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History / Sequence to Sequence – Deep Recurrent Neural Networks in CNTK – Part 2


  • remove content, update some links

    @wolfma61 wolfma61 committed Jun 7, 2017
  • New location message added

    @Abruck Abruck committed May 30, 2017
  • Adapt Links in Wiki wrt. Examples move (except for drop setup)

    @mahilleb-msft mahilleb-msft committed Nov 14, 2016
  • Updated Sequence to Sequence – Deep Recurrent Neural Networks in CNTK – Part 2 (markdown)

    @mahilleb-msft mahilleb-msft committed Oct 18, 2016
  • Updated Sequence to Sequence – Deep Recurrent Neural Networks in CNTK part 2 (markdown)

    @mahilleb-msft mahilleb-msft committed Oct 18, 2016