Applied Machine Learning and Efficient Model Selection with mlr
by Bernd Bischl, Michel Lang
to be held on useR 2015 in Aarlborg, DK, June 30th, 2015.
Background knowledge required: Basic knowledge of R and machine learning
Potential attendees: Anybody from academia or industry with an interest in modern machine learning
R does not define a standardized interface for all its machine learning algorithms. Therefore, for any non-trivial experiments you need to write lengthy, tedious and error-prone wrappers to call the different algorithms and unify their respective output. The mlr package offers a clean, easy-to-use and flexible domain specific language for machine learning experiments in R. It supports classification, regression, clustering and survival analysis and connects to nearly a hundred predictive modeling techniques. The package allows for different hyperparameter optimization and configuration techniques, including iterated F-racing and sequential model based optimization. Variable selection is possible through various filter and wrapper approaches.
Hence, mlr allows data analysts who are neither experts in machine learning nor seasoned R programmers to nevertheless specify and complex machine learning experiments in short, succinct and scalable code. Experienced programmers, on the other hand, get to wield a large, well-designed toolbox, which they can customize and extend to quickly construct their own algorithms.
The course will enable the participants to understand and apply the basic mlr operations for data handling and preprocessing, model building, evaluation and resampling. After these basics are covered we will especially focus on the important aspects of benchmarking, model selection and hyperparameter tuning. As all of these usually require a large amount of computational resources in realistic applications, we will show how to easily parallelize them in common parallel environments. The course will end with a short demonstration on how to access the new OpenML server for open machine learning ( which provides a large repository of benchmark data sets and enables reproducible experiments and meta analysis.
- Very brief intro to applied machine learning
- Data handling and machine learning tasks
- Classification, regression, clustering and survival modeling with mlr
- Performance evaluation and resampling
- Visual model analysis
- Parallelization and high-performance computing
- Model selection and hyper-parameter tuning
- Interfacing the OpenML server with mlr
Install the CRAN version of the package and some optional dependencies which are required for this tutorial:
install.packages(c("glmnet", "gridExtra", "ggplot2", "ggvis", "kknn",
"irace", "kernlab", "KMsurv", "mlbench", "mda", "mlr", "party",
"randomForest", "randomForestSRC", "shiny", "sROC", "devtools",
"survMisc", "BatchJobs", "e1071", "rjson"))
You can find everything here.
- Create a classification task for the Ionosphere data set (package mlbench).
- Remove constant features from the data set.
- Evaluate a random forest on this task. Tune the parameters
(both from 1 to 10) using a 3-fold cross validation and the random search (see?makeTuneControlRandom
). Set the budget viamaxit
to 20. - Compare the mean misclassification error (mmce) with the results of single classification tree from the rpart package.
- NB: This is NOT really a proper evaluation of the tuned algorithm. But we have not learned nested CV so far :(
Some stuff from Palermo I am too lazy to translate
Vorschlag: mlrLearners paket machen
- schneller Testen auf Travis
- wir bleiben nur bei einem extra Paket
- logisch besser aufgebaut
- Verwaltbarkeit wird einfacher (log history)
o mini: 1 Learner pro Type (eher Top 10) o List Learners sollte unabhängig funktionieren o ideales Testsystem bräuchte o option für Paket Autoinstall bei paket installieren. Fehlermeldung zeigt hinweis, wie man es auto installiert
- grundstruktur änderungen müssten umständlich synchronisiert werden
- höhere maintanance
- PRs könnten über beide Pakete gehen
learner property "recommended"
learner ontology
datatable gegen dplyr? plyr rauswerfen
printer für chains von wrapper machen
prediction objekte reviewn
plotModel methode für schönsten plot
top10 workhop
- alle im gleichen hotel und arbeitsort super nah
- raum offen wann wir wollen
- schedule online. mit essen.
- wasser klopapier und gesunde snacks im raum
- bessere vorher teams bilden? noch bessere inhaltliche planung
- ort leichter zu erreichen (flug, anreise)
- mehr funding vorher workshop gebühren einnehmren und ummünzen?
- mehrerere räume, ruhig, runde tische mit platz, beamer
- package release vor workshop