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File metadata and controls

71 lines (57 loc) · 4.35 KB

Buffer Module 📁

The Buffer module provides enhanced buffer and tab management in Neovim. It includes tools to manage buffers, navigate between them efficiently, and work with tabs seamlessly.

Plugins Included

Plugin Name Description Repository Link
Buffer Manager A Neovim plugin for managing buffers with ease. j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim
Harpoon Quick file navigation and management tool. ThePrimeagen/harpoon
Bufferline A plugin to enhance the Neovim buffer line UI. akinsho/bufferline.nvim

Key Mappings ⌨️

Key Mapping Action Description
<leader>b. :lua require('harpoon.mark').add_file() Add file to Harpoon.
<leader>bm :lua require('buffer_manager.ui').toggle_quick_menu() Open Buffer Manager menu.
<leader>bb :lua require('harpoon.ui').toggle_quick_menu() Open Harpoon UI menu.
<leader>bp :BufferLinePick Pick a buffer from the buffer line.
<leader>bP :BufferLineTogglePin Pin or unpin the current buffer.
<leader>bd :BufferLineSortByDirectory Sort buffers by directory.
<leader>be :BufferLineSortByExtension Sort buffers by extension.
<leader>bt :BufferLineSortByTabs Sort buffers by tabs.
<leader>bL :BufferLineCloseRight Close all buffers to the right of the current one.
<leader>bH :BufferLineCloseLeft Close all buffers to the left of the current one.
<leader>bc :BufferLineCloseOther Close all buffers except the current one.
<leader>qc `:bp bd #`
<a-s-h> :BufferLineMovePrev Move the current buffer to the left.
<a-s-l> :BufferLineMoveNext Move the current buffer to the right.
<s-h> :BufferLineCyclePrev Switch to the previous buffer.
<s-l> :BufferLineCycleNext Switch to the next buffer.
<leader><tab>j :tabn Go to the next tab.
<leader><tab>k :tabp Go to the previous tab.
<leader><tab>l :tabn Go to the next tab.
<leader><tab>h :tabp Go to the previous tab.
<leader><tab>q :tabclose Close the current tab.
<leader><tab>n :tabnew Open a new tab.

Usage 🚀

To include the Buffer module in your Nixvim configuration, add the necessary inputs and module imports as shown below:

# Add Nvix and Buffer Manager to inputs
inputs = {
  nvix.url = "github:niksingh710/nvix";
  buffer-manager = {
    url = "github:j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim";
    flake = false;

# Import the required modules
modules.imports = [
  inputs.nvix.nvixModules.utils # Required dependency


  • The utils module is required to ensure this module works correctly. Ensure it is included in your configuration.
  • This module is designed to work independently; you can integrate it without adopting the full Nvix setup.