Releases: meshery/meshery-nginx-sm
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.5.3
What's New
- Multi Context Refactor @gr455 (#126)
- Bump from 0.5.19 to 0.5.20 @dependabot (#125)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @gr455 and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.5.2
What's New
- Ci/tapanhalani/update e2e tests @tapanhalani (#121)
- Move to cuelang based component generation @sudo-NithishKarthik (#122)
- Bump from 0.5.17 to 0.5.18 @dependabot (#120)
- Fix duplicate error codes @Revolyssup (#119)
- Bump from 0.5.16 to 0.5.17 @dependabot (#118)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @leecalcote, @sudo-NithishKarthik, @tapanhalani and Nithish
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.5.1
What's New
- Normalize component generation behavior with other adapters @Revolyssup (#97)
- Meshkit dependency update @MUzairS15 (#104)
- Bump from 0.3.3 to 0.3.4 @dependabot (#102)
- enhanced OAM error message @asubedy (#96)
- changed timestamp format for e2e test @asubedy (#92)
- should fix version problem @warunicorn19 (#87)
- Added missing "title" fields in schema @Revolyssup (#82)
- [E2E workflow]Create the directory if doesn't exist @Revolyssup (#79)
- Added e2e tests @Revolyssup (#77)
🚀 Features
- [CI] Multi-platform support @leecalcote (#111)
🐛 Bug Fixes
🧰 Maintenance
- Discourse shield is added. @Swapnil-Bhabal (#83)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@MUzairS15, @Revolyssup, @Swapnil-Bhabal, @asubedy, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @jbyers19, @leecalcote, @warunicorn19 and Swapnil Bhabal
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.5.0
What's New
- nosec G107 and G304 @Aisuko (#73)
- Added newcomers-alert.yml file to notify about good first issues on slack @Ankita13-code (#71)
- add operation for enabling automatic sidecar injection @Shreyas220 (#60)
- [WIP] Change version tags to fix CVEs @alphaX86 (#64)
- Bump from 0.1.24 to 0.1.25 @dependabot (#61)
- Bump from 0.2.33 to 0.2.34 @dependabot (#62)
- Added OAM components handling @Revolyssup (#56)
- Bump from 0.2.31 to 0.2.33 @dependabot (#59)
- Updated the workflow @ruhi09 (#54)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Aisuko, @Ankita13-code, @Revolyssup, @Shreyas220, @alphaX86, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @leecalcote, @ruhi09 and @Utkarsh-pro
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.2.9
What's New
- changes according to latest meshkit version @Revolyssup (#53)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.2.8
What's New
- Bump from 0.2.29 to 0.2.30 @dependabot (#51)
- added Runtime Generation and Registration of Components @Shreyas220 (#42)
- [CI] add pattern components generator workflow @iamsdas (#50)
- Bump from 0.1.22 to 0.1.24 @dependabot (#46)
- [Chore] Support for adaptor version at build time @sayantan1413 (#48)
- Bump from 0.2.23 to 0.2.28 @dependabot (#45)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @Shreyas220, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @iamsdas, @leecalcote and @sayantan1413
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.2.7
What's New
- [lifecycle] convert app version to chart version manually @DelusionalOptimist (#37)
- [CI] fix creation of commits in error codes utility workflow @iamsdas (#36)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @dhruv0000, @iamsdas and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.2.6
What's New
- adapter was unable to get version @Shreyas220 (#35)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Shreyas220 and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.2.5
What's New
- create
in the container when adapter starts @DelusionalOptimist (#34)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist and @Utkarsh-pro
Meshery Adapter for NGINX SM v0.2.4
What's New
- update Dockerfile @DelusionalOptimist (#32)
- [lifecycle] helm charts for installing NSM and some refactoring @DelusionalOptimist (#31)
- Migrated errors to be Error Utility Tool compatible @sayantan1413 (#27)
- SMP protos compliant operation name for nginx @sayantan1413 (#29)
- SMP protos compliant operation name for nginx @sayantan1413 (#28)
- Updated the help-wanted label link @sayantan1413 (#24)
- Changing to meshery org @sayantan1413 (#23)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Anita-ihuman, @DelusionalOptimist, @dhruv0000, @leecalcote and @sayantan1413