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This is a repository to demonstrate Data Lake analytics with Starburst Galaxy on AWS

"The main challenge with a data lake architecture is that raw data is stored with no oversight of the contents.”


Welcome to the Data Lake Analytics Reporting Structures tutorial with Starburst Galaxy on AWS. The intent of the tutorial is to demonstrate a feasible example of data lake reporting structures. With AWS S3 as the data lake and Starburst Galaxy serving as the analytics engine, I hope you are able to experience firsthand the benefits of implementing comprehensive data lake analytics solutions.

I chose to use a public dataset because transparency is extremely important to me, and I wanted the lab to be reproducible by anyone at any time, without any barriers. I consider myself at least partially a kinesthetic learner, and I personally have only been able to buy into the value of something once I could explore it and then adopt it on my own. Since we are utilizing the AWS Covid 19 Data Lake, all you need to try this tutorial out for yourself is a set of AWS credentials (you can create a free account as well) and a Starburst Galaxy account.

To learn more about these concepts, visit our blog post which dives deeper into the reason behind this tutorial.

Data Lake Reporting Structures

Ultimately, we want to make sure that the data lake stays as clean as possible.

  • Land layer: stores unmodified source data at any level of granularity
  • Structure layer: stores joined, enriched, cleansed data
  • Consume layer: stores aggregated data that is ready to be queried

We will create our own reporting structure based off the Covid-19 data lake. First, we will land the raw tables in our own S3 bucket. Next, we will cleanse and enrich some of the data available. Finally, we will create aggregated tables that are ready to use by a data analyst.


Set up your Environment

  1. Sign up for an AWS account and for a Starburst Galaxy free trial.
  2. Create a S3 bucket in the Ohio region (us-east-2). You must specify this region because this is where the COVID-19 public data lake exists. Use all the defaults.
  3. Create an AWS access key that will be used as the Starburst Galaxy Authentication method for connecting to S3
    • Go to the IAM Management Console
    • Select Users
    • Select Add Users
    • Provide a Descriptive User Name like <username>-aws-covid
    • Select AWS Credential Type: Access key - Programmatic access
    • Set Permissions: Attach existing policies directly
    • Add the following policy: AmazonS3FullAccess
  4. Finish creating the access key with the rest of the defaults, and then save your AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key.

Create a Catalog in Starburst Galaxy

Catalogs contain the proper configuration and connection information needed to access a data source. To gain this access, configure a catalog and use it in a cluster. We're going to configure the S3 catalog to access our S3 bucket.

  1. Navigate to the Catalogs tab. Click Configure a Catalog.
  2. Create an S3 Catalog.
    • Catalog name: <username>_aws_lab
    • Add a relevant description
    • Authenticate to S3 through the AWS Access Key/Secret created earlier
    • Metastore configuration: "I don't have a metastore"
    • Default directory name: <username>_metadata
    • Enable Allow creating external tables
    • Enable Allow writing to external tables
    • Select default table format: Hive
    • Hit Skip the Set Permissions page

We picked the default table format hive because of its familiarity in the big data space. Any read or write access to existing tables works transparently for all table formats. Starburst Galaxy recognizes the format of your tables by reading the metastore associated with your object storage. Learn more about the Great Lakes connectivity and table formats.

Create a Cluster in Starburst Galaxy

A cluster in Starburst Galaxy provides the resources necessary to run queries against your catalogs. You can access the catalog data exposed by running clusters in the Query Editor.

  • Click Create a new cluster
  • Enter cluster name: <username>-aws-lab
  • Cluster size: Free
  • Cluster type: Standard
  • Catalogs: <username>_aws_lab (select the catalog previously created)
  • Cloud provider region: US East (Ohio) aka us-east-2

Our environment setup is complete. Navigate back to the Query Editor.

Tutorial Time

We want to ultimately instill some basic data lake reporting structures for the data we have been provided.

Create a Schema

The first step to create the reporting structures is to create a schema.

create schema <schema_name> with (location='<s3_location>');
create schema covid_data with (location='s3://mm-aws-covid/');

Now, in the top right corner, select your cluster, catalog, and schema so that you can easily run the lab queries.

Create Land Tables

Land layer - stores unmodified source data at any level of granularity

enigma_jhu Land Table

The first dataset we want to utilize is the Global Coronavirus Data sourced from John Hopkins and provided by Enigma. This data tracks confirmed COVID-19 cases in provinces, states, and countries across the world, while also providing a county level breakdown in the United States.

Run the SQL command to create the table:

create table enigma_jhu (
   fips VARCHAR,
   admin2 VARCHAR,
   province_state VARCHAR,
   country_region VARCHAR,
   last_update VARCHAR,
   latitude DOUBLE,
   longitude DOUBLE,
   confirmed INTEGER,
   deaths INTEGER,
   recovered INTEGER,
   active INTEGER,
   combined_key VARCHAR
   format = 'json',
   EXTERNAL_LOCATION = 's3://covid19-lake/enigma-jhu/json/')

The json file is available here.

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from enigma_jhu;

The goal is to ultimately land this data, clean it up, and then create a rollup table with the relevant data for both the United States and Australia.

hospital_beds Land Table

The second dataset we will utilize is the USA Hospital Beds data sourced by Definitive Healthcare and provided by Rearc. This data provides intelligence on the number of licensed beds, staffed beds, and ICU beds for the hospitals in the United States.

Run the SQL command to create the table:

create table hospital_beds (
   objectid INTEGER,
   hospital_name VARCHAR,
   hospital_type VARCHAR,
   hq_address VARCHAR,
   hq_address1 VARCHAR,
   hq_city VARCHAR,
   hq_state VARCHAR,
   hq_zip_code VARCHAR,
   county_name VARCHAR,
   state_name VARCHAR,
   state_fips VARCHAR,
   cnty_fips VARCHAR,
   fips VARCHAR,
   num_licensed_beds INTEGER,
   num_staffed_beds INTEGER,
   num_icu_beds INTEGER,
   adult_icu_beds INTEGER,
   pedi_icu_beds INTEGER,
   bed_utilization DOUBLE,
   avg_ventilator_usage VARCHAR,
   potential_increase_in_bed_capac INTEGER,
   latitude DOUBLE,
   longitude DOUBLE
   format = 'json',
   EXTERNAL_LOCATION = 's3://covid19-lake/rearc-usa-hospital-beds/json/')

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from hospital_beds;

The json file is available here.

The goal is to ultimately land this data, clean it up, and then create a rollup table with the relevant data for both the United States and Australia.

Create Structure Tables

Structure layer - stores joined, enriched, cleansed data

enigma_jhu Structure Tables

First we want to rename the county column that is still identified as admin_2. We also want to remove the columns that we do not need for our analysis, and filter out the records that do not apply to the relevant country. The last where clause province_state not like '' is to filter out any rows that have no value for their province or state.

Create the Australia Structure Table

create table
    ejhu_stg_australia as
    admin2 as county,
    country_region = 'Australia'
    and province_state not like '';

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from ejhu_stg_australia;

Create United States Structure Table

create table
    ejhu_stg_us as
    admin2 as county,
    country_region = 'US'
    and province_state not like '';

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from ejhu_stg_us;

hospital_beds Structure Tables

We want to remove any unnecessary fields for our analysis.

create table hospital_beds_stg as
   from hospital_beds;

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from hospital_beds_stg;

Create Consume Tables

Consume layer - stores aggregated data that is ready to be queried

enigma Consume Tables

The aggregations we want to create are the summation of all confirmed and active cases for each province or state. Because the table shows a running total of confirmed cases (the confirmed cases accumulate for each update), we need to select only the latest timestamp. This case will lead to filtering out additional records.

select max(last_update) from enigma_jhu;

Create Australia Consume Table

create table
    ejhu_consume_au as
    sum(confirmed) as confirmed_cases,
    sum(active) as active_cases
    last_update = '2020-05-30T02:32:48'
group by

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from ejhu_consume_au;

Create US Consume Table

create table
    ejhu_consume_us as
    sum(confirmed) as confirmed_cases,
    sum(active) as active_cases
    last_update = '2020-05-30T02:32:48'
group by

Keep in mind that this dataset includes US territories as well as states. Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from ejhu_consume_us;

Create Combined Consume Table

Let's intend the final business ask is to also create a table to only monitor the COVID cases for the provinces where the business has an office. Offices are in Queensland, New York, California, Florida, and Australian Capital Territory.

create table ejhu_consume as
    sum(a.confirmed) as confirmed_cases,
    sum( as active_cases
    ejhu_stg_australia a
    a.last_update = '2020-05-30T02:32:48'
    and a.province_state in ('Queensland', 'Australian Capital Territory')
group by
    sum(u.confirmed) as confirmed_cases,
    sum( as active_cases
    ejhu_stg_us u
    u.last_update = '2020-05-30T02:32:48'
    and u.province_state in ('New York', 'California', 'Florida')
group by
order by province_state;

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from ejhu_consume;

hospital_beds Consume Table

Create the summation of each type of bed as the consume table.

create table
    hospital_beds_consume as
    sum(num_licensed_beds) as num_licensed_beds,
    sum(num_staffed_beds) as num_staffed_beds,
    sum(num_icu_beds) as num_icu_beds,
    sum(adult_icu_beds) as adult_beds,
    sum(pedi_icu_beds) as ped_beds,
    sum(potential_increase_in_bed_capac) INTEGER
group by
order by

Run a select all command to view your results:

select * from hospital_beds_consume;

Query Federation from Staging Tables

We now want to evaluate each State's current cases versus the number of licensed beds during May 30, 2020. You can see for each state if the stat is running close to hospital capacity, or if they are managing with the current number of infections.

create table
    states as
    sum(num_licensed_beds) as num_licensed_beds,
    sum(num_staffed_beds) as num_staffed_beds,
    sum(num_icu_beds) as num_icu_beds
    hospital_beds_stg beds,
            sum(confirmed) as total_confirmed_cases,
            last_update = '2020-05-30T02:32:48'
            and province_state not like ''
        group by
    ) cases
    beds.state_name = cases.province_state

Implement Role Based Access Control

To ensure data analysts only have access to the consume tables, add the role-based access control configurations.

  1. Navigate to Access Control - Roles and Privileges
  2. Add role named: <username>_covid_lab
  3. Entity kind: Table
  4. Select your catalog
  5. Enter the proper schema
  6. Table: ejhu_consume
  7. Privileges: SELECT from table
  8. Hit Add privileges

Now, go back to the query editor, and switch your role in the top right hand corner. Select from the table, and try selecting from a table that has not been granted permissions yet. To learn more about role-based access control in Starburst Galaxy, check out my blog on Granularity and RBAC.

Thanks for completing the data lake analytics tutorial.