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aelea - Tiny Composable UI Framework

Functional Reactive Programming UI library based on @most/core paradigm and architecture


  • Everything is programatic. bulit by applying First Principle
  • A lot is meant to compose well together. elements, style, behaviors are reusable and stateless. All Built to scale
  • State UI naturally by declaring Behaviors, state managers are obsolete
  • Highly performant since diffing became obsolete, state changes based on natural Behaviors
  • CSS Declarations only exists when they are displayed, reducing paint time
  • Components are similar to a function, AS I/O, Outputs(Automatically Typed) outout(unlike any other libraries)
  • Typed. Less friction and more feedback. Style(csstype), Elements(either custom or specific(form, button etc)) and even Dom Events(based on element type)
  • Animations. done using Spring physics

Increment number periodically

import { $node, $text, O, runBrowser } from '@aelea/dom'
import { constant, map, periodic, scan } from '@most/core'

const add = (n1: number, n2: number) => n1 + n2

// O(AKA Pipe) compose operations for later consumption
const accumulate = O(
  periodic,     //  event of undefined
  constant(1),  //  map undefined to 1
  scan(add, 0), //  add up numbers starting with 0
  map(String)   //  map number into string

const oneEverySecond = accumulate(1000)

const $pinkishCountUp =
  $node(style({ padding: '10px', background: 'hotpink' }))(

runBrowser({ rootNode: document.body })($pinkishCountUp )

Simple UI Counter - View, Style and Behavior

This is a dumbed down version where everything is packed into a single file

Sanboxed version

import { constant, map, merge, scan } from '@most/core'
import { $custom, $element, $text, Behavior, component, style, event, INode, runBrowser } from '@aelea/dom'

// composable style
const displayFlex = style({ display: 'flex' })
const spacingStyle = style({ gap: '16px' })

// composable elements
const $row = $custom('row')(displayFlex)
const $column = $custom('column')(displayFlex, style({ flexDirection: 'column' }))

const sumFromZeroOp = scan((current: number, x: number) => current + x, 0)

// Component that outputs state(optionally), this is currently not used anywhere, see next example to see it being consumed
const $Counter = component((
    [increment, incrementTether]: Behavior<INode, 1>,
    [decrement, decrementTether]: Behavior<INode, -1>
  ) => {
    const incrementBehavior = incrementTether(event('click'), constant(1))
    const decrementBehavior = decrementTether(event('click'), constant(-1))

    const count = sumFromZeroOp(merge(increment, decrement))

    return [ // Component has to return [$Node, Behavior(optionally)] in the next example we will use these outputted behaviors


        $text(style({ fontSize: '64px' }))(
          map(String, count)

      { increment, decrement }

runBrowser({ rootNode: document.body })($Counter({}))

Using $Counter Typed Output Behaviors

In previous example we didn't do much except creating a counter component and drawing it using runBrowser on document.body

this time, lets play with with the $Component output behaviors

import { constant, map, merge, scan } from '@most/core'
import { $text, Behavior, component, style, INode, runBrowser } from '@aelea/dom'
import $Counter, { $column, $row, spacingStyle } from './$Counter' // lets assume we default export $Counter and a few reusable $node's and style instead

const $SumOfTwoCounters = component((
  [increments, incrementsTether]: Behavior<INode, 1>,
  [decrements, decrementsTether]: Behavior<INode, -1>
) => {

  const sumOfTwoCounters = scan((sum, count) =>  sum + count, 0 , merge(increments, decrements))

  return [


          increment: incrementsTether(),
          decrement: decrementsTether(),

          increment: incrementsTether(),
          decrement: decrementsTether(),

      $text(style({ border: 'solid 1px blue', }))(
        map(sum => `Total sum of two counters: ${sum}`, sumOfTwoCounters)


runBrowser({ rootNode: document.body })(

This is all nice and dandy, grasping everything will require some practice There are various examples and whole lot of different tools avaible at the examples folder

to see it running

  • install NodeJS,
  • npm install -g yarn cmd to install yarn package and project manager
  • cd ./examples
  • yarn run showcase

cd ./examples and yarn run