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ClangFormat takes over 1 minute to format any single file in a React Native Windows v0.73 Old Arch project #14355

Answered by shirakaba
shirakaba asked this question in Q&A
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Thanks for the response!

By chance is this trying to scan everything in \node_modules?

I suspect it might be, but no idea how to stop it. As possible evidence otherwise, though, I have a standalone Win32 library, that doesn't import React Native Windows at all, sitting inside the same monorepo that formats in under a second. So I think some aspect of importing React Native Windows causes it to either format or analyse the entire RNW codebase on each usage?

See if you can make sure that's excluded?

Unfortunately I've been unable to figure out via Visual Studio how to get any debug into that either. There might be some more debug on the Visual Studio Code side (which is similarly slow),…

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