with a clean collection!
Currently building support has been dropped even for Windows until stable and crossplatform solution will be found. (suggestions on Issues page are welcome)