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Actions: microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler

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662 workflow runs
662 workflow runs

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Make select_sampler handle different opcodes (#5631)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #348: Commit 5a8812a pushed by pow2clk
August 31, 2023 17:49 1h 2m 50s main
August 31, 2023 17:49 1h 2m 50s
[lit] [SPIRV] move attribute and binop related tests as lit test (#5611)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #347: Commit e10e897 pushed by pow2clk
August 31, 2023 15:48 56m 44s main
August 31, 2023 15:48 56m 44s
[SPIR-V] Correctly use halfword-aligned byte address (#5594)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #346: Commit 843019a pushed by cassiebeckley
August 29, 2023 22:10 47m 12s main
August 29, 2023 22:10 47m 12s
[BUILD] add clang-cl to CMakeSettings (#5596)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #345: Commit 6a97408 pushed by python3kgae
August 28, 2023 20:13 56m 22s main
August 28, 2023 20:13 56m 22s
[lit] [SPIRV] move debug related tests as lit test (#5574)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #344: Commit d369be5 pushed by pow2clk
August 28, 2023 17:32 46m 28s main
August 28, 2023 17:32 46m 28s
Add -print-before and -print-before-all flags (#5590)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #343: Commit a88709a pushed by bogner
August 25, 2023 21:15 47m 44s main
August 25, 2023 21:15 47m 44s
[bug] Fix crash in dxilgen when buffer subscript gep feeds an lcssa p…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #342: Commit 7efd6ee pushed by dmpots
August 25, 2023 05:54 1h 2m 50s main
August 25, 2023 05:54 1h 2m 50s
[NFC] Update DXC sources for clang-format (#5593)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #341: Commit 578114e pushed by llvm-beanz
August 24, 2023 18:55 1h 3m 37s main
August 24, 2023 18:55 1h 3m 37s
[spirv] Prevent overlapping explicit locations (#5557)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #340: Commit cd0e32c pushed by sudonatalie
August 24, 2023 13:25 58m 40s main
August 24, 2023 13:25 58m 40s
[SPIR-V] Add capability trimming pass (#5518)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #339: Commit da36098 pushed by Keenuts
August 24, 2023 11:18 53m 12s main
August 24, 2023 11:18 53m 12s
Custom extensions to enable lowering for non-resource based functions…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #338: Commit ce8268a pushed by bfavela
August 23, 2023 20:29 1h 24m 49s main
August 23, 2023 20:29 1h 24m 49s
[C++17] Remove std option for linux build (#5582)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #337: Commit f49bb3c pushed by python3kgae
August 23, 2023 20:16 12m 15s main
August 23, 2023 20:16 12m 15s
[NFC] Prepare DXC sources for clang-format (#5571)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #336: Commit 64348c7 pushed by llvm-beanz
August 23, 2023 20:15 1m 33s main
August 23, 2023 20:15 1m 33s
WArgV is needed only on non-Windows platforms (#5576)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #335: Commit f206b3d pushed by hekota
August 23, 2023 20:13 49m 33s main
August 23, 2023 20:13 49m 33s
[spirv] Re-enable MeshShading tests (#5584)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #334: Commit 50cf4e4 pushed by Keenuts
August 23, 2023 12:42 47m 16s main
August 23, 2023 12:42 47m 16s
[HCT] Fix up typos, add spirv options to help msg (#5586)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #333: Commit f9219a9 pushed by bob80905
August 22, 2023 23:35 57m 34s main
August 22, 2023 23:35 57m 34s
[Test] Fix typo in RunDxcHashTest (#5583)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #332: Commit 1046046 pushed by python3kgae
August 22, 2023 17:21 1h 43m 58s main
August 22, 2023 17:21 1h 43m 58s
[C++17] Force C++17 when build DXC (#5520)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #331: Commit f6a90f0 pushed by python3kgae
August 22, 2023 17:20 46m 13s main
August 22, 2023 17:20 46m 13s
PIX: Educate debug data interface about nested namespaces (#5558)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #330: Commit c2233c6 pushed by jeffnn
August 21, 2023 18:49 44m 23s main
August 21, 2023 18:49 44m 23s
[ClangCL] exception related fix for ClangCL (#5496)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #329: Commit d2a0baf pushed by python3kgae
August 21, 2023 17:39 1h 7m 56s main
August 21, 2023 17:39 1h 7m 56s
Inline sub-licenses into root license file (#5569)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #328: Commit fc63907 pushed by dnovillo
August 21, 2023 14:05 55m 52s main
August 21, 2023 14:05 55m 52s
[ExecutionTests] Add validation and signing step to isNormal Test (#5…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #327: Commit 3974b57 pushed by bob80905
August 18, 2023 20:58 47m 7s main
August 18, 2023 20:58 47m 7s
update dndxc to support latest shader models (#5565)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #326: Commit 802c2cc pushed by pow2clk
August 18, 2023 19:39 53m 41s main
August 18, 2023 19:39 53m 41s
DXC Tests: Filter out unsupported test, add verbose option and improv…
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #325: Commit b503da7 pushed by hekota
August 18, 2023 17:56 1h 2m 54s main
August 18, 2023 17:56 1h 2m 54s
Enable CodeGenHashStability tests by default on all platforms (#5548)
Generate a coverage report and publish it to GitHub pages #324: Commit 71ec8f1 pushed by llvm-beanz
August 18, 2023 17:18 54m 44s main
August 18, 2023 17:18 54m 44s
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