Goto CloudFlare Dashboard and sign up/in. If you are new to CloudFlare, it may ask you to add a domain. If you don't want to add a domain, just open the above link again.
On the Dashboard goto "Workers & Pages" and verify your email if needed.
You will be asked to create a Workers subdomain. Enter the subdomain you want.
Click on "Create application" or Edit if you have already created one.
Click on "Create Worker" to proceed.
Click on "Deploy".
Click on "Edit code".
Erase all the code given in the code editor.
Copy the code from index.js and paste into the code editor.
Ensure that you have pasted the code correctly and click on "Save and deploy" and confirm the deployment.
Click on "Preview" tab to see the final worker URL.
Copy the final URL and use it wherever you want.