This program was made for DA course unit of Bachelor in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP. This program is an analysis tool that can support the Management Team of a water supply network in Portugal to make informed decisions about how to best allocate its resources.
Choose to import from the original dataset (big or small) or a custom dataset from file paths.
Get information such as:
- List of all City in the dataset and there respective information;
- Get the information of a specific City from a given code or name or ID;
- Get the information of the City that has max or min demand;
- Get the information of the City that has max or min population;
- List of all Reservoir in the dataset and there respective information;
- Get the information of a specific Reservoir from a given code or name or ID or Municipality;
- Get the information of the Reservoir that has max or min delivery;
- List of all Station in the dataset and there respective information;
- Get the statistics of the network such as Average (Capacity - Flow), Max (Capacity - Flow), Variance (Capacity - Flow), current flow to all City and current max flow.
Make requests such as:
- Compute the standard max flow of the network;
- Compute the max flow of the network but prioritizing specific City given by the user or in order of population;
- Compute the max flow of the network with overflow;
- Compute the max flow of the network with overflow that is able to reach a specific City;
- Compute the max flow of the network with overflow for only a given list of City;
- Erase specific Reservoir, Station or pipes from the Graph;
- Balance the flow of the network in order to reduce the Variance (Capacity - Flow).
Change settings such as:
- Enabling colour mode;
- Changing the display mode of the network statistics.
Final grade: 20