You can build the Raftify source code on macOS, Windows, and Linux.
Use following command to clone this repository,
❯ git clone --recursive
If you already cloned it and forgot to initialize the submodules, execute the following command:
❯ git submodule update --init
You can run the test codes of Raftify in parallel using nextest.
To install nextest
❯ cargo install cargo-nextest
And run the tests by the following command.
❯ cargo nextest run
⚠️ Note this following issue on macOS.
You can use pre-commit hooks with the following configuration. By installing this hook, you can perform code formatting and lint automatically before creating commits.
❯ pip install pre-commit --break-system-packages
❯ pre-commit install
You can build Raftify with the following features.
By enabling or disabling the features below, you can include only the necessary dependencies and source code in the build.