This is a collection of dotfiles on my laptop
- OS: Pop OS 22.04
- model: System76 Oryx Pro 10
- display server: X11
- compositor: picom
- top bar: polybar
- launcher & powermenu: rofi
- text editor: neovim
- neovim config: LunarVim
- window manager: bspwm
- terminal: kitty
- shell: zsh
- shell theme: p10k
- pdf reader: zathura
- terminal file manager: ranger
- theme: Tokyonight
For now I am just linking all of the config directories and files to their location, and link all scripts to their location.
$ for dir in `ls .config`
ln -s `pwd`/.config/$dir ~/.config/$dir
ln -s `pwd`/.local/bin/ ~/.local/bin/
ln -s `pwd`/.wallpapers ~/.wallpapers
ln -s `pwd`/.screenlayout/ ~/.screenlayout
ln -s `pwd`/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
ln -s `pwd`/.xinitrc ~/.Xresources
To make sure the laptop doesn't suspend/hibernate when power is plugged in and
lid is closed. You need to edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf
and uncomment the
Restart systemd-logind
systemctl kill -s HUP systemd-logind
You can run bspwm directly from your $HOME/.xinitrc
file, but I am running it
with bspwm-gnome. Follow the install
if you want to do the same.