The Buffer module provides enhanced buffer and tab management in Neovim. It includes tools to manage buffers, navigate between them efficiently, and work with tabs seamlessly.
Plugin Name | Description | Repository Link |
Buffer Manager | A Neovim plugin for managing buffers with ease. | j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim |
Harpoon | Quick file navigation and management tool. | ThePrimeagen/harpoon |
Bufferline | A plugin to enhance the Neovim buffer line UI. | akinsho/bufferline.nvim |
Key Mapping | Action | Description |
<leader>b. |
:lua require('harpoon.mark').add_file() |
Add file to Harpoon. |
<leader>bm |
:lua require('buffer_manager.ui').toggle_quick_menu() |
Open Buffer Manager menu. |
<leader>bb |
:lua require('harpoon.ui').toggle_quick_menu() |
Open Harpoon UI menu. |
<leader>bp |
:BufferLinePick |
Pick a buffer from the buffer line. |
<leader>bP |
:BufferLineTogglePin |
Pin or unpin the current buffer. |
<leader>bd |
:BufferLineSortByDirectory |
Sort buffers by directory. |
<leader>be |
:BufferLineSortByExtension |
Sort buffers by extension. |
<leader>bt |
:BufferLineSortByTabs |
Sort buffers by tabs. |
<leader>bL |
:BufferLineCloseRight |
Close all buffers to the right of the current one. |
<leader>bH |
:BufferLineCloseLeft |
Close all buffers to the left of the current one. |
<leader>bc |
:BufferLineCloseOther |
Close all buffers except the current one. |
<leader>qc |
`:bp | bd #` |
<a-s-h> |
:BufferLineMovePrev |
Move the current buffer to the left. |
<a-s-l> |
:BufferLineMoveNext |
Move the current buffer to the right. |
<s-h> |
:BufferLineCyclePrev |
Switch to the previous buffer. |
<s-l> |
:BufferLineCycleNext |
Switch to the next buffer. |
<leader><tab>j |
:tabn |
Go to the next tab. |
<leader><tab>k |
:tabp |
Go to the previous tab. |
<leader><tab>l |
:tabn |
Go to the next tab. |
<leader><tab>h |
:tabp |
Go to the previous tab. |
<leader><tab>q |
:tabclose |
Close the current tab. |
<leader><tab>n |
:tabnew |
Open a new tab. |
To include the Buffer module in your Nixvim configuration, add the necessary inputs and module imports as shown below:
# Add Nvix and Buffer Manager to inputs
inputs = {
nvix.url = "github:niksingh710/nvix";
buffer-manager = {
url = "github:j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim";
flake = false;
# Import the required modules
modules.imports = [
inputs.nvix.nvixModules.utils # Required dependency
- The
module is required to ensure this module works correctly. Ensure it is included in your configuration. - This module is designed to work independently; you can integrate it without adopting the full Nvix setup.