<p>The term <em>functional programming</em> is more contentious, and has many meanings some of which can be vague. Here I use it for what might be called <em>first-class functional programming</em>, programming that makes significant use of first-class functions; in this usage, Scheme is probably the archetypal functional programming language. However, other definitions are also worth mentioning. APL is often called a functional programming language on the grounds that functions can be assigned and manipulated, and called recursively, all characteristics it shares with Lisp. I prefer the term <em>function-level programming</em> for this usage. A newer usage, which I call <em>pure functional programming</em>, restricts the term "function" to mathematical functions, which have no side effects, so that functional programming is programming with no side effects, often using monads to accumulate effects as part of arguments and results instead. Finally, <em>typed functional programming</em> is closely associated with pure functional programming and refers to languages influenced by type theory such as <a href="https://www.haskell.org/">Haskell</a>, <a href="https://fsharp.org/">F#</a>, and <a href="https://www.idris-lang.org/">Idris</a> (the last of which even supports <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_type">dependently-typed</a> functional programming</em>, but I already said "finally" so we'll stop there). Of these, BQN supports first-class functional and function-level programming, allows but doesn't encourage pure functional programming, and doesn't support typed functional programming, as it's dynamically and not statically typed.</p>
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