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Semver Conventional Commits

Calculate the next release version based on conventional commits since latest tag
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Semver Github Action

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Semver Conventional Commits - Github Action

This GitHub Action automatically determinate the next release version to use based on all the Conventional Commits since the latest tag.

Works great alongside the Changelog from Conventional Commits action!

Example workflow

name: Deploy


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Get Next Version
        id: semver
        uses: ietf-tools/semver-action@v1
          token: ${{ github.token }}
          branch: main

      - name: Create Release
        uses: ncipollo/[email protected]
          allowUpdates: true
          draft: false
          makeLatest: true
          name: ${{ }}
          body: Changelog Contents
          token: ${{ github.token }}


Field Description Required Default
token Your GitHub token. (e.g. ${{ github.token }})
branch The branch to use when fetching list of commits to compare against. (e.g. main) main
majorList Comma separated commit prefixes, used to bump Major version. A BREAKING CHANGE note in a commit message will still cause a major bump.
minorList Comma separated commit prefixes, used to bump Minor version. feat, feature
patchList Comma separated commit prefixes, used to bump Patch version. fix, bugfix, perf, refactor, test, tests
patchAll If set to true, will ignore patchList and always count commits as a Patch. false
additionalCommits A list of additional commit messages to parse in order to calculate semver.
fallbackTag A fallback tag to use if no valid latest tag can be found.
fromTag Override the tag to use when comparing against the branch in order to fetch the list of commits.
maxTagsToFetch Maximum number of tags to fetch from latest (between 1 and 100). 10
noNewCommitBehavior Whether to exit with an error (default), a warning, the current version or silently when there are no new commits since the latest tag. (Possible values: error, warn, current or silent) error
noVersionBumpBehavior Whether to exit with an error (default), a warning, silently, the current version or force bump using patch when none of the commits result in a version bump. (Possible values: error, warn, current, patch or silent) error
prefix A prefix that will be striped when parsing tags (e.g. foobar/). Any other prefix will be ignored. Useful for monorepos. The prefix will be added back to the output values.
skipInvalidTags If set to true, will skip tags that are not valid semver until it finds a proper one (up to maxTagsFetch from latest). false
tagFilter If defined, only tags matching the regex pattern will be included (e.g. ^[a-f0-9.]+$). Use a negative lookahead match to exclude tags (e.g. ^(?!abcd).*$). When used in conjunction with the prefix option, the prefix is striped first, then the filter is applied.


Field Description Example Value
current Current version number / latest tag. v1.1.9
next Next version number in format v0.0.0 v1.2.0
nextStrict Next version number without the v prefix. 1.2.0
nextMajor Next version major number in format v0 v1
nextMajorStrict Next version major number only. 1
bump Next version behavior: major, minor, patch or none. minor

⚠️ Important ⚠️

If no valid latest tag is found and no fallbackTag is provided, the job will exit with an error. To avoid this, you can use the fallbackTag option to specify a default tag value (e.g. 0.0.0).

Semver Conventional Commits is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Calculate the next release version based on conventional commits since latest tag

Semver Conventional Commits is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.