We use Swashbuckle to generate Swagger/ API Documentation. If you've never worked with Swagger before, it may be helpful to checkout this sample and play with it.
A quick summary of workflow is:
- Make changes to an API or to some of the customizations or defaults we have for swagger
- Build the solution. The .dll generated is what is then used to generate the API documentation.
- Use
dotnet swagger
to generate documentation from the new .dll
The DICOM OSS project is setup to autogenerate this documentation for you on build.
Swagger and customizations are set here .
We've written some customizations and added defaults.
Defaults can be seen at src/Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Api/Configs/SwaggerConfiguration.cs. Customizations can be seen at src/Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Api/Features/Swagger.
Note that we also specify Licensing in src/Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Web/appsettings.json. If you take out the License
defaulting in SwaggerConfiguration.cs, appsettings.json will be used to get Licensing when using the post build hook.
However, these settings are not used if using dotnet swagger
in your terminal, outside of a build. If anyone knows
why, please replace this content.
Swagger yaml will be generated for you on each build using a post build hook name SwaggerPostBuildTarget
You can add a new version by adding a new Exec MSBuild task
in Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Web.csproj
Output should go to swagger\<your-new-version>\swagger.yaml
and with <your-new-version>
at the end of
the dotnet swagger tofile
specifying name of the swagger doc you want to retrieve, as configured in your startup class
<Exec Command="dotnet swagger tofile --yaml --output ..\..\swagger\v1\swagger.yaml $(OutputPath)\Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Web.dll v1"></Exec>
Be sure to also update the build/common/versioning.yml Powershell tasks to check for new versions.
We utilize openapi-diff to check for differences and breaking API changes.
As a way to ensure we always keep the swagger yaml up to date, there is a step in our ADO pipeline that will generate swagger and error out if what is generated has differences from the yaml that was checked in. This script lives in ./build/common/scripts/CheckForSwaggerChanges.ps1
You can run this script locally as well:
.\build\common\scripts\CheckForSwaggerChanges.ps1 -SwaggerDir 'swagger' -AssemblyDir 'src\Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Web\bin\x64\Debug\net6.0\Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Web.dll' -Version 'v1-prerelease','v1'
Note that this script does not use dotnet swagger
's comparison to detect changes as that only looks like API changes.
We want to compare the file as a whole, so we use Powershell's Compare-Object
As a way to ensure we always consider breaking API changes, there is a step in our ADO pipeline that will error out if what was checked in has breaking changes compared to the yaml in main branch. This script lives in ./build/common/scripts/CheckForBreakingAPISwaggerChanges.ps1
You can run this script locally as well:
.\build\common\scripts\CheckForBreakingAPISwaggerChanges.ps1 -SwaggerDir 'swagger' -Version 'v1-prerelease','v1'
Example output with no changes:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 8/10/2022 9:22 AM FromMain
Running comparison with baseline for version v1-prerelease
old: swagger\FromMain\v1-prerelease.yaml
new: swagger\v1-prerelease\swagger.yaml
No differences. Specifications are equivalents
Running comparison with baseline for version v1
old: swagger\FromMain\v1.yaml
new: swagger\v1\swagger.yaml
No differences. Specifications are equivalents
PS C:\dev\hls\dicom-server>