Glob to Drive
(2)GitHub Action that takes a glob, finds files and uploads them to Google Drive
This Action requires two tokens that the user has to generate: The credentials and the refresh token.
The credentials can be obtained by creating an OAuth Client ID (type has to be "Web application") in the GoogleAPIs page here. Also, the file login.js
uses http://localhost:3000/oauth2callback
as redirect URI, so the "Authorized redirect URIs" can only have one value and it has to be that URL. Clicking the download button will download a json file with the credentials
The next step is getting the refresh token by running the file login.js
, which will open the google log in page. After logging in, a file token.json
will be created.
The content of those two files should be uploaded as secrets to the repo, then they can be used as the example shows
- name: Upload to Google Drive
uses: PeronTheDuck/glob-to-drive@v4
# Required, used to find files
glob: "**/*.pdf"
# Optional, defaults to true. Controls whether to create subfolders or to upload everything to `uploadTo`
keepStructure: true
# Optional, if left empty, the files are uploaded to My Drive
uploadTo: ${{ secrets.DRIVE_FOLDER_ID }}
# Both required, tells Google that you are authorized to use Drive
credentials: ${{ secrets.CREDENTIALS }}
token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
# Optional, Google Drive will try to guess it if left empty
mimeType: "application/pdf"
Glob to Drive is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.