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85 lines (56 loc) · 2.96 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (56 loc) · 2.96 KB


High-level Architecture Overview

You can get a high-level glimpse on how the different components interact in the diagram below. That should make it easier to navigate the codebase. Please refer to the in-line code documentation for more information.

High-level architecture diagram

You can open and edit the architecture.drawio file on

How to contribute?

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature or bugfix branch from main
  3. Push your changes to the branch on your forked repository
  4. Submit a PR towards main branch of this repository.

Commit messages

Please use short and descriptive titles and expand on the "why" inside the body of the commit message if necessary. In this repository we use the imperative form. For more information on good commit messages, I recommend the following article:

Formatting and linting

Before submitting a PR make sure that your feature is covered with tests.

  1. Install dependencies for auto-formatting and linting:
pip3 install -r testing_requirements.txt
  1. Run formatting, type checking and linting:
black src tests *.py && mypy src tests *.py && flake8 src tests *.py
  1. Run tests:
PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN=<your_token> PUSHOVER_USER_KEY=<your_key> TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<your_token> TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<your_chat_id>  python3 -m unittest

Check that all passes and there aren't any warnings.

If you did not modify any logic in one of the notifiers, you can skip these tests and run all others without specifying any tokens:

python3 -m unittest
  1. Verify test coverage:

As before, include env variables needed to live test functionality you touched.

python3 -m coverage run -m unittest
python3 -m coverage report

Testing remote APIs

To strike a balance between hermetic tests and actually testing against a live API, is utilized. By default tests with prerecorded interactions are tested hermetically. If you instead want to test live or record a new cassette, remove the cassette file and run the test with sufficient env variables to produce a valid replacement result.

For example:

rm tests/cassette/keep_alive_monitor/*
REMOTE_PING_URL=<your-token> python3 -m unittest tests.notifier.test_keep_alive_monitor

Warning Before committing a cassette file make sure you've sanitized it of your own tokens! Normally this is done at the VCR config level, see: Filter sensitive data from the request

Have fun

Most importantly: Have fun and if you're unsure about some contribution, don't shy away from submit a Pull Request anyway. We can use that as a basis for discussions, provide feedback and iterate on further improvements. Cheers!