Need to update all binding
- Shift+F1 - sync mail, calendars, contacts
- Shift+F2 - prompt mount Vault
- Mod+F1 - restart gpg, fix yubikey issue
- Mod+F2 - start personal chromium
- Mod+F2 - open nautilus
- Mod+number - switch to workspace
- Mod+Shift+number - send application to workspace
- Mod+n - rofi NetworkManager
- Mod+d - rofi application launcher
- Mod+= - rofi calculator
- Alt+Tab - rofi window, application launcher
- Mod+p - rofi pass password manager
- Mod+Control+p - rofi keepassx password manager
- Mod+Shift+p - audio menu: pavucontrol, pulseeffects, bluetooth
- Mod+w - rofi web search / browser launcher
- Mod+t - i3 tabbed view
- Mod+s - i3 stacked view
- Mod+e - i3 tiled view
- Mod+PrintScr - flameshot gui screenshot
- PrintScr - flameshot full screenshot
- Mod+Shift+m - hide menu bar
- Mod+Shift+q - quit application
- Mod+Escape - exit menu: lock, suspend, shutdown, xkill...
- Mod+² - show scratchpad
- Mod+Shift+c - reload i3 config
- Mod+Shift+r - restart i3
- Mod - tape and release mod key alone send Esc
- Mod+f - fullscreen
- Mod+l - lock scren
- Mod+b - rofi pinboard bookmark
- All medias keys are working, controlling sounds and D-BUS medias app
- o - sync mail, calendars, contacts
- m - write mail, then p to privacy
- y - add, remove tags to mail
- gi - go to inbox
- gs - go to sents
- gd - go to drafts
- gj - go to junk
- h - mark as ham
- j - mark as junk
- v - open attachments list
- \ - search, query by notmuch
- Control+j - go down in the sidebar
- Control+k - go up in the sidebar
- Control+o - open the selected folder in the sidebar
- a - mark as archive a message
- A - mark as archive a thread
- P - archive messages/threads
- p - print message
- X - open virtual folder (then ?)
- Add a password:
addpass --name "My new Site" +user "zeltak" +branch "branch" +custom "foobar" +autotype "branch :tab user :tab pass"
Edit or generate new password from rofi-pass
Select a password from the list then hit Alt+a and select the action.
Control+Tab - switch between rofi modules
available modules are drun,run,window,dict,ssh,calc,hex