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File metadata and controls

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PID Adapter Information

General information

This adapter provides one or more configurable pid controllers per instance.

The general functionality of a pid controller is documented i.e. at wikipedia ( In short a pid controller computes an output value depending on the input value and three parameters:

  • proportional component
  • integral component
  • deriative component

This ioBroker adapter allows the configuration of the pid controller by specifying several parameters listed here . The output value is calculated in regular intervalls specified as cylce time. In addition the calulation can be suspended and internal values can be reset on demand.

As an convinient feature the output value can be set to a specified value when operating in manual mode.

States used for input and set by controller output are listed in section Description of States


TAB Configuration

This tab allows to specifiy one or more controller instances operanting independently.

Configurationmode Selection

You may speciify the following parameters:

  • configuration mode
    The field configuration modeallows to select whether Kp/Tn/Tv mode or Xp/tn/Tv mode is desired. Right to the selection you will see the formula used for calculation depending on the seletcion.

  • ignore setpoint for derivate
    If this field is selected the difference value for the derivative term is calculated based on the actual value only, otherwise the setpoint value is taken into account too.

Controller Configuration

This table allows to configure a list of controllers

Parameter Type Description Comment
Enabled boolean if marked, controller will be used can be used to disable a controller temporary
Autostart boolean if marked, controller will started whenever the adapter is started The controller can be stopped and started using hold state in any case
Use States for Config boolean if marked, parameters will be controlled by states This flag will disable parameter fields when selected
Controller-Id text Controller-Id identifying a controller This id must be unique among all controllers but can be selected by user
Kp or Xp number proportional term of controller specification of some decimal part is possible
Tn number integral term of controller specification of some decimal part is possible
Tv number deriative term of controller specification of some decimal part is possible
Min Out number minimum output value
Max Out number maximum output value
Offset number offset added to output value
Hysteresis number hysteresis value Output will not change as long as difference is smaller than hysteresis
Invert boolean invert the output value
Cycle time (ss) integer Cycle time in ms specifies the cycle time for recurrent calulations. The cicle time is limitied to 100 - 3600000ms.

TAB General Options

Here you specify some general options

  • log calculation
    Setting this option activates logging of data calculated during regular recomputaions.

  • disable folders for states
    Normally states are structured using folders. If a flat structure is prefered activating this option disables all folders. Please note that changing this option will delete all existing states. This might have sideeffects i.e. related to history recording. Thus a warning must be confirmed before this option can be changed.

Details of Functionality

Description of States

Every adapter instance creates a set of states per configured controller. The following table describes the contents of those states and wether they are read-only (RO) or writeable by users (RW).

Folder State Type RW/RO Description
cfg cycle number RO cycle time in ms as configured at config (*)
cfg dao boolean RO true indicates that deriavative uses act input only
cfg inv boolean RO true indicates that output is inverted
cfg useXp boolean RO true indicates that Xp/Tn/Tv mode is used
in act number RW actual value as input to controller
in hold boolean RW flag to hold processing
in man boolean RW flag to enable manual mode; true enables manual mode
in man_inp number RW manual input value output to 'y' if 'man' is set to true
in rst boolean RW trigger to initialize a reset of controller (writing true resets controller)
in set number RW setpoint value as input to controller
out diff number RO difference between actual value ('act') and setpoint ('set') at last cycle
out lim boolean RO indicator set to true if controller output hit limits at last cycle
out supr boolean RO indicator set to true if controller ignored input due to supr (hysteresis) limit
out y number RO output value of controller to be used as feedback to system
para kp number RW Proportional factor configured at config (*)
para max number RW Maximum value for output or null as factor configured at config (*)
para min number RW Minimum value for output or null as factor configured at config (*)
para off number RW statis coffset value to be added to output ('y')
para sup number RW suppress / hysteresis value
para tn number RW integral term configured at config (*)
para tv number RW deriative term configured at config (*)
para xp number RW Proportional factor configured at config (*)
xtra i_differr number RO internal difference used for calulation of D term at last cycle
xtra i_sumerr number RO internal accumulated error used for calulation of P term at last cycle
xtra last_delta number RO time between last cylces (ms)
xtra last_upd number RO timestamp (ms since epoch) of last iupdate cycle
xtra run boolean RO set to true if controller is running. Setting 'run' to flase will suspend calcultaions

Hysteresis Handling and Update of Output

The adapter evaluates every input written to state 'act' and calclutaes the difference to 'set'. If the difference is smaller than the hysteresis value no recalculation is performed. This reduces small changes to output if 'act' only changes a little bit.

If the adapter control state 'hold' is set to true, no new calculation is performed. The output is frozen ('on-hold') while 'hold' is set to true.

If a non zero cycle time is configured (and 'hold' is false) the adapter performs a recalculation every x ms specified by 'cycle'. The result of the calulation is written to the appropiate states. You can check the internal values too.