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Automated UI Tests

No-Jun Park edited this page Jun 15, 2017 · 12 revisions


This wiki is to describe the state of test automation in Firefox for iOS.

Current Status

In master branch, every check in is verified with unit test suite upon merge. It is also enabled by default on Buddybuild when a build is triggered via a PR request. However, UI tests are scheduled to execute on master branch once per day due to its size. It takes about 2 hours to complete on buddybuild.

The tests are listed in XCode under the Test navigator tab. Tests that are not enabled for the selected scheme would be greyed out.


Currently, Fennec_Enterprise_UITests scheme is executed on Buddybuild for UI Testing, and this scheme can be also used locally to execute tests on simulators. This scheme has additional libraries (Namely, KIFTest and EarlGrey) which are required to run tests in UITests package.

If you would like to run UITests on Buddybuild for your PR, please change your PR's scheme to Fennec_Enterprise_UITests scheme. (Click the cogwheel icon next to the title of your PR) But be prepared to wait for next 2 hours.

Running on Device

Because Fennec_Enterprise_UITests scheme requires a separate license, XCode will complain if one tries to run the test on the actual device. One workaround is to enable UITests/XCUITests in Fennec scheme, as it does not require the enterprise provisioning profile in the Client setting. However, to run UITests, one must include additional parameters in the Test section of the scheme.

  • On 'Arguments Passed On Launch', add 'FIREFOX_CLEAR_PROFILE' and 'FIREFOX_TEST'
  • On 'Environmental Variables', add 'DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES' : @executable_path/EarlGrey.framework/EarlGrey


Tests under UITests package are considered as 'grey-box' tests, where tests can inject specific configuration or values into the target app prior to testing. It uses a mix of KIFTest and EarlGrey.

Initially, KIFTest was used, but Earl Grey was used later to cover the areas where KIF failed on timing/element detection.

One downside of UITests is that the app does not reset between tests - the same instance of Firefox iOS is used for the entire duration of the test execution. So each test has their own setup/cleanup method. So far it appears there is no easy way to reset the app between tests, because this would make the running db to lose connection, and cause failures. Any solution to this issue will be welcomed.

One another thing is that because the tests technically execute as unit tests, one cannot pause the execution and manipulate the UI of the app. The UI will be frozen, and it will interact only when the test is running.


Tests under this package are considered complete black-box tests, with no visibility to the innards of the Firefox iOS app state. This is also the test suite that takes most time, with slightly over an hour of execution time. There are many helpful websites on writing XCUITests, like this one. If you need to write a black-box UI test, then you'll need to write XCUITests

One downside of XCUITests is that it appears the SimplePageServer (to prop up mock websites) does not start properly when the XCUITest script calls them. Any solution to this issue will be welcomed.


This deserves a separate wiki page. It is strongly recommended to use FxScreenGraph when writing a XCUITest.


The UI Test automation status is being updated here: You are welcome to take one from our to-do lists and make contributions.


Please send questions to or ping :njpark in mozilla irc.

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