其他语言版本: 简体中文
First, create a developer account at Agora.io, and obtain an App ID. create a developer account at HereWhite, and obtain a whiteboard sdk Token.
Second, update "app/src/normal/res/values/string_configs.xml" with your App ID and whiteboard sdk Token.
<string name="agora_app_id"><#YOUR APP ID#></string>
<string name="agora_rtc_token"><#YOUR RTC TOKEN#></string>
<string name="agora_rtm_token"><#YOUR RTM TOKEN#></string>
<string name="whiteboard_sdk_token"><#YOUR WHITEBOARD SDK TOKEN#></string>
agora_rtc_token & agora_rtm_token to empty if you have not enabled app certificate before you deploy your own token server, you can easily generate a temp RTC token for dev use at https://dashboard.agora.io note the token generated are allowed to join corresponding room only.
Third, remove the package config if you don't need it
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file(properties.getProperty('storeFile'))
storePassword properties.getProperty('storePassword')
keyAlias properties.getProperty('keyAlias')
keyPassword properties.getProperty('keyPassword')
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
- Android Studio 2.0 or above
- Real devices (Nexus 5X or other devices)
- Some simulators are function missing or have performance issue, so real device is the best choice
- You can find full API document at Document Center
- You can file bugs about this demo at issue
The MIT License (MIT).