This tool allows to apply a translation on the vertex coordinates of the specified uv3 files. The translation is provided component-wise.
The following command :
./dalai-shift -i /path/to/file.uv3 -o /path/to/shifted.uv3 -x 10 -y -10
allows to apply on the vertex coordinates the transformation :
x = x + 10
y = y - 10
z = z
If a component of the translation is not provided by the user, it is assumed to be zero.
Applying the previous command on the following uv3 file content :
+3.142440e-01 +1.277200e+00 +1.642900e+00 01 6d 69 6e
+4.337270e-01 +1.403630e+00 +1.683750e+00 01 ce bc 95
+3.554590e-01 +1.382040e+00 +1.646040e+00 01 67 71 78
+3.531210e-01 +1.405240e+00 +1.649870e+00 01 82 77 76
+3.466060e-01 +1.384230e+00 +1.645080e+00 01 ba b8 a6
+3.268300e-01 +1.407480e+00 +1.648720e+00 01 7c 76 76
+4.386670e-01 +1.407980e+00 +1.683210e+00 01 59 50 57
+3.320050e-01 +1.407900e+00 +1.649510e+00 01 81 7d 7e
produce the following content in the shifted uv3 file :
+1.031424e+01 -8.722800e+00 +1.642900e+00 01 6d 69 6e
+1.043373e+01 -8.596370e+00 +1.683750e+00 01 ce bc 95
+1.035546e+01 -8.617960e+00 +1.646040e+00 01 67 71 78
+1.035312e+01 -8.594760e+00 +1.649870e+00 01 82 77 76
+1.034661e+01 -8.615770e+00 +1.645080e+00 01 ba b8 a6
+1.032683e+01 -8.592520e+00 +1.648720e+00 01 7c 76 76
+1.043867e+01 -8.592020e+00 +1.683210e+00 01 59 50 57
+1.033200e+01 -8.592100e+00 +1.649510e+00 01 81 7d 7e
where the x and y vertex coordinates are translated while the z one is left unchanged.