This is the AdMob module for Godot Engine (
- Android & iOS
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded Video
Drop the "admob" directory inside the "modules" directory on the Godot source.
Recompile android export template (For documentation:
In Example project goto Export > Target > Android:
Custom Package:
- place your apk from build
Permissions on:
- Access Network State
- Internet
- Drop the "admob" directory inside the "modules" directory on the Godot source;
- Download and extract the Google Mobile Ads SDK inside the directory "admob/ios/lib";
- Recompile the iOS export template (For documentation:
To enable the module on Android, add the path to the module to the "modules" property on the [android] section of your engine.cfg
file (Godot 2) or project.godot
(Godot 3). It should look like this:
If you have more separate by comma.
Follow the exporting to iOS official documentation.
Just make sure you're using your custom template (compiled in the previous step), for that rename it to "godot_opt.iphone" and replace the file with same name inside the Xcode project.
- Export your project from Godot, it'll create an Xcode project;
- Copy the library (.a) you have compiled following the official documentation inside the exported Xcode project. You must override the 'your_project_name.a' file with this file.
- Copy the GoogleMobileAds.framwork inside the exported Xcode project folder and link it using the "Link Binary with Libraries" option;
- Add the following frameworks to the project:
- StoreKit
- GameKit
- CoreVideo
- AdSupport
- MessageUI
- CoreTelephony
- CFNetwork
- MobileCoreServices
The following methods are available:
# Init AdMob
# @param bool isReal Show real ad or test ad
# @param int instance_id The instance id from Godot (get_instance_ID())
init(isReal, instance_id)
# Banner Methods
# --------------
# Load Banner Ads (and show inmediatly)
# @param String id The banner unit id
# @param boolean isTop Show the banner on top or bottom
loadBanner(id, isTop)
# Show the banner
# Hide the banner
# Resize the banner (when orientation change for example)
# Get the Banner width
# @return int Banner width
# Get the Banner height
# @return int Banner height
# Callback on ad loaded (Banner)
# Callback on ad network error (Banner)
# Interstitial Methods
# --------------------
# Load Interstitial Ads
# @param String id The interstitial unit id
# Show the interstitial ad
# Callback for interstitial ad fail on load
# Callback for interstitial loaded
# Callback for insterstitial ad close action
# Rewarded Videos Methods
# -----------------------
# Load rewarded videos ads
# @param String id The rewarded video unit id
# Show the rewarded video ad
# Callback for rewarded video ad left application
# Callback for rewarded video ad closed
# Callback for rewarded video ad failed to load
# @param int errorCode the code of error
# Callback for rewarded video ad loaded
# Callback for rewarded video ad opened
# Callback for rewarded video ad reward user
# @param String currency The reward item description, ex: coin
# @param int amount The reward item amount
_on_rewarded(currency, amount)
# Callback for rewarded video ad started do play
Based on the work of:
MIT license