An optimizing brainf*ck compiler with multiple target backends: JVM using ProGuardCORE for code generation, smali, dex using BAT, C, LLVM IR, ARM assembly, WASM and JavaScript.
Some optimizations are applied before code generation:
- Zero-ing loops (
) are represented as a single instruction - Consecutive zero-ing instructions are merged
- Consecutive move and add instructions are merged into single instructions with an amount parameter
- Zero moves/adds are removed
- Top-level loops before memory updates are removed
./gradlew build
The build task will execute all tests and create an output jar lib/bf.jar
A wrapper script bin/bf
is provided for convenience in the bin/
$ bin/bf --help
Usage: bf options_list
script -> brainf*ck script { String }
--output, -o -> output { String }
--target, -t [JVM] -> target { Value should be one of [jvm, c, llvm, smali] }
--debug, -d [false]
--help, -h -> Usage info
By default, bf
will compile a provided brainf*ck script for the JVM and execute it. The compiler
can instead generate a jar file with the -o
$ bin/bf examples/ -t jvm -o helloworld.jar
$ java -jar helloworld.jar
$ bin/bf examples/ -t smali -o helloworld.smali
$ smali a helloworld.smali -o classes.dex
$ adb push classes.dex /sdcard/Download/classes.dex
$ adb shell dalvikvm -cp /sdcard/Download/classes.dex Main
$ bin/bf examples/ -t dex -o helloworld.dex
$ adb push helloworld.dex /sdcard/Download/helloworld.dex
$ adb shell dalvikvm -cp /sdcard/Download/helloworld.dex Main
$ bin/bf examples/ -t c -o helloworld.c
$ gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld && ./helloworld
$ bin/bf examples/ -t llvm -o helloworld.ll
$ lli helloworld.ll
$ bin/bf examples/ -t arm -o helloworld.s
$ arm-none-eabi-as helloworld.s -o helloworld.o
$ arm-none-eabi-ld helloworld.o -o helloworld
$ qemu-arm ./helloworld
$ bin/bf examples/ -t wasm -o helloworld.wat
$ wasmtime helloworld.wat
$ bin/bf examples/ -t js -o helloworld.js
$ nodejs helloworld.js
Inputs for the Javascript version are passed as command-line arguments.
Lox doesn't provide any built-in way
to convert ASCII character codes to characters, and the built-in print
function always prints newlines,
but we can use awk
to convert ASCII codes to characters while merging all the lines together.
$ bin/bf examples/ -t lox -o helloworld.lox
$ jlox helloworld.lox | awk '{printf("%c", $1)}' ORS=' '
Lox also doesn't provide any ability to receive inputs so the inputs to a program
can be compiled directly into it by using the bf