Releases: ndebuhr/cloud-native-workstation
Releases · ndebuhr/cloud-native-workstation
- a8004ab: 🌐 Add networking and database utilities to the Jupyter build (ndebuhr)
- bb44d99: ⎈ Add font and Kubernetes utilities to the Code Server build (ndebuhr)
- b9429b5: 🧱 Update the configuration for blocking node metadata on GKE (fixing a Terraform API breaking change regression) (ndebuhr)
- 800152d: 📖 Fix a mistake in Terraform controlled vocabulary use (ndebuhr)
- 59fa41f: 🔖 Cut a v0.8.1 release (ndebuhr)
- 31e95bf: 🐿 Add Golang v1.17.2 to the Code Server build (ndebuhr)
- 249fe64: 🖼️ Update the architecture image in the README file (ndebuhr)
- 4677516: 🌐 Reflect recent networking updates in the Code Server exposed ports (make 8080 explicitly exposed) (ndebuhr)
- 258026e: 🔓 Enable jovyan sudo, for greater installation flexibility within Jupyter (ndebuhr)
- 9e075ee: 📈 Add a Pgweb component (ndebuhr)
- 59c0433: 🔖 Cut a v0.8.0 release (ndebuhr)
- 670cede: 🔧 Parameterize persistent volume sizes across stateful components (ndebuhr)
- cb8c293: 🐍 Add NumPy (Python) to the Code Server build (ndebuhr)
- 2c9a7d5: 🐍 Expand the preinstalled Python packages (on Code Server) - include GCP-, API-, and scraping-related packages (ndebuhr)
- fc3f46e: 🔨 Add build utilities, build libraries, and Poppler to the Jupyter build (ndebuhr)
- b14bdeb: ⬆️ Upgrade SonarQube to 9.8.2 (ndebuhr)
- 86ba2ef: 🔖 Cut a v0.7.1 release (ndebuhr)
- 301244e: 🧠 Parameterize Jupyter GPU provisioning, for more flexibility in AI/ML/GPU workload cost-performance decisions (ndebuhr)
- 631da85: ⚰️ Remove some unused yaml configuration (ndebuhr)
- 4b27afa: 📁 Rework the repository directory structure for improved navigation and intuition (ndebuhr)
- 7c8f5d5: 🚚 Move the keycloak operator, role, role binding, and service account to the deployment chart (from the preparations chart) - bundling with the other keycloak resources is more intuitive (ndebuhr)
- f02c49b: 🧹 Light cleanup of Helm values (ndebuhr)
- 71023ee: 👥 Better enable multi-workstation clusters by decoupling the Gatekeeper and Nginx Ingress systems from the core workstation installation (ndebuhr)
- 6c194d0: 🧪 Test the installation of multiple workstations during the Deploy workflow (ndebuhr)
- 59b7396: 🩹 Fix a CI/CD routing collision issue (ndebuhr)
- e2c2b35: 🔖 Cut a v0.7.0 release (ndebuhr)
- b615c13: 💚 Fix a CI/CD regression (ndebuhr)
- 945dbe1: 📝 Fix the README reference command for running a hugo development server (ndebuhr)
- 1e9737a: 🖼️ Clean up the colors in the installation architecture diagram (ndebuhr)
- b766925: 🧹 Clean up the namespace parameterization in the main Helm chart (ndebuhr)
- 3b86b49: 📁 Install the file utility during Code Server image builds (ndebuhr)
- 7c8ad2c: 📝 Fix a README reference command (ndebuhr)
- b10b7f7: ➕ Add golang, and remove skopeo, from the Code Server build (ndebuhr)
- 11a20d7: 🔖 Cut a v0.6.1 release (ndebuhr)
- 1cf39ce: 📏 Increase the main Nginx ingress proxy-body-size, to fix an issue with saving large Jupyter notebooks (ndebuhr)
- 8b218a8: ⬆️ Upgrade Terraform, within the Code Server build - v1.0.6 to v1.0.8 (ndebuhr)
- 167b58d: 🧠 Enable faster AI/ML/GPU Jupyter workloads, using Nvidia T4 capabilities (enabled via feature flag and disabled by default) (ndebuhr)
- 3dc44ae: 💚 Fix a CI/CD regression (ndebuhr)
- 3f5d68a: 🏃 Add the GitHub Actions run number to CI/CD-provisioned cluster names - without naming collisions, it's possible to run multiple CI/CD workflows simultaneously (ndebuhr)
- d4f6b91: 🔖 Cut a v0.6.0 release (ndebuhr)
- 0bbcca3: 🖼️ Expand README image use to improve installation intuition and emphasize branding (ndebuhr)
- 49174d1: 🌱 Fix prometheus configuration seeding regression (ndebuhr)
- d56e482: ⬆️ Upgrade to code server - v3.11.1 to v3.12.0 (ndebuhr)
- 1c77706: 🖼️ Update README branding and architecture graphics, including scaling graphics to a more appropriate (smaller) resolution (ndebuhr)
- ae78762: 🌱 Fix another prometheus configuration seeding regression (ndebuhr)
- 3ddf349: 🔧 Parameterize the automatic creation of Grafana dashboards (ndebuhr)
- 2edef87: 🔖 Cut a v0.5.1 release (ndebuhr)
- 61e3cd2: 🖼️ Add Prometheus and Grafana logos and links to the README (ndebuhr)
- 67ea23b: 🧩 Add a Terraform extension to the Code Server build (ndebuhr)
- 8b889f9: ⬆️ Upgrade to Terraform 1.0.6 (Code Server build) (ndebuhr)
- ac6125f: 🏗️ Modernize OAuth2, OIDC, and ingress systems - replace the Keycloak Gatekeeper system with OAuth2 Proxy, the DIY Keycloak deployment with a Keycloak operator approach, and the HAProxy system with an Nginx ingress controller (ndebuhr)
- 787eace: 💚 Fix CI/CD regression (ndebuhr)
- d1d13b1: 🖼️ Update README images (ndebuhr)
- 5b58cca: 🔖 Cut a v0.5.0 release (ndebuhr)
- 7b5b848: ⬆️ Upgrade components - Code Server, Python for NoVNC, SonarQube, Certbot, Alpine Linux for Grafana initialization, Grafana, Guacamole, HAProxy, JupyterLab, and Prometheus (ndebuhr)
- c65aead: 🔗 Add Prometheus and Grafana endpoints to the README (ndebuhr)
- c19dd3d: 🔧 Set resource requests to 0 cpu and 0 memory, by default, for improved portability (e.g., minikube) (ndebuhr)
- 067cdba: 🔖 Cut a v0.4.1 release (ndebuhr)