- Ref NaughtyAttributes
- Added InfoBoxAttribute.
- Added OnValueChangedAttribute.
- Added DropdownAttribute.
- Modified SeparatorAttribute can change color and thickness.
- Modified DefinedValuesAttribute.
- Modified ProgressBarAttribute (MaxValueName).
- Ref NaughtyAttributes
- Added CurveRangeAttribute.
- Added ResizableTextAreaAttribute.
- Added ButtonMethodAttribute.
- Added UnityObjectEditor.
- Modified DisplayInspectorAttribute.
- Ref NaughtyAttributes
- Added ShowAssetPreviewAttribute.
- Added EnumFlagsAttribute.
- Added ProgressBarAttribute.
- Added DisplayInspectorAttribute.
- Added FoldoutAttribute.
- Added colorHex for ButtonClickerAttribute.
- Modified ButtonClicker can supports target class method invoke.
- Fixed OverrideLabel filter detect string is an array warning issue.
- Fixed ButtonClicker on ScriptableObjects bug error.
- Added ButtonClickerAttribute.
All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
Now it is possible to toggle some features that may lead to performance issues in editor in MyBox Window
AutoSave on Play, Clean Empty Folders, Prepare on Playmode and SO processing of [AutoProperty] and [MustBeAssigned] now disabled by default. Check MyBox Window for details
Breaking Change: MyDelayedActions.DelayedAction methods now start themselves automatically
Breaking Change: MinMaxFloat.RandomInRangeInclusive was redundant, removed
Breaking Change: Extension IList.GetRandomCollection is removed, replaced with IList.ExclusiveSample
Breaking Change: Removed bunch of methods from MyPhysics class
Breaking Change: Billboard component now uses Camera.main instead of FindObjectOfType(). Thanks to @adamgryu for this change!
Breaking Change: MyGUI.EditorIcons.Cross icon removed as it is not included in Unity 2022+
Added: Toggle Inspector Debug hotkey - Alt+D by default
Added: SearchableEnumDrawer type for fast creation of Searchable Enums instead of SearchableEnumAttribute usage
TODO Docs - Added: PlayerPrefs and EditorPrefs Bool/Float/Int/String/Vector/VectorInt types
TODO Docs - Added: Ability to fold DisplayInspector
TODO Docs - Added: SceneReference now also have UnloadSceneAsync() and SetActive() methods
TODO Docs - Added: MyGUI.SearchablePopup to show popup list with ability to filter displayed content
TODO Docs - AutoProperty now allows to specify predicate method to filter out the lookup. Thanks to @tonygiang for the addition!
Changed: AutoProperty and MustBeAssigned attributes now work fine with ScriptableObjects! Thanks to @tonygiang for the addition!
TODO Docs - Changed: SceneAttribute is now rendered as popup list of scenes from Editor Build Settings
TODO Docs - Added: ConditionalField - multiple conditions per attribute
public enum Test {C, D, E}
public bool A;
public bool B;
public Test T;
[ConditionalField(nameof(A))] public string IsA;
[ConditionalField(nameof(B), true)] public string NotB;
[ConditionalField(nameof(A), nameof(B))] public string AandB;
[ConditionalField(new []{nameof(A), nameof(B)}, new []{true})] public string NotAandB;
[ConditionalField(new []{nameof(A), nameof(B)}, new []{false, true})] public string AnotB;
[ConditionalField(new []{nameof(A), nameof(B)}, new []{true, true})] public string NotAandNotB;
[ConditionalField(new[] { nameof(T), nameof(A), nameof(B) }, new[] { false, true, true }, Test.C )] public string NotAandNotBButC;
- TODO Docs: - Added: ButtonMethod now might be conditional, just like ConditionalField!
[MustBeAssigned] public Transform ChildTransform;
[ButtonMethod(ButtonMethodDrawOrder.BeforeInspector, nameof(TargetStack), true), UsedImplicitly]
private void CreateChild()
var choldGO = new GameObject(name + " Child Object");
choldGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
ChildTransform = choldGO.transform;
- TODO Docs - Added: RangeVectorAttribute, works with Vector2/3 or Vector2/3Int. Thanks to @WhaleTee!
- Added: ReadOnlyAttribute now might be conditional, just like ConditionalField. Thanks to @CrizGames!
- TODO Docs - Added: ConditionalField - ability to use method call to dynamically check condition
public int Value;
[ConditionalField(true, nameof(Predicate))] public string ValueIsEven;
private bool Predicate() => Value % 2 == 0;
// Example with inverse
public int Age;
[ConditionalField(true, nameof(IsChild))]
public bool HomeworkIsDone;
[ConditionalField(true, nameof(IsChild), true)]
public bool JobTaskIsDone;
- TODO Docs - Extensions: Coroutine.OnComplete(Action);
- Extensions: collection.FillBy(index => { }) allows to use factory method to fill up the collection. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: IList.SwapInPlace(a, b) swaps two elements in collection. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: IList.Shuffle() shuffles elements in collection using the Knuth algorithm. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: IList.ExclusiveSample() returns collection of random elements. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: Rigidbody.ToggleConstraints() extension. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: Transform.SetLossyScale(). Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: Transform.GetChildsWhere(PredicateFunc) allows to recursively get all the childs matching predicate
- Extensions: Camera.WorldPointOffsetByDepth() to keep point position on screen but with specified distance from camera. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: Component/GameObject.SetLayerRecursively(). Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: RectTransform.SetWidth() and SetHeight()
- Extensions: RectTransform.ShiftAnchor() to offset anchor. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: RectTransform.GetAnchorCenter() to get mid point between anchorMin and anchorMax. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: RectTransform.GetAnchorDelta() to get parent-relative size of the RectTransform. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: Vector.Pow() to raise each component of the source Vector to the specified power. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: Vector.ScaleBy() immutably returns the result of the source vector multiplied with another vector. Thanks to @tonygiang!
- Extensions: Vector/Transform - ClampZ(), InvertX/Y/Z(), Offset etc
- Extensions: float.Clamp(), float.Round() and float.RoundToInt()
- Extensions: string.IsNullOrEmpty() and string.NotNullOrEmpty()
- Extensions: SerializedProperty.GetUniquePropertyId() to get unique Id per Object+Field combination
- Extensions: SerializedProperty.Repaint() to repaint inspector window where property is displayed
- Fix: AutoPropertyAttribute NullReferenceException fix. Thanks to @TheWalruzz for the fix
- Fix: Extensions Vector/Transform.ClampY() bugfix
- Fix: MyEditorEvents.OnEditorStarts event works properly now
- Fix: MyBox is not strictly dependant on Physics, Physics2D, ImageConversion and AI modules, thanks to @r1noff!
- Fix: AutoProperty will also be triggered before playmode. If scene is not saved before playmode, field will have actual values
- Fix: FPSCounter now works correctly if EditorOnly is toggled. Thanks to @TheWalruzz!
- Fix: IPrepareFeature now works with prefab instances
- Fix: AnimationStateReference now working with AnimatorOverrideControllers
- Fix: AssetPresetPreprocessor improvement to prevent unneeded reimports
- Fix: ButtonMethods offsets in the inspector fixed
- Fix: OverrideLabelAttribute now might be used on fields with custom drawers and on custom types
- Fix: Unity 2021.2+ compatibility (UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement namespace became UnityEditor.SceneManagement). Thanks to @I_Jemin!
- Fix: Occasional ReflectionTypeLoadException was fixed when ConditionalField is used
- Fix: Vector3Int.ToVector3 z field wasn't copied. Thanks to @Quriz for this fix!
- Fix: MyDebug.LogArray optimization. Thanks to @jcs090218 for this!
- Fix: Indent issue with Optional type in nested inspectors fixed. Thanks to @r3dskjn for the fix!
- TODO Docs - Fix: DisplayInspector now will show warning if used on property of the wrong type
- TODO Docs - Fix: FoldoutAttribute visual improvements
- Breaking Changes: MyCollections.AsEnumerable renamed to SingleToEnumerable
- Breaking Changes: MyCollections.GetOrDefault renamed to GetOrAdd
- Breaking Changes: MonoSingleton class is removed, its functionality combined with Singleton class
- Breaking Changes: WaitForUnscaledSeconds is removed since we have WaitForSecondsRealtime (wow, it's here since Unity 5.4! Nostalgic memories :D)
- Breaking Changes: UIImageBasedToggle removed. Unity's Toggle able to do same things this days
- Added: Donation button in MyBox window ;)
- Added: TransformData type to store and restore position, rotation and scale
- Added: CharactersRange Attribute to validate string by set of characters
- Added: RegexString Attribute to validate string by Regular Expression
- Added: OverrideLabelAttribute
- Added: Ability to use AutoPropertyAttribute to assign from parent, scene of asset folder, thanks to @tonygiang!
- Added: ConditionalFields supports Enum Flag as conditions! Thanks to Dietmar Puschmann for this addition
- Added: MyEditorEvents.OnEditorStarts event
- Added: UnityEvent inspector now is foldable, thanks to @karsion!
- Extensions: MyCollections.FirstIndex - more generalized version
- Extensions: MyCollections.GetWeightedRandom and GetWeightedRandomIndex
- Changed: AutoPropertyAttribute will also check prefabs on prefab mode open
- Changed: MyBox will only check for updates when editor opens
- Changed: Singleton now might be used as parent class of MonoBehaviour to cache and remove duplicating instances
- Changed: UIImageBasedButton now uses Highlight sprites when Pointed
- Fix: DisplayInspectorAttribute works better with (and inside of) collections
- Fix: MyString.ToCamelCase() extension works better now, thanks to @derfium!
- Fix: MinValue/MaxValueAttribute build warnings fixed
- Fix: MyBox Window settings were not applied correctly
- Changed: MyBox Window now contains all settings and some useful links
- Fix: MyBox Updater now should properly update UPM version
- Added: SceneAttribute to keep scene name in a string. Consider to use SceneReference type as it is more flexible
- Changed: MyCollection.NextIndexInCircle() extension now works with offsets
- Extension: MyString.Colored(UnityEngine.Color)
- Extension: MyString.SurroundedWith()
- Extension: GetObjectsOfLayerInChilds now also receives layer as a string
- Extension: MySerializedProperty.GetValue() now works with collections
- Fix: DisplayInspector now (finally) works right with Unity 2020.2 reorderable collections
- Fix: SeparatorAttribute works better with collections
- Fix: SeparatorAttribute looks not as ugly as before :D
- Fix: ConditionalFieldAttribute optimizations and fixes
- Fix: AnimationStateReference now works with collections
- Added: WarningsPool, used to log repeated message only one time
- Changed: MustBeAssigned attribute now will check fields on prefab when it is saved in prefab mode
- Changed: AutoProperty attribute now will fill fields on prefab when it is saved in prefab mode
- Changed: IPrepareFeature now have three Prepare events: OnPrepareBefore, OnPrepare, OnPrepareAfter for execution order control
- Changed: IPrepareFeature now is in MyBox.EditorTools namespace
- Changed: ButtonMethodAttribute — new setting to draw button before or after inspector
- Changed: Clean Empty Directories Feature is now disabled by default
- Extension: MyReflection extensions, with HasMethod, HasField and HasProperty object extensions
- Extension: Dictionary.GetOrDefault to return default() value if key is not found
- Extension: IEnumerable.ForEach, just like List.ForEach. Also takes Func<>!
- Fix: Build exception (again!) because of internal WarningsPool
- Fix: MustBeAssigned occasional NullReferenceException during build
- Fix: TransformShakeExtension — shake bounds wasn't worked
- Added: SceneReference.LoadSceneAsync method
- Changed: Image.SetAlpha changed to more generic Graphic.SetAlpha
- Changed: WarningsPool now allows to write any log type, not just warnings
- Fix: Build exception because of CollectionWrapperBase
- Added: ConstantsSelectionAttribute to popup all const values of a specific type
- Added: CollectionWrapper to use ConditionalField on collections
- Added: InitializationFieldAttribute to make field read-only in Playmode
- Added: MyCursor type to with handy hotspot assignment
- Added: MyCoroutines.CoroutineGroup with handy StartAll() and AnyProcessing
- Added: MyDebug.LogColor(Color) because why not
- Changed: ConditionalField now correctly uses CustomDrawer if drawer affects base type of target field
- Changed: DisplayInspectorAttribute now supports ButtonMethodAttribute inside of displayed types
- Changed: RequiredLayerAttribute might accept layer index instead of the name
- Changed: AnimationStateReference now might reference any object on scene
- Changed: ColliderGizmo now works with MeshColliders
- Extension: MinMax.RandomInRange
- Extension: Transform.StartShake now have "fade" parameter
- Extension: Coroutine.StartNext(IEnumerator) to easily create sequence of coroutines
- Extension: SerializedProperty.IsNumerical to detect vectors or float/int
- Extension: SerializedProperty.GetValue/SetValue to operate with object reference
- Fix: Reorderable Collections drawing issue
- Fix: ColliderGizmo compilation problem in Unity2020.1
- Fix: CleanEmptyDirectories didn't allow to create folders
- Fix: CleanEmptyDirectories NullReferenceException fix
- Fix: AutoProperty rare NullReferenceException fix
- Fix: ConditionalField multiple fixes
- Fix: PositiveValeOnlyAttribute label drawing properly
- Fix: GameObject.HasComponent extension redundant constraint removed
- Fix: UnityObjectEditor rare NullReferenceException fix
- Fix: Billboard component
- Added: FoldoutAttribute. Thanks to PixeyeHQ!
- Added: UnityEvent inspector revamp! Now it's foldable and reorderable :). Thanks to Byron Mayne!
- Fix: TransformShakeExtension critical bug fixed
- Added: Reorderable Collections!
- Added: Transform.StartShake and Transform.EndShake extension methods. Use on Camera transform for screen shake effect for instance
- Added: NavMeshPath.GetPointsOnPath extension to split path on evenly distributed points
- Added: MyEditor.CopyToClipboard method. Copy string via script like with Ctrl+C
- Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute works on custom types inside of collections
- Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute now works much faster!
- Changed: ColliderGizmo now also highlights NavMeshObstacles
- GUIDComponent updated
- Fix: Compilation error fixed
- Fix: MyBox Updater fixed. Exceptional cases logged with warnings
- Added: Commentary component. Add commentaries in inspector;
- Fix: UIRelativePosition fixes;
- Few redundant warnings removed
- Versioning changed to release patches more often without extra warnings
- Added: UIRelativePosition type allows to align UI element relative to some other RectTransform with offsets and stuff
- Added: AssetPath and AssetFolderPath types. String wrappers with "Browse" button in inspector. Thanks to Nate Wilson (wilsnat) for the idea
- Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute now works on fields with custom inspectors! Thanks to Nate Wilson (wilsnat)
- Changed: RangedInt/Float and MinMaxInt/Float now have constructors for static instantiation
- Fix: ConditionalFieldAttribute always hide the field if "compare to" values were not assigned
- RequireLayer and RequireTag attributes
- MonoSingleton Type
- Fixed indent issue with nested inspector for MinMaxInt/Float, Optional, OptionalMinMax type
- MySceneBundle is a Tool to transfer data from one scene to another. Thanks to Kaynn-Cahya for this addition!
- Fix: breaking problem with MyCoroutines type
- Added: MinMaxInt/Float Clamp and Lerp extension methods
- Added: MinMaxInt/Float Length and MidPoint extension methods
- Now MyBox will automatically check for updates!
- Compilation errors fixed
- Removed obsolete warning
Let's take it as the first release since now you are able to install MyBox with Package Manager and update it with "Tools/MyBox/Check for updates"