Updated September 28, 2022.
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These files provide a simple script that will install OctoPrint and a video streamer (mjpg-streamer or ustreamer) on virtually any linux based system. The system must use systemd.
- All commands assume you are operating out of your home directory using a terminal directly on the machine or by ssh.
- Install Ubuntu 20+, Mint 20.3+, Debian, DietPi, RPiOS, Armbian, Fedora35+, or ArchLinux on your system (make sure your user is admin for sudo).
- Install git if it isn't already:
sudo apt install git
orsudo dnf install git
orsudo pacman -S git
. - run the command
git clone https://github.com/paukstelis/octoprint_install.git
. - run the command
sudo octoprint_install/octoprint_install.sh
. - Choose
Install OctoPrint
- You will asked if you want to install haproxy and if you want to establish the admin user and do the first run settings with the command-line.
- You will be asked if you want to install recommended plugins.
- You can now connect to your OctoPrint instance (http://ipaddress:5000, http://hostname.local:5000, or if you used haproxy, no need to include port 5000)
- OctoPrint will always be started at boot.
- You can add a USB webcam by choosing the selection in the menu. Your camera service will be setup in /etc/systemd/system/cam_octoprint.service, and will be started upon boot
- NOTE: RPi cameras are not supported through this method, but can be installed manually.
- Using dmesg instead of journalctl for detecting cameras
- Remove existing streamer installations, if they exist
- Add system shutdown command and appropriate sudo permissions