- BIN --> Binary Exploitation + Reversing
Challenge Name | Description | Hint |
patches | Given an objdump of an executable, figure out what hexadecimal instructions are needed to nop to get the jctf flag to stdout | The Intel Manual might be overkill, but maybe reviewing Intel Assembly and their corresponding opcodes might help to crack the challenge. Simply enter the opcodes |
misdirection | Where'd the flag go? | There are many ways to solve this challenge, some of which are much easier than others. |
win-bin-analysis | Find the key hidden in the Windows executable files. | .exe's arent the only type of executable file. |
Challenge Name | Description | Hint |
context-clues | Everyone made a big deal about C++ getting coroutines in 2020, but C has had them for decades if you know where to look. | Remember to look up terms and function names you've never heard of. |
block-game | There's mining, and there's crafting, but something seems off... | This doesn't look like a standalone program, I wonder if it depends on something else to run. |
going-over | My friends said they were going on a trip but I think they ran into some trouble... nc 0.cloud.chals.io 10197. They sent me these two files before we lost contact (src.c and going-over) | If only there were a way to find the exact location of the ledge... like if the ledge had an address or something |
Challenge Name | Description | Hint |
symbolism | My friend sent me this weird file. Whenever I ask him what it is, he just keeps saying something about symbols. | https://archives.loomcom.com/genera/genera-install.html |
kangaroo | I'm feeling pretty JUMPY today. Can you give me a nice flag to JUMP on? | There's a lot of code, but most of it seems pretty similar. Try to look at the bigger picture. |