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Chapter 5 : Complete Game Source Reference

Final considerations about the learning process of making video games

When you finish this tutorial, you maybe think that you still don't know how to make a Pong game, than you just copied what the tutorial said. Well, you are not really right and you are not really wrong. If you understood the steps a bit, then take a deep breath, believe in yourself and start to remake it from scratch without looking the tutorial. Remaking it again using your own memory will help you to deeper the steps in your memory and have a clearer understanding of what you are doing.

Following the tutorial with little understanding is the first step of the learning process and as your adventure continues and your exploration go deeper, you need now to face alone a blank project and start the Pong game again. If you are stuck, you can peek at the tutorial for clues and continue by yourself. It is good to use the tutorial like documentation or a reference because what is important is that you can understand each step and go through them by yourself as you understand the whole process more. All the other games from the next tutorial and building games in the future is just about adding complexity and features, slowly crafting worlds that player can explore and have fun with.

Even if you have built Pong and understood the steps without looking too much at the tutorial, you maybe don't know what to do next. If you want to go to the next step of your adventure in game development, you can start to build a new game on your own, read code of others or follow another tutorial and follow it until you understand it. And continue this way until you feel comfortable enough with Superpowers and programming with TypeScript.

The purpose of this series is to propose more complex tutorials as we advance to help us to learn how to climb this big mountain until we feel strong enough to build by ourselves this fantastic, challenging and emotionally rich video games.

See you soon if you decide you want to continue the adventure of game development with Superpowers.

Complete Game Source Reference :

Assets files of this game :

  • background.png
  • pad1.png
  • pad2.png
  • ball.png
  • tac.mp3
  • toc.mp3
  • tada.mp3
  • menu/title.png
  • menu/starton.png
  • menu/startoff.png
  • scripts/ball.ts
  • scripts/paddles.ts

Project Assets Structure :

Menu (Startup Scene)

  • MenuSprites
    • title
    • starton
    • startoff
  • MenuScripts
    • button Game
  • GameSprites
    • background
    • pad1
    • pad2
    • ball
  • GameScripts
    • ball
    • paddles
  • GameSounds
    • tac
    • toc
    • tada Font

Scripts Sources :

  • ball.ts
const BALLSPEED : number = 0.05 ;

class BallBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  // Connect the actor body to a constant
  ball =;
  // An Array with score[0] for player 1 and score[1] for player 2
  score = [0, 0];
  // speed variable
  speed : number = BALLSPEED;
  // set positive or negative direction variables of x and y
  dx : number = 1; dy : number = 1;

  update() {
    // get the ball position of x and y
    let x : number  =; let y : number  =;

    // change direction of y if ball reach up and down sides
    if(y > 2.85 || y < -2.85){
      this.dy = this.dy * -1;

    // We check if there is collision between the ball and the two paddles
    if(Sup.ArcadePhysics2D.collides(this.ball, Sup.ArcadePhysics2D.getAllBodies())){
      /* If there is collision we check if the ball touch
      a left or right side (we change the x direction) or
      the up and down side of the paddles (y direction),
      the speed of the ball take an acceleration. */
      if(this.ball.getTouches().right || this.ball.getTouches().left){
        this.dx = this.dx * -1;
        this.speed += 0.01
      else {
        this.dy = this.dy * -1;

    /* We check if the ball pass the paddle and go beyond
    (sides left and right of the game table) if yes, we move
    the ball to the center and change the direction of x axis,
    the speed take the default speed. */
    if(x > 4 || x < -4){
       this.ball.warpPosition(0, 0);
       this.dx = this.dx * -1;
       this.speed = BALLSPEED;

    //We change the score depending on which side the ball go on x axis
    if(x > 4){

    if(x < -4){

    // set ball movement velocity speed*direction for x and y axis (the ball stay in movement at any time)
    this.ball.setVelocity(this.speed*this.dx, this.speed*this.dy);

    if(this.score[0] == 10 || this.score[1] == 10){
  • paddles.ts
class Paddle1Behavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  // connect the paddle body to a variable which will be used many times in the script
  pad =;

  // set the speed of the paddle
  speed : number = 0.1;

  update() {
    // get Y position of paddle in a variable
    let y : number =;

    // if the key is pressed and y < to max, the velocity of the body is set in motion with speed
    if(Sup.Input.isKeyDown("W") && y < 2.35){
    // if the key is pressedand y > to min, the velocity of the body is set in motion with negative speed
    else if(Sup.Input.isKeyDown("S") && y > -2.35){
    // in other situations the velocity of the body is set to 0

class Paddle2Behavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  // connect the paddle body to a variable which will be used many times in the script
  pad =;

  // set the speed of the paddle
  speed : number = 0.1;

  update() {
    // get Y position of paddle in a variable
    let y : number =;

    // if the key is pressed and y < to max, the velocity of the body is set in motion with speed
    if(Sup.Input.isKeyDown("UP") && y < 2.35){
    // if the key is pressedand y > to min, the velocity of the body is set in motion with negative speed
    else if(Sup.Input.isKeyDown("DOWN") && y > -2.35){
    // in other situations the velocity of the body is set to 0

  • button.ts
// We initialize a variable ray which is of type Math.Ray
var ray : Sup.Math.Ray;

class ButtonBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
  // flag to tell when the mouse hover the button
  isHover : boolean = false;

  awake() {
    ray = new Sup.Math.Ray(, new Sup.Math.Vector3(0, 0, -1));

  /* We define different possible actions of the mouse,
  click action load the game scene, hovering and unhovering
  make the button to change the sprite.*/

  mouse(action) {
    if(action == "click"){
    else if(action == "hover"){
    else if(action == "unhover"){

  update() {
    // Refresh position of the mouse in the camera
    ray.setFromCamera(Sup.getActor("Camera").camera, Sup.Input.getMousePosition());

    /* Condition to check if yes or no, the mouse hover
    the button, and if yes, check if the mouse click.
    We call the mouse function with the action related. */

    if(ray.intersectActor(, false).length > 0){
        this.isHover = true;
    else if(this.isHover){
      this.isHover = false;
