- React inside of Rails
- Minimum of one external API
- Google Maps - https://github.com/LEARNAcademy/google-map-react
- Yelp Fusion API - https://www.yelp.com/fusion
- Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/platform/api
- Leaflet - https://leafletjs.com/
- OR your choice
- Authentication (register, login, logout)
- Minimum of 2 database tables
- Testing - at least 60% code coverage
- Deployed to Heroku
- A well written README (with link to live application)
- Team name
- "About Us" page
- Responsive Design (include a phone view for example)
- Accessible design features
- Higher test coverage
- Adding Google analytics
- Continuous Integration
- Gmail account / Google docs
- New GitHub organization (for everyone to share)
- Slack channel - invite all instructors and admin staff
- Heroku Account
- Trello or GitHub Projects board for project management
- Step out of your comfort zone
- Work with everyone in your group
- Work on a feature or part of the app you’re not completely comfortable with
- Organization and clear communication - make sure everyone is on the same page
- Setting Clear Goals - Trello
- Make sure everyone feels included