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427 lines (330 loc) · 18.5 KB

File metadata and controls

427 lines (330 loc) · 18.5 KB


New in 6.1

  • Allow relative URLs in routing middleware (#497)
  • Support JsonOptions and double.Nan serialization in Redux Dev Tools (#503)

New in 6.0

  • Breaking change: Remove support for obsolete versions of .NET framework (#384)
  • Breaking change: Replace IDisposable with IAsyncDisposable in Blazor components (#324)
  • Breaking change: UseReduxDevTools no longer ensures UseRouting is called (#360)
  • Breaking change: UseReduxDevTools no longer requires Newtonsoft.Json (#386)
  • Support Action Filtering in Redux Dev Tools (#383)
  • Do not consider anchor (Uri.Fragment) when checking Uri for changes in routing middleware (#455)
  • Resolve bug where StoreInitializer could cause DisposableCallback to throw an exception (#491)

New in 5.9

  • Adds additional useful information to exception thrown by DisposableAction (#425)
  • Fix deadlock scenario when dispatching actions from an effect triggered by store activation (#426)

New in 5.8

  • Fixes potential for deadlock (#407)## New in 5.7
  • Fixes memory leak when using ActionSubscriber or SubscribeToAction (#378)

New in 5.6

  • Support .NET 7
  • Ensure StateSelection unsubscribes properly (#353)

New in 5.5

  • DisposableCallback includes Caller info when throwing an exception (#320)
  • Ensured initialising the store does not overwrite manually set state (#347)

New in 5.4

  • ActionSubscribers are now notified after state has been reduced (#299)
  • Routing middleware will no longer dispatch a GoAction when URl is the same value but formatted differently (#297)
  • IDispatcher now queues actions whenever there are no subscribers to the ActionDispatched event and then dequeues them when a subscriber is added (#301)

New in 5.3

  • New method EnableStackTrace on ReduxDevToolsMiddlewareOptions to enable passing stack trace to the browser plugin (#262)
  • ActionSubscriber demo
  • Add LifeCycle to FluxorOptions and use in registration (#287)

New in 5.2

  • Added Stack Trace option for Redux Dev Tools (#262)

New in 5.1

  • Fixed IStateSelection<TState, TValue> bug that threw exception stating the selector has already been set. (#252)
  • Added an optional Action<TValue> selectedValueChanged to IStateSelection<TState, TValue>.Select that is executed whenever the selected value changes. This is a convenient alternative to hooking up event handlers.
  • Added event EventHandler<TValue> SelectedValueChanged to IStateSelection<TState, TValue> for strongly typed event args when the selected value changes.
  • Changed to avoid .net memory leak in dependency injection (#271)

New in 5.0

  • Breaking change: Removed need to reference _content/Fluxor.Blazor.Web/scripts/index.js (#235)
  • Breaking change: Removed IState<TState> generic StateChanged event.
  • Separated IDispatcher out of IStore. (#209)
  • Added IState<TState> alternative IStateSelector<TState, TValue> for selecting and subscribing to subsets of state. (#221)
  • Made actions that are a generic type human readable in ReduxDevTools. (#205)

New in 4.2.1

  • Support .NET 6

New in 4.2

  • New [FeatureState] attribute to avoid having to create Feature<T> descendant classes. (#204)
  • Add FluxorOptions.ScanTypes to allow scanning of specified classes. (#214)
  • Make FluxorComponent and FluxorLayout abstract. (#217)
  • Add ForceLoad property to GoAction. (#178)
  • Only call Dispose(bool disposing) if not already disposed. (#222)

New in 4.1

  • Allow custom control over JSON serialisation in Redux Dev Tools - see Redux Dev Tools docs.

New in 4.0

  • Changed Effect<T>.HandleAsync from protected to public to make unit testing easier
  • Added Options to .UseReduxDevTools() middleware extension

New in 3.9

  • Support added for .NET 5.0

New in 3.8

  • Allow state notification throttling to reduce time spent rendering (#114) - see:
    • FluxorComponent.MaximumStateChangedNotificationsPerSecond
    • FluxorLayout.MaximumStateChangedNotificationsPerSecond
    • Feature.MaximumStateChangedNotificationsPerSecond
  • Fix for (#105) - Allow FluxorComponent descendents to dispatch actions when overriding Dispose(bool).
  • Added an optional actionType to [EffectMethod] to avoid compiler warnings when the action is not used
public class SomeEffects
  public Task CallItWhateverYouLike(IDispatcher dispatcher)
    ... code here ...

  // is equivalent to

  public Task CallItWhateverYouLike(RefreshDataAction unusedParameter, IDispatcher dispatcher)
    ... code here ...
  • Added an optional actionType to [ReducerMethod] to avoid compiler warnings when the action is not used
public class SomeReducers
  public MyState CallItWhateverYouLike(MyState state) =>
    new MyState(state.Count + 1);

  // is equivalent to

  public MyState CallItWhateverYouLike(MyState state, IncrementCounterAction unusedParameter) =>
    new MyState(state.Count + 1);
  • Added support for declaring [ReducerMethod] on generic classes
public class TestIntReducer: AbstractGenericStateReducers<int>

public class TestStringReducer: AbstractGenericStateReducers<string>

public abstract class AbstractGenericStateReducers<T>
  where T : IEquatable<T>
  public static TestState<T> ReduceRemoveItemAction(TestState<T> state, RemoveItemAction<T> action) =>
    new TestState<T>(state.Items.Where(x => !x.Equals(action.Item)).ToArray());
  • Added support for declaring [EffectMethod] on generic classes
public class GenericEffectClassForMyAction : AbstractGenericEffectClass<MyAction>
  public GenericEffectClassForMyAction(SomeService someService) : base(someService)

public class GenericEffectClassForAnotherAction : AbstractGenericEffectClass<AnotherAction>
  public GenericEffectClassForAnotherAction(SomeService someService) : base(someService)

public abstract class AbstractGenericEffectClass<T> 
  private readonly ISomeService SomeService;

  protected AbstractGenericEffectClass(ISomeService someService)
    SomeService = someService;

  public Task HandleTheActionAsync(T action, IDispatcher dispatcher)
    return SomeService.DoSomethingAsync(action);

New in 3.7

  • Fix for (#84 - Allow observer to unsubscribe from all subscriptions whilst executing the callback from a previous subscription
  • Fix for (#82) - Throw an informative exception when FluxorComponent or FluxorLayout has been inherited and the descendant doesn't call base.OnInitialized().
  • Fix for (#77) - Exception thrown initialising store in .NET 5.

New in 3.6

New in 3.5

  • Bug fix for (#74) - Handle endless loop redirects caused by Routing middleware.

New in 3.4

  • Breaking change: FluxorException is now an abstract class.
  • Unhandled exceptions in Effects can now notify the UI.

New in 3.3

  • Breaking change: EffectMethod and ReducerMethod decorated methods must now be public - although they can be methods of internal classes.
  • New IActionSubscriber to receive notifications before actions are reduced into state and before Effects are triggered
  • More speed improvements in options.ScanAssemblies
  • Subscriptions to the StateChanged event will now be triggered before FluxorComponent/FluxorLayout notified of changes (so manual subscriptions are executed before rendering)
  • Added link with more information for when DisposableCallback throws an error because it has not been disposed

New in 3.2

  • Improved speed of app start-up when using options.ScanAssemblies
  • Assemblies are now signed
  • Set project options to treat all warnings as errors

New in 3.1.1

  • Fixed bug that caused exception when using .ConfigureAwait in an Effect (#20)
  • Ensured add/remove on events are thread safe (#23)
  • Made it easier to find the source of DisposableCallback instances that are not disposed (#24)
  • State properties were not discovered if they were declared as private in a base class (#25)
  • Handle disposing of partially created DisposableAction (#29)

New in 3.1.0

  • Used Newtonsoft entirely for JS interop to ReduxDevTools to prevent serialization errors (#7)
  • Added new FluxorLayout for auto-subscribing to state (#8)

New in 3.0.2

  • Bug fix for (#134) - URLs not taking into account query parameters
  • Update NuGet package icons.

New in 3.0.0

  • Rewritten to make the library UI agnostic Fluxor
  • Separated out Blazor.Fluxor into Fluxor.Blazor.Web
  • Separated out Fluxor.Blazor.Web.ReduxDevTools
  • Added new documentation
  • Added basic-concepts tutorials demonstrating how to use Fluxor in a console app.

Previous versions (Blazor-Fluxor)

New in 2.0

  • Change @Store.Initialize to <Blazor.Fluxor.StoreInitializer/> component, to allow async calls (fixes #120)

2.0 Release notes

In your App.razor files replace the call to @Store.Initialize with <Blazor.Fluxor.StoreInitializer/>

New in 1.4.1

  • Handle TaskCanceledException when initialising the store and server has disconnected from the client.
  • Updated to SDK 3.1.2

New in 1.4.0

  • Made dispatching actions thread safe (#117)

New in 1.3.2

  • Fixed bug #110 (Cannot use Redux Dev Tools on server side)

New in 1.3.1

  • Fixed bug #98 (Cannot initialize store)

New in 1.3.0

  • Upgraded to DotNet Core 3.1 preview 4

New in 1.2.0

  • Prevent JavaScript initialisation from being executed twice.
  • Add IState.Unsubscribe

New in 1.1.0

  • Change store initialization technique to make server-side Blazor apps work on iOS and OSX browsers.

NOTE: You must manually add a script reference to _content/Blazor.Fluxor/index.js to the host page in server-side apps.

New in 1.0.0

  • Initialise store in App.razor instead of MainLayout.razor
  • First major release

New in 0.35

  • Upgraded to DotNet Core 3

New in 0.34

  • Work around for Blazor bug that stops injected scripts working in Safari.

New in 0.33.1

  • Allow multiple reducers in a class (and static reducers) with [ReducerMethod]
  • Allow multiple effects in a class (and static effects) with [EffectMethod]
  • Removed MultiActionReducer<TState> due to new ReducerMethodAttribute

Issues fixed

New in 0.32.0

  • Update to Blazor RC1

New in 0.31.0

  • Remove White=Positive / Black=Negative terms - Use Include/Exclude instead.
  • Update to Blazor preview 9

New in 0.30.0

  • Added a new class MultiActionReducer<TState> that allows you to combine multiple reducers into a single class.

New in 0.29.0

  • Fixed a harmless null reference error when running server-side
  • Fixed FlightFinder sample's UI and binding
  • TypeExtensions.GetNamespace extension method removed in favor of Type.Namespace
  • Fixed bug that caused an error when the project contained an abstract class that implements a Fluxor interface

New in 0.28.0

  • Added a StateChanged event to IFeature<T> and IState<T>

New in 0.27.0

  • Update to Blazor preview 8

New in 0.26.0

  • Update to Blazor preview 7
  • Alter the icon that appears in NuGet

New in 0.25.0

  • Remove IAction. Actions may now be any type of object.

New in 0.24.0

NOTE: Due to a bug in System.Text.Json the ReduxDevTools do not work in this release.

  • Upgraded to latest packages (.net core v3.0.0-preview6.19307.2)

New in 0.23.0

  • Upgraded to latest packages (.net core v3.0.0-preview5-19227-01)

New in 0.22.0

  • Upgraded to latest packages (.net core v3.0.0-preview4-19216-03)
  • Rename *.cshtml to *.razor
  • Change project start up code to reflect most recent approach

New in 0.21.0

  • Upgraded to latest packages (.net core v3.0.0-preview3-19153-02)

New in 0.20.0

  • Upgraded to Blazor 0.9.0

New in 0.19.0

New in 0.18.0

  • Changed UseDependencyInjection to use AddScoped instead of AddSingleton so server-side Blazor apps do not share the same store across clients.

New in 0.17.0

  • Upgraded to Blazor 0.7.0

New in 0.16.0

  • Upgraded to Blazor 0.6.0
  • Added a Task to IStore named Initialized that can be awaited in OnInitializedAsync

New in 0.15.1

  • Added setTimeout workaround because Blazor won't allow calling StateHasChanged when the page loads

New in 0.15.0

  • Queue dispatched actions until store is initialized and then dequeue them.
  • Made demos reference NuGet packages so they can be downloaded separately.

Issues fixed

New in 0.14.0

  • Upgraded to Blazor 0.5.1.
  • Effects and Middlewares must now call IDispatcher.Dispatch() to dispatch actions.

New in 0.13.0

  • Added state change observer pattern. Calling SomeInjectedState.Changed(this, StateHasChanged) in a component's OnInitialized method will subscribe to all state changes triggered by other components.
  • Changed IState.Current to IState.Value
  • Modified the official Blazor Flight Finder demo to use Fluxor. Status is incomplete but functional.

New in 0.12.1

  • Changed the way Effects and Reducers work so the developer has more flexibility in chosing what they react to (descendant classes, implemented interfaces, etc)

New in 0.12.0

  • Added unit tests
  • Change versioning scheme to match the Blazor approach (increment minor version per release)
  • Make BrowserInterop an injected service
  • Ensure DisposableCallback can only be disposed once
  • Change Store.Features from IEnumerable<IFeature> to IReadonlyDictionary<string, Feature> for fast lookup and prevention of duplicate keys
  • Make Store.BeginInternalMiddlewareChange re-entrant
  • Fix NullReferenceException that could occur when Middleware returned null from IMiddleware.AfterDispatch

New in 0.0.11

  • Allow middleware to return tasks to dispatch from IMiddleware.AfterDispatch
  • Make methods of Feature<TState> virtual.
  • Upgraded to Blazor 0.4.0

New in 0.0.10

  • Introduced IDispatcher for dispatching actions from Blazor components so that the whole IStore isn't required.
  • Introduced IState for providing feature state to Blazor components so that the entire IFeature<T> doesn't need to be referenced.

New in 0.0.9

  • Renamed Handle to HandleAsync in effects
  • Added source docs

New in 0.0.8

  • Added an example showing how to create Middleware modules for Fluxor
  • Fixed a bug where components were not displaying state updates when actions effecting their state were dispatched from another component

New in 0.0.7

  • Renamed IStoreMiddleware to IMiddleware
  • Allow middleware to veto the dispatching of actions
  • Allow middleware to declare Javascript it needs to be added into the site's html page
  • Add routing middleware
  • Exclude auto-discovery of features / reducers / effects in namespaces that contain a class that implements IMiddleware
  • Auto register features / reducers / effects for classes in the same namespace (or below) of any class added with Options.AddMiddleware

New in 0.0.6

  • Changed the signature of IStore.Dispatch to IStore.DispatchAsync
  • Upgraded to latest version of Blazor (0.3.0)

New in 0.0.5

  • Changed the signature of ServiceCollection.AddFluxor to pass in an Options object
  • Added support for Redux Dev Tools
  • Added support for adding custom Middleware

New in 0.0.4

  • Changed side-effects to return an array of actions to dispatch rather than limiting it to a single action

New in 0.0.3

  • Added side-effects for calling out to async routines such as HTTP requests
  • Added a sample application to the [Sample projects][8]

New in 0.0.2

  • Automatic discovery of store, features, and reducers via dependency injection.

New in 0.0.1

  • Basic store / feature / reducer implementation