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gghh 2-loop virtual amplitude interfered with 1-loop amplitude.

Returns V_fin using the conventions specified in Eq(2.5) of

As required by POWHEG the born factor of alpha_s^2 is included in the grids Virt_EFT.grid and Virt_full.grid. We evaluate alpha_s at a scale of m_HH/2 using LHAPDF with the PDF4LHC15_nlo_100 set. We also provide the grids Virt_EFT_noas.grid and Virt_full_noas.grid which omit the overall factor of alpha_s^2 (but include all other constants e.g. 2*pi). The grid includes the symmetry factor of 1/2 and a factor of 1/256 for spin/colour averaging.

Physical parameters are set to:

  • G_F = 1.1663787e-5 GeV^(-2) (Fermi constant)
  • m_T = 173 GeV (top-quark mass)
  • m_H = 125 GeV (Higgs boson mass)
  • w_T = 0 (top-quark width)
  • w_H = 0 (Higgs boson width)

Authors: G. Heinrich, S.P. Jones, M. Kerner, G. Luisoni, E. Vryonidou

If you use this code please cite the paper in which the grid was constructed and the original calculation papers:



  • python (tested for 3.11.3)
  • pyyaml (tested for 6.0.1)
  • numpy (tested for 1.25.1)
  • scipy (tested for 1.11.1)
  • lhapdf (tested for 6.5.4) with the PDF4LHC15_nlo_30_pdfas (lhaid=90400) PDF set available

Assuming you have python you can check for the availability of yaml, numpy, scipy and lhapdf with the commands:

python3 -c "import yaml"
python3 -c "import numpy"
python3 -c "import scipy"
python3 -c "import lhapdf; pdf=lhapdf.mkPDF(90400)"

If no errors are raised by these commands then the packages are available.

To use the Python/C API you need to build the hhgrid library. To do this run the usual autotools commands (replacing <build-directory> with the path you would like to install the library to):

autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=<build-directory>
make check
make install

If you do not have a fortran compiler installed and do not want to use the grid from a fortran program, pass the --disable-fortran flag to the configure script. We strongly advise to run the make check command. This will call the grid for a few selected points and validate that the correct result is produced.

You should now add the directory containing the hhgrid-config script to your PATH and the python data directory to your PYTHONPATH. This may be accomplished by adding the following lines to your .bash_profile or .bashrc (replacing <build-directory> with the path you installed the library to):

export PATH="<build-directory>/bin":$PATH
export PYTHONPATH="<build-directory>/share/hhgrid":$PYTHONPATH

The directory containing the libhhgrid shared library should be added to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac OS):

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<build-directory>/lib":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

or (some 64 bit systems)

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<build-directory>/lib64":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

or (Mac OS)

 export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="<build-directory>/lib":$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

Python/C API Usage

Here we demonstrate how to access the grid with one of the example programs c_example.c, cpp_example.cpp or f90_example.f90 in the examples directory, this will check that everything is set up correctly and show the steps required to call the grid from your own program.

The hhgrid-config script helps to obtain the correct flags for compiling and linking the program.

If you would like to use the C interface you can compile the example program examples/c_example.c:

cc examples/c_example.c -o c_example.x `hhgrid-config --cflags --libs`

If you would like to use the C++ interface you can compile the test program examples/cpp_example.cpp:

c++ examples/cpp_example.cpp -o cpp_example.x `hhgrid-config --cflags --libs`

If you would like to use the fortran interface you can compile the test program examples/f90_example.f90:

gfortran examples/f90_example.f90 -o f90_example.x `hhgrid-config --cflags --libs`

To launch the C, C++ and fortran test program enter:


The example programs will call the grid for a single phase-space point. They demonstate as simply as possible how to use the library within your own code

Using the grid with your own code

The hhgrid library exposes the following functions:

  • void python_initialize(void) A thin wrapper around the Python C API function Py_Initialize(), used at the beginning of your program to start the python interpreter.
  • void python_decref(PyObject* grid) A thin wrapper around the Python C API function Py_XDECREF(grid) used to decrement the python interpreter reference count by 1 (required for garbage collection).
  • void python_finalize(void) A thin wrapper around the Python C API function Py_Finalize() used at the end of your program to terminate the python interpreter.
  • void python_printinfo(void) Prints the python paths and versions being used by the library (useful for debugging).
  • PyObject* grid_initialize(const char* grid_name) Searches PYTHONPATH for a grid with a file name matching the input grid_name, if found it initialises this grid else terminates your program.
  • double grid_virt(PyObject* grid, double s, double t) Uses the grid object to evaluate the phase-space point specified by the Mandelstam invariants s,t.

Usually, the easiest way to understand how to use the grid with your own code is to look at the relevant example in the examples directory.

Broadly the following steps should be taken to use the grid:

  • include the hhgrid.h as in the examples (C or C++).
  • Call python_initialize(), python_printinfo() once at the beginning of your program.
  • Construct a grid object using PyObject* pGrid = grid_initialize(grid_name); at the beginning of your program.
  • Call grid_virt(pGrid, s, t) for each phase-space point you wish to evaluate, here pGrid is an instance of the grid and s,t are the Mandelstam invariants.
  • Call python_decref(pGrid) for each instance of the grid and python_finalize() once at the end of your program.

When linking your code against hhgrid we advise to use the hhgrid-config --cflags --libs command to ensure that your program is compiled with the correct python headers and libraries.

Grid files and validation points

The grid files contain 4 columns beta_s, cos(theta), V_fin and V_fin Error.


  • beta_s = \sqrt{1-4*mH^2/s}
  • cos(theta) = (t-u)/(s*beta_s), where u= 2 mH^2 - s -t

For ease of validation we give here a few values from the Virt_EFT.grid along with the corresponding Mandelstam s and t and the value that is returned by (note: since internally bins results the output is not perfect for each phase space point).

beta_s cos(theta) V_fin V_fin Error s t result
0.670215461783 0.942415327461 3.14977281395e-05 1e-20 113469. -5274.78 3.156933349e-05
0.749658272418 0.358719756797 7.18370167972e-05 1e-20 142690. -36534.1 7.189039265e-05
0.774816230102 0.667225193755 9.55249958151e-05 1e-20 156383. -22143.3 9.560147722e-05
0.961960758291 0.828468885357 0.00450166545088 1e-20 837448. -69395. 4.553265367e-03
0.831112919562 0.00835036268349 0.000195523077174 1e-20 202101. -84724.2 1.956863628e-04

For validation the corresponding Born HTL cross-section values are:

s t B
113469. -5274.78 9.75634751746e-07
142690. -36534.1 2.19481322735e-06
156383. -22143.3 2.90841407195e-06
837448. -69395. 0.000134710295203
202101. -84724.2 5.9137806539e-06

For the Pure HEFT (not re-weighted by the Born) at NLO for hadronic centre-of-mass energy \sqrt{s} = 14 TeV with the central (dynamic) scale value (muR=muF=M_{hh}/2) we obtain for the total cross-section:

\sigma_tot = 0.31937346E-01 +/- 0.46742589E-05 pb (analytic)

\sigma_tot = 0.31640084E-01 +/- 0.49620079E-05 pb (grid)

In the examples/validation folder we also provide example distributions for m_HH (invariant mass of the Higgs boson pair), p_T^H (transverse momentum of a random Higgs boson) and y_HH (rapidity of the Higgs pair system). The heft/full files contain the NLO result at 14 TeV in the HEFT/Full theory respectively. The 1st column of the file is the bin centre, the 2nd column is the bin value and the 3rd column is the error on the bin.

Reference Guide


A convenience script that can be used to interactively evaluate grid points (primarily for debugging).


  • --grid a string used to specify which grid to load.

Internal Note

  •, events.cdf, Virt_full.grid, Virt_EFT.grid taken from commit c43eea9 of POWHEG-BOX-V2/ggHH repo.
  • rewrote as class