diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/bigint/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/bigint/tolocalestring/index.md
index 17c2730f718b872..527b21baec1c088 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/bigint/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/bigint/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.BigInt.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("BigInt")}} values returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this BigInt. In implementations with [`Intl.NumberFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.NumberFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("BigInt")}} values returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this BigInt. In implementations with [`Intl.NumberFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.NumberFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.NumberFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/NumberFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `NumberFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/index.md
index e559e98e00b4ec6..2ddc299bfc4a39e 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/index.md
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Date.prototype` and shared by all `Date` instan
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toISOString()")}}
- : Converts a date to a string following the ISO 8601 Extended Format.
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing the `Date` using {{jsxref("Date/toISOString", "toISOString()")}}. Intended for use by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing the `Date` using {{jsxref("Date/toISOString", "toISOString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString()")}}
- : Returns a string with a locality sensitive representation of the date portion of this date based on system settings.
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaledatestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaledatestring/index.md
index e0cafc2310ff220..e842f57bddac281 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaledatestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaledatestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Date.toLocaleDateString
-The **`toLocaleDateString()`** method of {{jsxref("Date")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of the date portion of this date in the local timezone. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleDateString()`** method of {{jsxref("Date")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of the date portion of this date in the local timezone. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocalestring/index.md
index fafc7e069b86eb8..06f1693de776b7d 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Date.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Date")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date in the local timezone. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Date")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date in the local timezone. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaletimestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaletimestring/index.md
index 8e23159d839150d..232301895eb9ee9 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaletimestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/date/tolocaletimestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Date.toLocaleTimeString
-The **`toLocaleTimeString()`** method of {{jsxref("Date")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of the time portion of this date in the local timezone. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleTimeString()`** method of {{jsxref("Date")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of the time portion of this date in the local timezone. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleTimeString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/number/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/number/tolocalestring/index.md
index c58ae50259850eb..44afe9a57fb825f 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/number/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/number/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Number.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Number")}} values returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this number. In implementations with [`Intl.NumberFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.NumberFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Number")}} values returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this number. In implementations with [`Intl.NumberFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.NumberFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.NumberFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/NumberFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `NumberFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/string/localecompare/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/string/localecompare/index.md
index 645db602eaebe59..27b77169bb6e526 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/string/localecompare/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/string/localecompare/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.String.localeCompare
-The **`localeCompare()`** method of {{jsxref("String")}} values returns a number indicating whether this string comes before, or after, or is the same as the given string in sort order. In implementations with [`Intl.Collator` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/Collator) support, this method simply calls `Intl.Collator`.
+The **`localeCompare()`** method of {{jsxref("String")}} values returns a number indicating whether this string comes before, or after, or is the same as the given string in sort order. In implementations with [`Intl.Collator` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/Collator) support, this method delegates to `Intl.Collator`.
When comparing large numbers of strings, such as in sorting large arrays, it is better to create an {{jsxref("Intl.Collator")}} object and use the function provided by its {{jsxref("Intl/Collator/compare", "compare()")}} method.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/index.md
index 6fdad958c771e22..b9d2daad7db0e59 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/index.md
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.Duration.prototype` and shared by all
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/subtract", "Temporal.Duration.prototype.subtract()")}}
- : Returns a new `Temporal.Duration` object with the difference between this duration and a given duration (in a form convertible by {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/from", "Temporal.Duration.from()")}}). Equivalent to [adding](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/Duration/add) the [negated](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/Duration/negated) value of the other duration.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/toJSON", "Temporal.Duration.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this duration in the same [ISO 8601 format](#iso_8601_duration_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this duration in the same [ISO 8601 format](#iso_8601_duration_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/toLocaleString", "Temporal.Duration.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- - : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this duration. In implementations with [`Intl.DurationFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DurationFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DurationFormat`.
+ - : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this duration. In implementations with [`Intl.DurationFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DurationFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DurationFormat`.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/toString", "Temporal.Duration.prototype.toString()")}}
- : Returns a string representing this duration in the [ISO 8601 format](#iso_8601_duration_format).
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/total", "Temporal.Duration.prototype.total()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tojson/index.md
index 2b700f20a7fa896..b5c0009c94d5bab 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.Duration.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Duration")}} instances returns a string representing this duration in the same [ISO 8601 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/Duration#iso_8601_duration_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Duration")}} instances returns a string representing this duration in the same [ISO 8601 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/Duration#iso_8601_duration_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tolocalestring/index.md
index 1cde68e6e63a44c..176dcaf0b95e4f3 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/duration/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.Duration.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Duration")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this duration. In implementations with [`Intl.DurationFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DurationFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DurationFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Duration")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this duration. In implementations with [`Intl.DurationFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DurationFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DurationFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DurationFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DurationFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DurationFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/index.md
index 2da17db95938a0e..87cf8ea78b49e0b 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/index.md
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ This is very similar to the [date time string format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
- {{jsxref("Temporal.Now")}}
- : Provides methods for getting the current time in various formats.
- {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}}
- - : Represents a date without a time or time zone (a calendar date); for example, an event on a calendar which happens during the whole day no matter which time zone it's happening in. It is fundamentally represented as an ISO 8601 calendar date, with year, month, and day fields, and an associated calendar system.
+ - : Represents a calendar date (a date without a time or time zone); for example, an event on a calendar which happens during the whole day no matter which time zone it's happening in. It is fundamentally represented as an ISO 8601 calendar date, with year, month, and day fields, and an associated calendar system.
- {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}}
- : Represents a date (calendar date) and time (wall-clock time) without a time zone. It is fundamentally represented as a combination of a [date](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDate) (with an associated calendar system) and a [time](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainTime).
- {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainMonthDay")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/index.md
index 469570a2069c742..72557cbf0df6ebd 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/index.md
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.Instant.prototype` and shared by all `
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/subtract", "Temporal.Instant.prototype.subtract()")}}
- : Returns a new `Temporal.Instant` object representing this instant moved backward by a given duration (in a form convertible by {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/from", "Temporal.Duration.from()")}}).
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toJSON", "Temporal.Instant.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this instant in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this instant in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toLocaleString", "Temporal.Instant.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- - : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this instant. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+ - : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this instant. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toString", "Temporal.Instant.prototype.toString()")}}
- : Returns a string representing this instant in the [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) using the specified time zone.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toZonedDateTimeISO", "Temporal.Instant.prototype.toZonedDateTimeISO()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tojson/index.md
index 82192b1c63d7d19..03c6837bf6d0473 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.Instant.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Instant")}} instances returns a string representing this instant in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/Instant#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Instant")}} instances returns a string representing this instant in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/Instant#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tolocalestring/index.md
index 3c0a693a5e92574..fddddf3d6ddb005 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/instant/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.Instant.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Instant")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this instant. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.Instant")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this instant. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/era/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/era/index.md
index 6cc7f66721daf2f..27df3db3529195b 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/era/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/era/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDate.era
-The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. For Gregorian, it is either `"gregory"` or `"gregory-inverse"`.
+The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. For Gregorian, it is either `"gregory"` or `"gregory-inverse"`.
The set accessor of `era` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.PlainDate` object with the desired new value. When setting eras, each code may have some aliases; for example, `"ce"` and `"ad"` are equivalent to `"gregory"`, and `"bce"` and `"bc"` are equivalent to `"gregory-inverse"`.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/erayear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/erayear/index.md
index 52f58e193fa9dba..d42b60c049043c4 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/erayear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/erayear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDate.eraYear
-The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
Unlike `year`, `era` and `eraYear` may change in the middle of a calendar year. For example, Japan started the Reiwa era on May 1, 2019, so dates from 2019-01-01 to 2019-04-30 have `{ era: "heisei", eraYear: 31 }`, and dates from 2019-05-01 onwards have `{ era: "reiwa", eraYear: 1 }`, but the `year` is always 2019 (because the Japanese calendar uses the ISO 8601 year as the default year).
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/index.md
index 8609abc53584a69..9a2d8bde16f5e03 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDate
-The **`Temporal.PlainDate`** object represents a date without a time or time zone (a calendar date); for example, an event on a calendar which happens during the whole day no matter which time zone it's happening in. It is fundamentally represented as an ISO 8601 calendar date, with year, month, and day fields, and an associated calendar system.
+The **`Temporal.PlainDate`** object represents a calendar date (a date without a time or time zone); for example, an event on a calendar which happens during the whole day no matter which time zone it's happening in. It is fundamentally represented as an ISO 8601 calendar date, with year, month, and day fields, and an associated calendar system.
## Description
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ YYYY-MM-DD [u-ca=calendar_id]
- `DD`
- : A two-digit number from `01` to `31`. The `YYYY`, `MM`, and `DD` components can be separated by `-` or nothing.
- `[u-ca=calendar_id]` {{optional_inline}}
- - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted in ISO and then converted to the specified calendar.
+ - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted as an ISO 8601 calendar date and then converted to the specified calendar.
As an input, you may optionally include the time, offset, and time zone identifier, in the same format as [`PlainDateTime`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDateTime#rfc_9557_format), but they will be ignored. Other annotations in the `[key=value]` format are also ignored, and they must not have the critical flag.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ When serializing, you can configure whether to display the calendar ID, and whet
### Invalid date clamping
-The {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/from", "Temporal.PlainDate.from()")}}, {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/with", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.with()")}}, {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/add", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.add()")}}, {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/subtract", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.subtract()")}} methods, and the counterparts in other `Temporal` objects, allow constructing dates using calendar-specific properties. The date components may be out of range. In the ISO calendar, this is always an _overflow_, such as the month being greater than 12 or the day being greater than the number of days, and fixing it would only involve clamping the value to the maximum allowed value. In other calendars, the invalid case may be more complex. When using the `overflow: "constrain"` option, invalid dates are fixed to a valid one in the following way:
+The {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/from", "Temporal.PlainDate.from()")}}, {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/with", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.with()")}}, {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/add", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.add()")}}, {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/subtract", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.subtract()")}} methods, and their counterparts in other `Temporal` objects, allow constructing dates using calendar-specific properties. The date components may be out of range. In the ISO calendar, this is always an _overflow_, such as the month being greater than 12 or the day being greater than the number of days, and fixing it would only involve clamping the value to the maximum allowed value. In other calendars, the invalid case may be more complex. When using the `overflow: "constrain"` option, invalid dates are fixed to a valid one in the following way:
- If the day doesn't exist but the month does: pick the closest day in the same month. If there are two equally-close dates in that month, pick the later one.
- If the month is a leap month that doesn't exist in the year: pick another date according to the cultural conventions of that calendar's users. Usually this will result in the same day in the month before or after where that month would normally fall in a leap year.
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainDate.prototype` and shared by all
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/daysInYear", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.daysInYear")}}
- : Returns a positive integer representing the number of days in the year of this date. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. For the ISO 8601 calendar, this is 365, or 366 in a leap year.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/era", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.era")}}
- - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. For Gregorian, it is either `"gregory"` or `"gregory-inverse"`.
+ - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. For Gregorian, it is either `"gregory"` or `"gregory-inverse"`.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/eraYear", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.eraYear")}}
- - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/inLeapYear", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.inLeapYear")}}
- - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/month", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.month")}}
- : Returns a positive integer representing the 1-based month index in the year of this date. The first month of this year is `1`, and the last month is the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/monthsInYear", "monthsInYear")}}. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. Note that unlike {{jsxref("Date/getMonth", "Date.prototype.getMonth()")}}, the index is 1-based. If the calendar has leap months, then the month with the same {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/monthCode", "monthCode")}} may have different `month` indexes for different years.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/monthCode", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.monthCode")}}
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainDate.prototype` and shared by all
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/weekOfYear", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.weekOfYear")}}
- : Returns a positive integer representing the 1-based week index in the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/yearOfWeek", "yearOfWeek")}} of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not have a well-defined week system. The first week of the year is `1`. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. Note that for ISO 8601, the first and last few days of the year may be attributed to the last week of the previous year or the first week of the next year.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/year", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.year")}}
- - : Returns an integer representing the number of years of this date relative to the start of a calendar-specific epoch year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. Usually year 1 is either the first year of the latest era or the ISO 8601 year `0001`. If the epoch is in the middle of the year, the year will have the same value before and after the start date of the era.
+ - : Returns an integer representing the number of years of this date relative to the start of a calendar-specific epoch year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. Usually year 1 is either the first year of the latest era or the ISO 8601 year `0001`. If the epoch is in the middle of the year, that year will have the same value before and after the start date of the era.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/yearOfWeek", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.yearOfWeek")}}
- : Returns an integer representing the year to be paired with the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/weekOfYear", "weekOfYear")}} of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not have a well-defined week system. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent. Usually this is the year of the date, but for ISO 8601, the first and last few days of the year may be attributed to the last week of the previous year or the first week of the next year, causing the `yearOfWeek` to differ by 1.
- `Temporal.PlainDate.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]`
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainDate.prototype` and shared by all
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/subtract", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.subtract()")}}
- : Returns a new `Temporal.PlainDate` object representing this date moved backward by a given duration (in a form convertible by {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/from", "Temporal.Duration.from()")}}).
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/toJSON", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this date in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this date in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/toLocaleString", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/toPlainDateTime", "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toPlainDateTime()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/inleapyear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/inleapyear/index.md
index cc0d0ee486e78db..694bf9031d197f1 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/inleapyear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/inleapyear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDate.inLeapYear
-The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
For the ISO 8601 calendar, a leap year is a year that is evenly divisible by 4, except for years that are evenly divisible by 100, unless the year is also evenly divisible by 400. For the ISO 8601 calendar, leap years have 366 days, while common years have 365 days. For other calendar systems, the rules likely differ, and leap years may have more days added (such as a leap month).
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tojson/index.md
index 8a9a152b5bccf24..159ace79fc48397 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDate.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a string representing this date in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDate#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a string representing this date in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDate#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tolocalestring/index.md
index 6a05c2fb58ee516..1cd226190aa5c06 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDate.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/year/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/year/index.md
index 7fa39b49bd2d478..e90a1aa356af714 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/year/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindate/year/index.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDate.year
The **`year`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDate")}} instances returns an integer representing the number of years of this date relative to the start of a calendar-specific epoch year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
-This property has the same function as the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/era", "era")}}/{{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/eraYear", "eraYear")}} pair as a unique identifier of a year in a calendar. Usually year 1 is either the first year of the latest era or the ISO 8601 year `0001`. Because `year` is relative to the start of the epoch year, not the epoch date, if the epoch is in the middle of the year, the year will have the same value before and after the start date of the era.
+This property has the same function as the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/era", "era")}}/{{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/eraYear", "eraYear")}} pair as a unique identifier of a year in a calendar. Usually year 1 is either the first year of the latest era or the ISO 8601 year `0001`. Because `year` is relative to the start of the epoch year, not the epoch date, if the epoch is in the middle of the year, that year will have the same value before and after the start date of the era.
The set accessor of `year` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDate/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.PlainDate` object with the desired new value.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/era/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/era/index.md
index 2331707500393b4..ec08dc0db7c8f59 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/era/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/era/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDateTime.era
-The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `era` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.PlainDateTime` object with the desired new value.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/erayear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/erayear/index.md
index 9e020d5620740de..d3e9ea25bb4b187 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/erayear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/erayear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDateTime.eraYear
-The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `eraYear` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.PlainDateTime` object with the desired new value.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/index.md
index 3d5cfa948ac022b..c8ea341a57e9117 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/index.md
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ YYYY-MM-DD T HH:mm:ss.sssssssss [u-ca=calendar_id]
- `ss.sssssssss` {{optional_inline}}
- : A two-digit number from `00` to `59`. May optionally be followed by a `.` or `,` and one to nine digits. Defaults to `00`. The `HH`, `mm`, and `ss` components can be separated by `:` or nothing. You can omit either just `ss` or both `ss` and `mm`, so the time can be one of three forms: `HH`, `HH:mm`, or `HH:mm:ss.sssssssss`.
- `[u-ca=calendar_id]` {{optional_inline}}
- - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted in ISO and then converted to the specified calendar.
+ - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted as an ISO 8601 calendar date and then converted to the specified calendar.
As an input, you may optionally include the offset and time zone identifier, in the same format as [`ZonedDateTime`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/ZonedDateTime#rfc_9557_format), but they will be ignored. Note that the offset must _not_ be `Z`. Other annotations in the `[key=value]` format are also ignored, and they must not have the critical flag.
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype` and shared by
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/daysInYear", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.daysInYear")}}
- : Returns a positive integer representing the number of days in the year of this date. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/era", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.era")}}
- - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/eraYear", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.eraYear")}}
- - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/hour", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.hour")}}
- : Returns a integer from 0 to 23 representing the hour component of this time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/inLeapYear", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.inLeapYear")}}
- - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/microsecond", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.microsecond")}}
- : Returns a integer from 0 to 999 representing the microsecond (10-6 second) component of this time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/millisecond", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.millisecond")}}
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype` and shared by
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/subtract", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.subtract()")}}
- : Returns a new `Temporal.PlainDateTime` object representing this date-time moved backward by a given duration (in a form convertible by {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/from", "Temporal.Duration.from()")}}).
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/toJSON", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/toLocaleString", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date-time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/toPlainDate", "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.toPlainDate()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/inleapyear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/inleapyear/index.md
index 6bc7c23e3f2f16d..f12ca5455415922 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/inleapyear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/inleapyear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDateTime.inLeapYear
-The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `inLeapYear` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tojson/index.md
index 782ba3a2720a6e7..bd68804cffcf64a 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDateTime.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDateTime#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDateTime#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tolocalestring/index.md
index 232dbadda3b34e9..ae7359f7b2e2cf8 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaindatetime/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainDateTime.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date-time. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainDateTime")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date-time. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/index.md
index 47b33d3f4f277bb..576facfbcfe130f 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/index.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ YYYY-MM-DD [u-ca=calendar_id]
- `DD`
- : A two-digit number from `01` to `31`. The `YYYY`, `MM`, and `DD` components can be separated by `-` or nothing.
- `[u-ca=calendar_id]` {{optional_inline}}
- - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted in ISO and then converted to the specified calendar.
+ - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted as an ISO 8601 calendar date and then converted to the specified calendar.
As an input, you may optionally include the time, offset, and time zone identifier, in the same format as [`PlainDateTime`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDateTime#rfc_9557_format), but they will be ignored. Other annotations in the `[key=value]` format are also ignored, and they must not have the critical flag.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainMonthDay.prototype` and shared by
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/equals", "Temporal.PlainMonthDay.prototype.equals()")}}
- : Returns `true` if this month-day is equivalent in value to another month-day (in a form convertible by {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/from", "Temporal.PlainMonthDay.from()")}}), and `false` otherwise. They are compared both by their date values and their calendars.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/toJSON", "Temporal.PlainMonthDay.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this month-day in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this month-day in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/toLocaleString", "Temporal.PlainMonthDay.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this month-day.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/toPlainDate", "Temporal.PlainMonthDay.prototype.toPlainDate()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tojson/index.md
index 933dd1b35988d5a..93a327be504ed2a 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainMonthDay.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainMonthDay")}} instances returns a string representing this month-day in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainMonthDay#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainMonthDay")}} instances returns a string representing this month-day in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainMonthDay#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainMonthDay/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tolocalestring/index.md
index 3a3fbb778b5ddfd..88f75353bf97622 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainmonthday/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainMonthDay.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainMonthDay")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this month-day. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainMonthDay")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this month-day. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/index.md
index 396a32a143db418..cb4b67ec8be5a24 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/index.md
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainTime.prototype` and shared by all
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/subtract", "Temporal.PlainTime.prototype.subtract()")}}
- : Returns a new `Temporal.PlainTime` object representing this time moved backward by a given duration (in a form convertible by {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/from", "Temporal.Duration.from()")}}), wrapping around the clock if necessary.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/toJSON", "Temporal.PlainTime.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this time in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this time in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/toLocaleString", "Temporal.PlainTime.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/toString", "Temporal.PlainTime.prototype.toString()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tojson/index.md
index 4ae381b7c9a3f8b..e87a12d5da3e694 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainTime.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainTime")}} instances returns a string representing this time in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainTime#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainTime")}} instances returns a string representing this time in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainTime#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainTime/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tolocalestring/index.md
index 3897220475e9f9a..37be08126983c2b 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plaintime/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainTime.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainTime")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this time. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainTime")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this time. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/era/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/era/index.md
index 9002ba42052c841..a73f0d6b0aa6d9f 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/era/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/era/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainYearMonth.era
-The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this year-month, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this year-month, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `era` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.PlainYearMonth` object with the desired new value.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/erayear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/erayear/index.md
index c1432f50f9b8bf1..84b1a81ddf12211 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/erayear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/erayear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainYearMonth.eraYear
-The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this year-month within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this year-month within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `eraYear` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.PlainYearMonth` object with the desired new value.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/index.md
index 373fc2122302fe7..3ffc6a61db9390c 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/index.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ YYYY-MM-DD [u-ca=calendar_id]
- `DD` {{optional_inline}}
- : A two-digit number from `01` to `31`. It is required for non-ISO calendars, and optional otherwise. If omitted, the string looks like `YYYY-MM` or `YYYYMM`. Note that the reference day actually stored may be different from the one you provide, but the represented year-month is the same. See {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/from", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from()")}} for more information. The `YYYY`, `MM`, and `DD` components can be separated by `-` or nothing.
- `[u-ca=calendar_id]` {{optional_inline}}
- - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted in ISO and then converted to the specified calendar.
+ - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted as an ISO 8601 calendar date and then converted to the specified calendar.
As an input, you may optionally include the time, offset, and time zone identifier, in the same format as [`PlainDateTime`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainDateTime#rfc_9557_format), but they will be ignored. Other annotations in the `[key=value]` format are also ignored, and they must not have the critical flag.
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype` and shared b
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/daysInYear", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.daysInYear")}}
- : Returns a positive integer representing the number of days in the year of this date. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/era", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.era")}}
- - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this year-month, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this year-month, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/eraYear", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.eraYear")}}
- - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this year-month within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this year-month within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/inLeapYear", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.inLeapYear")}}
- - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this year-month is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this year-month is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/month", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.month")}}
- : Returns a positive integer representing the 1-based month index in the year of this year-month. The first month of this year is `1`, and the last month is the {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/monthsInYear", "monthsInYear")}}. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/monthCode", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.monthCode")}}
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype` and shared b
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/subtract", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.subtract()")}}
- : Returns a new `Temporal.PlainYearMonth` object representing this year-month moved backward by a given duration (in a form convertible by {{jsxref("Temporal/Duration/from", "Temporal.Duration.from()")}}).
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/toJSON", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this year-month in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this year-month in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/toLocaleString", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this year-month.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/toPlainDate", "Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype.toPlainDate()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/inleapyear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/inleapyear/index.md
index 34ad7eea51e7f8a..3351d6a6b4e9102 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/inleapyear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/inleapyear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainYearMonth.inLeapYear
-The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this year-month is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this year-month is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `inLeapYear` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tojson/index.md
index d3a891dc9d4fdd1..f707966e2c24411 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainYearMonth.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a string representing this year-month in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainYearMonth#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a string representing this year-month in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/PlainYearMonth#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/PlainYearMonth/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tolocalestring/index.md
index 882c2639e8aee2e..f4ced58fd87a85b 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/plainyearmonth/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.PlainYearMonth.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this year-month. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.PlainYearMonth")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this year-month. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat`.
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/era/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/era/index.md
index 825a3b9e9431ab2..baeb828ae46e2c4 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/era/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/era/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.ZonedDateTime.era
-The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`era`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `era` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object with the desired new value.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/erayear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/erayear/index.md
index 89724bb8cb25ef8..6b5a9f1f6de0dfa 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/erayear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/erayear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.ZonedDateTime.eraYear
-The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`eraYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `eraYear` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly. Use the {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/with", "with()")}} method to create a new `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object with the desired new value.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/index.md
index c7cb7d54565ffcf..cf90ae5c7b4010d 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/index.md
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ YYYY-MM-DD T HH:mm:ss.sssssssss Z/±HH:mm:ss.sssssssss [time_zone_id] [u-ca=cale
- `[time_zone_id]`
- : Replace `time_zone_id` with the time zone identifier (named or offset) as described above. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the identifier with `!`: e.g., `[!America/New_York]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. Note that it is required for `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from()`: omitting it causes a `RangeError`. If you want to parse ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 strings without time zone identifier annotations, use {{jsxref("Temporal/Instant/from", "Temporal.Instant.from()")}} instead.
- `[u-ca=calendar_id]` {{optional_inline}}
- - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted in ISO and then converted to the specified calendar.
+ - : Replace `calendar_id` with the calendar to use. May have a _critical flag_ by prefixing the key with `!`: e.g., `[!u-ca=iso8601]`. This flag generally tells other systems that it cannot be ignored if they don't support it. The `Temporal` parser will throw an error if the annotations contain two or more calendar annotations and one of them is critical. Defaults to `[u-ca=iso8601]`. Note that the `YYYY-MM-DD` is always interpreted as an ISO 8601 calendar date and then converted to the specified calendar.
As an input, other annotations in the `[key=value]` format are ignored, and they must not have the critical flag.
@@ -198,15 +198,15 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype` and shared by
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/epochNanoseconds", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochNanoseconds")}}
- : Returns a {{jsxref("BigInt")}} representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (midnight at the beginning of January 1, 1970, UTC) to this instant.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/era", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.era")}}
- - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a calendar-specific lowercase string representing the era of this date, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/eraYear", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.eraYear")}}
- - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way as `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a non-negative integer representing the year of this date within the era, or `undefined` if the calendar does not use eras (e.g. ISO 8601). The year index usually starts from 1 (more common) or 0, and years in an era can decrease with time (e.g. Gregorian BCE). `era` and `eraYear` together uniquely identify a year in a calendar, in the same way that `year` does. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/hour", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.hour")}}
- : Returns a integer from 0 to 23 representing the hour component of this time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/hoursInDay", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.hoursInDay")}}
- : Returns a positive integer representing the number of hours in the day of this date in the time zone. It may be more or less than 24 in the case of offset changes such as daylight saving time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/inLeapYear", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.inLeapYear")}}
- - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+ - : Returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. [Calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/microsecond", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.microsecond")}}
- : Returns a integer from 0 to 999 representing the microsecond (10-6 second) component of this time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/millisecond", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.millisecond")}}
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ These properties are defined on `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype` and shared by
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toInstant", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toInstant()")}}
- : Returns a new {{jsxref("Temporal.Instant")}} object representing the instant of this date-time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toJSON", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toJSON()")}}
- - : Returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}.
+ - : Returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}. Intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toLocaleString", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- : Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date-time.
- {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toPlainDate", "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toPlainDate()")}}
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/inleapyear/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/inleapyear/index.md
index 465064e02d8f9e2..177d9ee31661bfb 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/inleapyear/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/inleapyear/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.ZonedDateTime.inLeapYear
-The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
+The **`inLeapYear`** accessor property of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a boolean indicating whether this date is in a leap year. A leap year is a year that has more days (due to a leap day or leap month) than a common year. It is [calendar](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal#calendars)-dependent.
The set accessor of `inLeapYear` is `undefined`. You cannot change this property directly.
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tojson/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tojson/index.md
index e61d0286ad3b369..a54763dc74ba2e5 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tojson/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tojson/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.ZonedDateTime.toJSON
-The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/ZonedDateTime#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}.
+The **`toJSON()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a string representing this date-time in the same [RFC 9557 format](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Temporal/ZonedDateTime#rfc_9557_format) as calling {{jsxref("Temporal/ZonedDateTime/toString", "toString()")}}. It is intended to be implicitly called by {{jsxref("JSON.stringify()")}}.
## Syntax
diff --git a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tolocalestring/index.md b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tolocalestring/index.md
index 79f6185a600dfd0..c45930562dfd85f 100644
--- a/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tolocalestring/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/temporal/zoneddatetime/tolocalestring/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ browser-compat: javascript.builtins.Temporal.ZonedDateTime.toLocaleString
-The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date-time. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method simply calls `Intl.DateTimeFormat` and passes this date-time converted to an {{jsxref("Temporal.Instant")}} (because `Intl.DateTimeFormat` cannot directly format a `Temporal.ZonedDateTime`).
+The **`toLocaleString()`** method of {{jsxref("Temporal.ZonedDateTime")}} instances returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this date-time. In implementations with [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat) support, this method delegates to `Intl.DateTimeFormat` and passes this date-time converted to an {{jsxref("Temporal.Instant")}} (because `Intl.DateTimeFormat` cannot directly format a `Temporal.ZonedDateTime`).
Every time `toLocaleString` is called, it has to perform a search in a big database of localization strings, which is potentially inefficient. When the method is called many times with the same arguments, it is better to create a {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object and use its {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/format", "format()")}} method, because a `DateTimeFormat` object remembers the arguments passed to it and may decide to cache a slice of the database, so future `format` calls can search for localization strings within a more constrained context. However, currently `Intl.DateTimeFormat` does not support formatting `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` objects, so you must convert them to `Temporal.Instant` objects first before passing them to `format()`.