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Python ray tracing engine

  • Render a 3D scene by simulating its illumination
  • For each output image pixel, in-scene optical interactions are computed to determine the color of the pixel's incoming light ray
    • NB: computationally intensive
    • this implementation is not performance optimized via parallelization, bounding volumes, etc.
    • run time depends on image size and recursion depth


$ python3

  • Output/image file: raytray.png
  • Run time:
    • scales with 'display_scale' and recursion 'depth' parameters:
      • display size (default): [16:9] scaled by display_scale
        • run time scales with number of pixels: display_scale**2
    • WARNING: ray tracing is computationally expensive and, in its current state, this code is not suitable for real-time frame generation
      • example images generated with recursion depth = 0 (no Fresnel components) and display_scale = 50 on a 2015 MacBookPro running on Mojave 10.14.6 with a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5 processor:
        Image saved as raytray_image.png
        Display: 800 x 450
        Time to compute: 536.0476911067963 s
  • License: MIT
  • Language: Python (built on python 3.9.7)


  • Python modules (all imported in
    • math
    • numpy
    • matplotlib
    • time (optional)

Python ray tracer: example image series

This sequence of images demonstrates the evolution of a ray traced image with incremental additions of different optical contributions: ambient, diffuse surface scattering, shadows/occlusion, recursively traced reflection/refraction.

spheres with ambient light spheres with diffusely scattered localized lights + ambient light spheres with diffusely scattered localized lights/shadows + ambient light


Ray tracing basics

  • A 3D scene volume is rendered to a 2D display based on physics-based in-scene optical interactions
    • map* each 2D display position (pixel) to the nearest in-scene hit point

    • starting from the hit point, recursively ray-trace reflection and refraction rays that contribute to the hit point color value:

      • using the Fresnel equations, compute reflected and refracted rays from the hit point
      • follow these two rays, recursively generating new reflection and refraction rays at each subsequent scene element intersection, until a ray intersects a light source (or the computation times out)
    • integrate over contributions to the initial nearest hit point to set the associated pixel's color value:

      ambient + diffuse surface scattering (considering occlusion/shadows) + indirect light (prior reflection and refraction contributions, computed recursively)

                    Ambient Light
                Display Plane                           ====
                    |\              _____               ====
                    | \            /     \   Scene      ====
                    |  \          /       \   Objects   ====
        Camera      |   \        (         )            ====
        |           |    \        \       /     ______  ====
        O)- - - - - |- >  \ - - - *\     /     (      ) ====
        |            \    |          ---        (    )  ====
                      \   |                      (  )   ====
                       \  |                       --    ====
                        \ |                             ====
                         \|                             ====
                                      ***   Scene
                                      ***   Light
  • map 3D -> 2D:
    • parametrize ray as a line between a virtual camera/eye (at an observer position, in front of the display) and the scene pixel:
      • Point-on-ray-trajectory = ray.origin + t * ray.direction
    • compute the nearest intersection between the line/ray and all scene elements (i.e., find the nearest 'hit')
    • assign the pixel color value based on illumination of the intersection/nearest 'hit'

Side notes

  • Not intended for production use
    • !not! performance optimized: ray tracing is computationally expensive and this implementation is slow
  • Core logic:
    for j in range(display_height):
        yd = yd_from_j(j, display_height, display_width)
        for i in range(display_width):
            xd = xd_from_i(i, display_width)
            pixel_ray = Ray(, [xd, yd, zd])
            t, hit_point, hit_element = find_nearest(pixel_ray, scene + lights)
            if hit_element != 0:
                c_ambient = ambient_contrib(hit_element)
                c_diffuse = diffuse_contrib(hit_point, hit_element)
                c_fresnel = fresnel_contrib(t, hit_point, pixel_ray.direction, hit_element, recursion_depth)
                color_xy = c_ambient + c_diffuse + c_fresnel
                color_xy = background_color
            img[j, i, :] = color_xy
  • Diffuse surface scattered (Lambertian) and indirect/recursive (Fresnel) contributions are physics-based
    • NB: light information is carried by photons and the ray approximation in ray tracing is a design choice, trading off render precision for reduced computational expense

Display plane

  • The number and arrangement of display plane pixels is:
    • n_vertical_pixels * n_horizontal_pixels

Scene elements

  • spheres
  • planes
  • lights


  • Scene elements represented by classes
  • Create the scene by generating class instances, specifying attributes: e.g., position, surface normal, color, Fresnel coefficients (reflectivity, index of refraction)

Output: image file

  • With matplotlib, a .png file is generated via imsave().
  • If no matplotlib, can write to .ppm file, formatted as:
    • P3 (width: int) (height: int) 'r' 'g' 'b' 'r' 'g' 'b' ... 'r' 'g' 'b' \n
      • for .ppm files, 'r' 'g' 'b' are each in (usually) range(256) (and maximally limited to range(2^16))